To All "Xfactor Style" Site Owners/Publishers

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Stop Copying John's Layout and Examples!
I know everyone has heard about copying his contact us and about us pages word for word but I just got curious and Googled with quotes part of his example resource box. It was absolutely ridiculous how many Ezine articles popped up. All with fully-made, Xfactor style sites at the bottom of each one.

Now me personally, I would only use these for ideas on what other people are doing with their site layouts or even broad niche ideas. Some people have yet to realize that there are people out there who will spam click your sites causing them to get suspended or banned. Or at least steal your niche keywords if the competition is too low.

Another thing I noticed in these searches is that people are writing their articles about internet marketing, online business building and even keyword research tools. This is also a bad idea in my opinion. You have to think about the audience of these types of articles. They're all either current or future competition for you. If they like your site in the resource box that is #1 with hardly any backlinks, they're going to take it if they're so inclined and you could have easily prevented this. Try to focus on writing articles for people who are less likely to know squat about internet marketing Period.

This post is mainly for those who are dumb enough to copy John's methods word for word or who are still new to this, but no matter if you're a veteran or a newbie, use your heads guys~ It takes about 5 seconds longer to come up with your own phrase for your resource box than it does to highlight his, copy and paste.
#owners or publishers #site #xfactor style
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  • Profile picture of the author Natlex
    Ridiculous... Well, I'm sure 90% of those people won't be making much. I did xfactor style for my first 4 websites back in march but I quickly diversified and tried my own stuff which is why 7-8 months later I probably have a near full time income...
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  • Profile picture of the author jhonsean
    This videos quite new to me but with relevancy with my SEO knowledge I think i must differentiate about this.
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    • Profile picture of the author Defunct
      Not that you would want to copy people who clearly don't put any thought into their work but yes, you can literally see some of these peoples entire website collection.

      Either by all their articles under one name, using the same text on every site or just reversing the IP address once you find a single site.

      And I agree you can be screwed over by either being reported for spam or getting your adsense spam clicked on multiple sites.

      That will definitely get someone reviewing your sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
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      • Profile picture of the author Bryan V
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        Are you a robot?
        Ummm well put. So many 1 liners in SO many threads. I hope he's ranking for "web reviews".
        Perhaps an attic I shall seek.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aryan
    You're right!
    This will apply to any webmaster forum signature too! I'm not sure about the Adsense part, but I'm sure that these traffic will be your future competitors.
    I've seen lot of people having their refrigerator, cooler site links in their signature here at WF!
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    • Profile picture of the author dminorfmajor
      Originally Posted by Aryan View Post

      You're right!
      This will apply to any webmaster forum signature too! I'm not sure about the Adsense part, but I'm sure that these traffic will be your future competitors.
      I've seen lot of people having their refrigerator, cooler site links in their signature here at WF!
      So true. I see this a TON over at digital point. If you want the luxury of backlinks every time you post in a forum, make it relevant to your niche.

      If you're building or marketing a video game strategy guide site, then go make an account at EA Forums or EuroGamer.

      If you're trying to snag a 1,300 search count keyword involving wooden picture frames, go find a nice carpentry forum.

      On my iPhone, I have a folder with shortcuts to 3 different niche-related forums that I post at. Any small downtime I have during the day whether it's waiting on a friend, waiting in line at the post office, or even a commercial break in my recliner, I whip out my phone and create a nice backlink for whichever website I'm promoting at the time.

      Doing this will:
      1) greatly reduce the chance of another internet marketer jacking your niche keyword
      2) get great backlinks
      3) get Quality Traffic which will greatly increase your chances of selling your product or getting adsense clicks.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshuaG
    lol, you gotta wonder how the people who do this believe they are the only ones doing it.

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