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Is anyone having much luck with Google Adwords Placements?

I can see a way or finding good websites with decent traffic and positions, however is that really converting?
#adwords #placements
  • Profile picture of the author williamrs
    Google's Content Network is great. However, I don't choose specific sites to display my ads right away. For me, it's part of the optimization process of a campaign. If you choose your placements right away you can somewhat limit your campaign.

    Just my opinion, though.

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  • Profile picture of the author alexei_aus
    so, do you first run your content campaign and track? Then setup your placements?
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    • Profile picture of the author ianredford
      As William said, Open your campaign up to the whole network, exclude some categories if they are not in your market, You still need to get the your ctr to an acceptable level or your ads will just fad from existence. As sites start performing, separate them out or add them as a placements in the adgroup and bid higher to get displayed more.

      Google Adwords Training- One on One Adwords Training
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