Link wheel using blogger, WP, ans etc?

by satrap
14 replies
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I am kind of confused about link building, link wheel to be specific. I hear warrior talk about using web 2.0 sites for their link wheel. Now, i know with squidoo and hub pages you can just make a page and put an article or what have you with a link pointing back to your site, but i hear people use bloggers and wordpress to do that as well. What i don't get is how do you do that? I mean do you just create a blogger blog and put 1-2 article on it with your links in them or? Because I am thinking if your doing it tat way, does it even carry any weight? I mean a blog with 1 or2 article that is barley known with no page rank and .... You get the picture. What am I missing here?
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
#ans #blogger #link #wheel
  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    the basic idea is: post articles on these sites, then link these sites together. you can link to your site too, but it is unnecessary to link to your site from each of them. here is an example:

    this way, all these authority sites give your site some link value which will help your site's rank.

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    • Profile picture of the author steve995

      I think David has just about got that right, and is spot on when he suggests that one of the reasons this works so well is because sites like Squidoo et al are seen as authority sites.

      the only thing I would suggest is that not every one of the 'feeders' that you build should link back to your main site as this increases the element of randomization that makes the whole link network appear a little more natural to Google.

      Hope that helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    Thank you both for the respond, but i think i didn't explain my question well. I do know the basics of link wheels and how to do it, but my question is..for example if your going to use blogger, do you just submit 1 or 2 article and thats it? I mean doesn't google dislike that. How would a page with one article that you dont even promote it, will help you rank better for its backlink that it provides?
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  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    some guys only post 1 or 2 articles to these web 2.0 sites, but I post many articles to build the pages over time. and i'm satisfied with the result.

    however, one thing I need point out is: I do not have a statistical meaningful reason for why we should not only post 1 or 2 articles.

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    • Profile picture of the author satrap
      Originally Posted by AverageGuy View Post

      some guys only post 1 or 2 articles to these web 2.0 sites, but I post many articles to build the pages over time. and i'm satisfied with the result.

      however, one thing I need point out is: I do not have a statistical meaningful reason for why we should not only post 1 or 2 articles.

      Thank you david. Ok, I was asking this because I thought maybe Google or others don't like blogs with 1 or 2 posts which links to another blog, and that shows them what your doing. I guess I have to stop believing everything I read about Google and just experience things myself. I am really new to blogging and the whole seo thing, and heard horror stories, that I just dont want to screw up before I even get to anywhere. Any way, thank you guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
    I think linkwheel is considered as linkfarm as well?
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    • Profile picture of the author abs007
      The linkwheel technique mentioned is a little outdated if you ask me.

      Im sure many people will tell you that the method shown above in the diagram either does not work anymore or is a hit and miss until google catches on.

      I have used link wheels alot. As mentioned by a member above its a good idea not to have all the properties point back to your site as it will make things look more natural.

      The key to inter joining and inter linking web 2.0 properties is to keep track of each url and keep it organized. The more random it can be the better.

      Look at it this way, if you are interlinking all of your web 2.0 properties together with another link going to your money site then its very easy for google to figure this out. It leaves a large footprint. If the technique does work for you then you can be sure that many of your web 2.0 properties will loose rankings fast - as soon as google catches up with the interlinking.

      I have a post on my blog about a 3d interlinking technique. I still call it the linkwheel as it using the same concept however you build tiers of web 2.0 sites. the first tier points to your money site only. tier 2 points to two tier 1 sites and so on.

      Below i have posted a link to the article. as i believe it will make more sense.

      All i can say is that i use the technique and it works better then the technique shown above. I used to use the technique shown above but this was sometime ago now.

      Anyway here's the links

      Backlinks | The link wheel technique for google domination | SEO Blog

      you should be able to find it on the first page of google by typing in the keyword

      linkwheel technique

      the first is my ezine article and the 2nd should be my website. but it is optimised for uk searches so not sure if you will get the same results.
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      • Profile picture of the author Nichedigger
        Originally Posted by abs007 View Post

        The linkwheel technique mentioned is a little outdated if you ask me.

        Im sure many people will tell you that the method shown above in the diagram either does not work anymore or is a hit and miss until google catches on.

        I have used link wheels alot. As mentioned by a member above its a good idea not to have all the properties point back to your site as it will make things look more natural.

        The key to inter joining and inter linking web 2.0 properties is to keep track of each url and keep it organized. The more random it can be the better.

        Look at it this way, if you are interlinking all of your web 2.0 properties together with another link going to your money site then its very easy for google to figure this out. It leaves a large footprint. If the technique does work for you then you can be sure that many of your web 2.0 properties will loose rankings fast - as soon as google catches up with the interlinking.

        I have a post on my blog about a 3d interlinking technique. I still call it the linkwheel as it using the same concept however you build tiers of web 2.0 sites. the first tier points to your money site only. tier 2 points to two tier 1 sites and so on.

        Below i have posted a link to the article. as i believe it will make more sense.

        All i can say is that i use the technique and it works better then the technique shown above. I used to use the technique shown above but this was sometime ago now.

        Anyway here's the links

        Backlinks | The link wheel technique for google domination | SEO Blog

        you should be able to find it on the first page of google by typing in the keyword

        linkwheel technique

        the first is my ezine article and the 2nd should be my website. but it is optimised for uk searches so not sure if you will get the same results.

        Thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Morpheo
    Yeah, I'm dubious about the theoretical value of wheels. I would think a pyramid structure would be better. Here's an example:

    - Ezine Articles links to your site
    - All your web 2.0 properties (except bookmarks) link to the Ezine article
    - Social bookmark all your web 2.0 properties

    This way you're funneling tons of link juice to your site, and each tier on the pyramid bolsters authority. Google should see this as a natural, powerful indicator of your site's authority status.

    "If you take away our right to steal ideas, where are they gonna come from?"

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  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    no matter what you call it, 3d or multiple tie structure, the key thing is: mix the links together, do not depends on only 1 kind of links. the more you mix, the better.

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  • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
    link wheel or whatever you call it, the method is not new or outdated. it is consistant with the foundation of google's original rank algorithm which is: a site's value depends on its backlink.

    however, SE has to adjust the weight of certain backlink patterns. So, the only questions: whether SE can figure out the pattern.

    when you mix the links, the resources that need to find out the pattern will increase drastically. The more you mix, the more difficult to do this. even SE as google is not able to do this.

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  • Does anyone know the difference between Link Wheels and Link Pyramids? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Moneymaker2012
    When you build link wheels and if any of your links get deleted it breaks the linkwhelel which affects your ranking.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jimerson Farveez
    I would recommend not to take them as link wheels, just maintain your blog on those free platforms. It helps, even Matt Cutt recommends it, here is the video

    Then, just promote your blogs, that really helpful on boosting ranks, but it really takes some time and required lots of research on your theme and writings. Of course, there are lots of Web 2.0 where you can host your free blog and use it..... Hope it helps.
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