Free Classifieds Don't Work...

8 replies
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I have learned that FREE Classifieds don't work well! If you want to get actual traffic to your sites, you have to pay for it.
A great way to boost your adsense profits, AND boost your Alexa rating, is to buy targeted traffic to a website that runs adsense on it.
If you buy like 100,000 hits a month and only get 1% of those hits to actually click on an adsense ad, well... you do the math!
I use for my targeted traffic! It works very well!

SkullOfSkill Top Rated Money Making Sites
#classifieds #free #work
  • Profile picture of the author Tony Dean
    Are usually from 'safelists' and the only people on these are marketers who do not even read the emails they get let alone the safelist website.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dave_Kelly
    Originally Posted by skullofskill View Post

    I have learned that FREE Classifieds don't work well! If you want to get actual traffic to your sites, you have to pay for it.
    A great way to boost your adsense profits, AND boost your Alexa rating, is to buy targeted traffic to a website that runs adsense on it.
    If you buy like 100,000 hits a month and only get 1% of those hits to actually click on an adsense ad, well... you do the math!
    I use for my targeted traffic! It works very well!
    1 post and you're recommending a service whose link you place redirects to another service..?? Seems like you have something to gain. Since you recommended it, I will un recommend your recommendation and say that it's garbage traffic.

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    • Profile picture of the author skullofskill
      Originally Posted by Dave_Kelly View Post

      1 post and you're recommending a service whose link you place redirects to another service..?? Seems like you have something to gain. Since you recommended it, I will un recommend your recommendation and say that it's garbage traffic.

      Yes.. I do get compensated when somebody goes to It has worked well for me, however, I do have alot to learn about making sales with other online ventures...
      Will you please recommend an alternative to getting good traffic with a better chance of landing sales?
      I make an average of only 1 or 2 sales out of every 600 visitors I get! Most of the time only breaking even or only making a little profit...

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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Schuman
        Most paid traffic has not worked for me in the past. I've never been a fan of free classified ads, but have done very well with other methods of free advertising.

        When I say free, I do mean investing time, rather than investing money. I have built a full time Internet income doing article marketing, blogging, and forum marketing because they all bring targeted visitors that want to be on my site when they get there.
        Jeff Schuman - SEO Blog Writer For Hire! Buy affordable, SEO, quality, MMO niche blog articles. Fast turnaround.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrtaxiservice
    Yes some condition it happen when you are locking for more busniess in local area then many classified site give many feature to your website
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  • Profile picture of the author Ishav Khan
    I don't Think like that,they work but not as effective as paid
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  • Profile picture of the author OKFarmgirl
    I've submitted to a few free classifieds today and "Dugg" the links. They're local, which is the traffic I'm focusing on right now, so we'll see whether it's effective or not. Who knows?


    "She who is shackled unto noobdom and can't seem to break free."

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