Tips on increasing traffic for this niche blog

17 replies
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This is one of the WSO quick build niche sites. (It's still being tweaked )

No traffic to the site yet.

2 questions:

1) should I bother with adsense ads, and if so - where should the placement be and how should they look (in this color scheme)

2) what 3 things would you do to start driving traffic to a site like this.


Panasonic SDYD255 Breadmaker
#blog #increasing #niche #tips #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    wow...nice theme and site..i like that big feature picture and the layout. Otherwise..yeah...bookmark, links, directory entries..etc..etc...
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  • Profile picture of the author agha
    social web is great one...

    i have trying...
    I Got $3193 per month with this (laziness don't click it)
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  • Profile picture of the author Evanbutler11
    First thing is keep general absence ad color formate. and secondly promote your blog on high pr social bookmarking site, submit directory, if you can afford the investment then go for complete link building service.
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    • Profile picture of the author
      Social bookmarking will help in increasing the traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
      Originally Posted by Evanbutler11 View Post

      First thing is keep general absence ad color formate. and secondly promote your blog on high pr social bookmarking site, submit directory, if you can afford the investment then go for complete link building service.
      Thanks - I'm going to have to Google some of your answers, but so I don't forget to find out, here are two things I'll need further clarification on.

      1) What does 'High PR' mean?

      2) What would a reasonable budget be for a 'complete link building service?'

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      • Profile picture of the author Scott Henderson
        I think you have too much going on for Adsense to really be successful here. It is a beautiful design concept but there needs to be major layout changes in my opinion.

        The heading is fine but from there down things get confusing. You have links jumbled together i.e, product mixed in with recipes in the same link bar, links that don't bring in any revenue too prominent, too many Amazon links clumped together (3 different style next to each other).

        The adsense ad is in a bad location and the color of the ad links in it are a bad choice, they need to look like they are part of your site for them to be effective.

        To drive more traffic at this point I don't think is what you need to focus on first. I would redesign whole page to be a lot more cleaner and simple to navigate.

        Did you build it or you did you buy it this way as part of the WSO?
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        • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
          I bought it with this basic layout already done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
    Originally Posted by MostlyHarmless View Post

    This is one of the WSO quick build niche sites. (It's still being tweaked )

    No traffic to the site yet.

    2 questions:

    1) should I bother with adsense ads, and if so - where should the placement be and how should they look (in this color scheme)

    2) what 3 things would you do to start driving traffic to a site like this.


    Panasonic SDYD255 Breadmaker
    This is too beautiful for an adsense niche sites and I think there's a lot of distractions...
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  • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
    Thanks for the compliments. That's a first experience in any forum for me. LOL

    Anyhow I have some questions.

    Many of you recommended social bookmarking. Obviously, I'm going to have to Google that - but if anyone has a good resource for learning the basics of that concept I'd appreciate a link.

    Secondly, I was surprised no one mentioned keyword research.

    And finally, if I take out the Adsense blocks - then I'm only focusing on selling bread machines from Amazon and Amazon books - should I bother to try and use anything else to monetize this site? And if not, maybe a Twitter widget to my BreadBiatch (or whatever) Twitter account?
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  • Profile picture of the author mine1718
    submitting yoru site to online directories, social submits, writing new articles , posting in forums, get your sites name out their
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  • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
    Opinions please - Is BreadBitch a good or bad name for SocialNetworking?
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    • Profile picture of the author James Foster
      Originally Posted by MostlyHarmless View Post

      Opinions please - Is BreadBitch a good or bad name for SocialNetworking?
      I'd say think less and do more. If you like the name just run with it. It's more important to do SOMETHING instead of doing nothing while waiting to get people's opinions on what they think of every little thing.

      Action and testing will always get you farther than deliberation and questions.

      Just do something, and if it doesn't work, change it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Frances Norah S
        Try doing article marketing. Write unique articles that are related to your topic/niche and submit them to the top article directories. There are so many of them to be listed.

        Ezinearticles (You'll see traffic almost immediately once your articles gets approved)

        Don't forget to include a 'killer' resource box with at least one or two backlinks (keywords that you are trying to rank for) that points to your money site.

        Hope this helps.

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  • Creating inbound links or back links helps generate traffic. In order to do that, here are some of the techniques that helps:

    article submission
    link wheel
    commenting on dofollow forums
    hub page
    social bookmarking and networking
    press release
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    • Profile picture of the author Heidi White
      question for experienced warriors. would it be OK for me to put this site in my signature? I own it, I'm making changes to it, yeah the WSO may sell up to 50 more just like it, but will they market it like me and add my special touches. Anotherwords, is the Bread Machines and Recipes site signature worthy?

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      • Profile picture of the author parzlou
        Hi Mostly...
        First let me preface my answers by saying I am in no way an expert on adsense...with that being said here goes..

        1.. as others have said your site is really nice looking ..but it is much to busy for adsense to be substantial earner for you. I find my niche site clicks are much better on sites with information your readers want ,and relevant ads for them to click on to find more information.

        2. I would monetize your site with the amazon or ebay epn programs a clickbank book on bread recipies or better yet write your own small report on bread recipies.

        3. Offer a newsletter sign up then send recipes and new product reviews ..then show your list all the great or new bread machines you have learned about and provide them your amazon links on where to learn more or purchase .... you can do this over and over while still providing plenty of value.

        4. Now for link building and such for your niche I would definitely search out social bookmarks,forum,yahoo answers, blog comments etc.. give good quality information in your posts and fourms and the readers will click your signature

        Good Luck

        Internet Marketing Sales & Service
        ParzLou OnLine

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  • Profile picture of the author mine1718
    Also try, get 100 diggs, and ur story could end up on the front page, thus giving yoru site maximum exposure.
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