6 Tips to Increase Your Backlinks!

74 replies
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Its hard work getting top position on a search engine. The secret in getting those results is building links, constantly, to your site. Here are 6 tips made easy.

Whatever your into, you should know the ins and outs, and get to writing short articles(300-500words) that would catch your target markets eye. You can distribute these articles through article directories or contact publishers to get them published on high ranking sites. Its best if you try both.

Get into social bookmarking and get your links on every social network you can. The key is to get your name out, be PROACTIVE! You are bound to get noticed. Its something free and useful so work on putting out a valuable offer.

Register and be active on relevant forums that have to do with your industry. This will promptly multiply your back-links, provided that they allow this and the links are doable. This is important, DONT spam forums with comments just to get back-links because you will get kicked off!

Commenting on blogs is a great way to build links. All you have to go is follow some blogs that have to with your industry and leave a suitable comment in addition to leaving your link.

#5 BE UNIQUE!!!!
No one likes to see the same thing 500 times. If your different, exciting, informative, and even a little edgy, you will see great results.

Make sure your in this for the long haul. Dont slack for a few months and say why am i not making money! Set a monthly target for how much you want to build. With hard work it will pay off BIG TIME!!!!
#backlinks #increase #tips
  • Profile picture of the author radhika
    I like #6. People complain that they didn't get results by doing so and so, but they usually forget the #6 rule.

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    • Profile picture of the author Khalid Abdullah
      I do agree sir :-)

      the sixth point is very important to get googd result which we hope

      Originally Posted by radhika View Post

      I like #6. People complain that they didn't get results by doing so and so, but they usually forget the #6 rule.

      * Oh My God Backlinks Service! Have You Seen? Click Here!
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  • Profile picture of the author stageboss12
    I agree you should follow blogs and should be unigue there should be somthing different what really attract people to visit you
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  • Profile picture of the author rhoda.pearl
    Originally Posted by InfinetADs View Post

    Its hard work getting top position on a search engine. The secret in getting those results is building links, constantly, to your site. Here are 6 tips made easy.

    Whatever your into, you should know the ins and outs, and get to writing short articles(300-500words) that would catch your target markets eye. You can distribute these articles through article directories or contact publishers to get them published on high ranking sites. Its best if you try both.

    #2 NETWORK
    Get into social bookmarking and get your links on every social network you can. The key is to get your name out, be PROACTIVE! You are bound to get noticed. Its something free and useful so work on putting out a valuable offer.

    Register and be active on relevant forums that have to do with your industry. This will promptly multiply your back-links, provided that they allow this and the links are doable. This is important, DONT spam forums with comments just to get back-links because you will get kicked off!

    Commenting on blogs is a great way to build links. All you have to go is follow some blogs that have to with your industry and leave a suitable comment in addition to leaving your link.

    #5 BE UNIQUE!!!!
    No one likes to see the same thing 500 times. If your different, exciting, informative, and even a little edgy, you will see great results.

    Make sure your in this for the long haul. Dont slack for a few months and say why am i not making money! Set a monthly target for how much you want to build. With hard work it will pay off BIG TIME!!!!

    Thanks for sharing this information. I have been doing backlinks and when I have read this, I realized that there are still technique or methods that I have been missing.

    I am really not so into #3. Usually my impression with forums is that people only use it to say "very informational post" or "great post" and then add their sites to gain traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author neojr
    I would add one more tip:
    Submit to good directories.
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  • Profile picture of the author infoman66
    OK ... I agree with all 6 tips ...
    And how long it takes to spend in front of the PC, that would have complied with all these suggestions ...
    I love web design and it is not difficult to design and program ...
    But to spend a few hours to build links just annoys me...
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    • Profile picture of the author sijugk
      Originally Posted by infoman66 View Post

      OK ... I agree with all 6 tips ...
      And how long it takes to spend in front of the PC, that would have complied with all these suggestions ...
      I love web design and it is not difficult to design and program ...
      But to spend a few hours to build links just annoys me...

      That is why most people outsource link building process. Anyway some forms of link building like forum participation, blog commenting are not at all annoying for me. I am enjoying these two.

      About the main thread, I agree to all and the best is 6th point.
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    • Profile picture of the author aygabtu
      Originally Posted by infoman66 View Post

      OK ... I agree with all 6 tips ...
      And how long it takes to spend in front of the PC, that would have complied with all these suggestions ...
      I love web design and it is not difficult to design and program ...
      But to spend a few hours to build links just annoys me...

      Yep, it seems like I spend more time worrying and spreading the word than I do improving my sites. Of course, some people will say to just focus on your sites and if it is good, people will come and spread the word for you. Not sure if that is always true, but I am also not a patient person.

      Check top 300 Google SERP results free. WhatsMySERP.com tracks and graphs changes for multiple domains/keywords/regions. Also includes advanced keyword density tool.

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  • Profile picture of the author dbishop
    The thing about the forums that I see is that you have to choose an active forum, and that can be difficult. Used to be people would talk about participating in a number of forums. Today, I think if you can find one good one that fits your niche and stick with that, you're doing good. Gives people a better chance to get to know you, too.
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  • Profile picture of the author rparikh
    I like to add some more sources .

    Add website to the social bookmark sites.You can use onlywire . com or imautomator . com.Submit links to the popular article directories.Use ping . fm also to automate the stuff.

    You can also get links from article directories and press release sites.

    Internet Marketing Product Reviews And Bonus - https://theim.org

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  • Profile picture of the author LauraJames
    I fully agree with and appreciated all the previously mentioned posts. My staff and I have given this same type of advice to some of our clients. It is helpful, logical, bears repeating, and it certainly worth implementing.

    Chief Executive Officer
    Best Designed Blogs
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    • Profile picture of the author daytonb2
      If there is one secret they don't teach you about link building is to comment (not spam) regularly and aim to be listed in a Top Commentator spot whenever such plugin is available.

      Think of it being in someone's else blogroll without the need to beg as we sometimes do or a chance to advertise for free when usually the same spot may cost you a few dollars a month.
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  • Profile picture of the author InfinetADs
    Thanks everyone, im glad so many people appreciate these tips! I know that the have helped me so i figured i would share them lol!


    The Affiliate Network With Infinet Possibilities!
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  • Profile picture of the author T.J.
    Great post. Here's another tip

    Onlywire --> Aritcle --> Blog

    Onlywire --> website

    Onlywire---> Blog

    Onlywire --> New Blog --> New Article --> Website

    Of course there's a TON of variations that you could use.

    Also you can get links from other places as well, not just onlywire of course...
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  • Profile picture of the author gtk29
    Thanks for the greats tips But actually blogger has now stopped comments with URL in blogs
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  • Profile picture of the author sortshots
    I agree to all the tips you have explained they are really useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author ursimrankhanna

    This all 6 tips is best and better. love to follow for my site too.
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  • Profile picture of the author grosir
    Thanks for your tips, i will try it.
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  • Profile picture of the author johncurry
    The best strategy is to build a link long-term consistency. Set a goal for the number of links you want to build monthly and aims to reach this amount each month. Be patient and have a little faith - your work will be rewarded.
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  • Profile picture of the author socialbookmark
    Originally Posted by InfinetADs View Post

    Make sure your in this for the long haul. Dont slack for a few months and say why am i not making money! Set a monthly target for how much you want to build. With hard work it will pay off BIG TIME!!!!
    Its the reason of changing ranking of many websites because webmasters forget their website for some months and it hurts them. Thanks for remembering these points.

    I love warriorforum. zendegiyesabz

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  • Profile picture of the author Mackenzie
    hi friends, can any one send me a trick to bring my website to the top position............. i am waiting for u r reply.........
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    • Profile picture of the author James Hussey
      Originally Posted by Mackenzie View Post

      hi friends, can any one send me a trick to bring my website to the top position............. i am waiting for u r reply.........
      Yes, start from the top of this thread and read your way down.

      I'd add that you need to start with on-page SEO, with keyword research and optimized site architecture for the best pull.


      To the original thread -

      Thanks for posting. Good advice, I forgot about #6 for a while but ArticleRanks and UAW, etc. make that part fairly easy with drip-fed articles being posted over time.

      Someone mentioned IMAutomator...I've used it several times and have NO backlinks from the free version. Then I remembered I own Bookmarking Demon and OnlyWire...

      Even then: Amplify seems to work better than the other freebies mentioned (especially if you create accounts with all of the connected services, like Posterous, Twitter, etc.).

      Re: natural linking - which is the best method yet - write great content that others actually WANT to link to, then provide a way they can do so. If you're running a blog, there are other ways to get backlinks, such as blog carnivals and contests - fun stuff like that.

      One of the easiest ways to get contextual backlinks is to build them on Web 2.0's like Squidoo, Weebly, Blogger, WordPress and Hubpages to name a few.
      My Internet Marketing
      Failure > Success Story

      Author of Duct Tape SEO, CJ Tactics and the new Tidal Wave Traffic.
      SEO strategist and analyst for hire.
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  • Profile picture of the author va_mom
    Great tips! I am also using onlywire, imautomator and pixel pipe... I love automation :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Number 7...Add a membership site to your existing site in a sub-folder that offers a valuable service to visitors and over time it can become a great way to generate traffic if you keep up with it. HotScripts has tons of ideas...
    Do Your Copywriting Skills Suck?

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    Submit Guest Posts With [ TheBitBot.Com ]
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  • Profile picture of the author InfinetADs
    Thanks for all of the great replies everyone! Backlinking shouldnt be intimidating, just remember to take it one step at a time and be consistent! Wealth doesnt happen overnight right away! Also using tools like forums, blogs, twitter , facebook are fast and easy ways to get a lot of backlinks and fast, not to mention they are FREE!!!! You will see your traffic dramatically increase if your active in social networking!


    The Affiliate Network With Infinet Possibilities!
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  • Profile picture of the author MarkoB
    Thanks for the great tips, I'll try
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  • Profile picture of the author mandark
    These tips are great - especially #5 ("be unique").. this is one that gets overlooked a lot, I think.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hardik Jogi
    Thanks for the tips. I would love to add "directory submission" and "Video submissions" (in youtube)

    hardik jogi
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  • Profile picture of the author InfinetADs
    Yes youtube is definitely a good source too! But that would be in the network category! Youtube is a great way to show off your product and give great information!!!


    The Affiliate Network With Infinet Possibilities!
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  • Profile picture of the author nicolastraffic2
    thanks for sharing your tips, i appreciate your views.
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  • Profile picture of the author jushuaburnham
    Thanks for the tips. Indeed very helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author SamSingh
    Yes , I totally agree. I like the #6...
    Thanks InfinetADs
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  • Profile picture of the author dadamson
    Nice tips!

    Those Onlywire tips are great too! These will strengthen your links for sure.
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    • Profile picture of the author johnvely
      Wow these all information which are shared over here about how to Increase Backlinks!its all are really great anad valuable tips for me and some my connected friends for thanks for given nice tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author pethanks
    Yes I agree that it's hard to work to get in the top position on a search engine and the secret in getting those results is building links, constantly, to your site.Thank you for sharing. Well appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbraill
    Thanks for the great tips!
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  • Profile picture of the author andrayaldridge
    Thanks for the awesome tips. Hands down for number1 indeed effective.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lxman
      Now what I fee that tip No. 5 is the one which is neglected most of time. I found many people submitting a single article whithout any change to many article directories. Though these type of common mistakes are not heavily penalized by Search engines but it affects somewhere this is hard to realize.
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  • Profile picture of the author maryparker
    Great tips. Thanks for sharing and putting up this thread. Loved your thoughts especially in #6. I have to admit, sometimes I tend to forget this rule that's why I also don't get results I want. Thanks for reminding it.
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  • Profile picture of the author kaiserthesage
    In link building, everything really starts with content, and it's also the best way to get high quality links especially if your content is very resourceful and linkable (link bait).

    But here are some of the techniques I know that can really help in increasing your backlinks (naturally).

    1. build templates/themes with links to your site on it.
    2. create useful plugins or widgets
    3. link magnetism (give incentives to those who'll link to you, such as vimeo's three in one backlinks for embedding a video).
    4. create an ebook and submit it to several ebook directories
    5. blogging contests
    6. get listed as top commentator on the blogs you follow

    And yes, there are many ways to increase your links that doesn't really require lots of effort, you just have to be creative. Think outside of the box
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  • Profile picture of the author james0072011
    I really agree with all these 6 tips. Thanxs for sharing this useful tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author jessyjose123
    Thanks for your advice. I will definitely try these..!
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  • Profile picture of the author leo.prash
    thanks for sharing..... the tips are really helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasonthewebmaster
    Have you heard of Pixel Pipe? or Ping.FM?

    They connect to multiple social bookmarking/social networking sites and allow you to post backlinks, status updates, blog posts, etc. to them automatically!!

    The only problem is you have to take the time to go through and connect them to all your various accounts.

    Unless you let me do the dirty work for you...
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    • Profile picture of the author sam.mathue
      Thanks for sharing these ideas with me. They will help.
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  • Profile picture of the author rain21
    thanks for the share , good tips >> last one is really true !!
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  • Profile picture of the author jhonsean
    Originally Posted by InfinetADs View Post

    Its hard work getting top position on a search engine. The secret in getting those results is building links, constantly, to your site. Here are 6 tips made easy.

    Whatever your into, you should know the ins and outs, and get to writing short articles(300-500words) that would catch your target markets eye. You can distribute these articles through article directories or contact publishers to get them published on high ranking sites. Its best if you try both.

    #2 NETWORK
    Get into social bookmarking and get your links on every social network you can. The key is to get your name out, be PROACTIVE! You are bound to get noticed. Its something free and useful so work on putting out a valuable offer.

    Register and be active on relevant forums that have to do with your industry. This will promptly multiply your back-links, provided that they allow this and the links are doable. This is important, DONT spam forums with comments just to get back-links because you will get kicked off!

    Commenting on blogs is a great way to build links. All you have to go is follow some blogs that have to with your industry and leave a suitable comment in addition to leaving your link.

    #5 BE UNIQUE!!!!
    No one likes to see the same thing 500 times. If your different, exciting, informative, and even a little edgy, you will see great results.

    Make sure your in this for the long haul. Dont slack for a few months and say why am i not making money! Set a monthly target for how much you want to build. With hard work it will pay off BIG TIME!!!!
    Without #6 tip all of these useful and informative content is useless unless you have the effort and the patience to get through in optimization. hope this helps too.
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  • Profile picture of the author seo_submission
    Very useful tip in future thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    nice job bro. i think these are the best suggestions that any one can get about SEO.
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    • Profile picture of the author cdrx
      I think the consistency is the toughest of them all. I seem to go at it for a few months and then lag off and then go at it again. It is rather tedious work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sayed
    Great advices, I guess forum posting and blog commenting are most popular now as you can get 10 backlinks in half the time you need to write an article
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  • Profile picture of the author seonow123
    Blog commenting really helps in keyword ranking in search engines.
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  • Profile picture of the author submitedgeseo
    These are really nice ways to get the more backlinks for the website. As backlinks plays very important role to increase the ranking of the website in the search engine.
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  • Profile picture of the author ramashankar
    relly great information.
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  • Profile picture of the author benintheworld
    Maybe another rule - keep going everyday. Just keep working on it and never give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author amadisalano
    One of the less used plans to build backlinks to your website consists of producing reviews on sites like Amazon.com and Epinions. This is a good way to showcase your expertise and get backlinks to your blog. Secondly, product a blog that is relevant to your website. Producing a blog makes it simple for you to submit wonderful content and get backlinks from other blogs. There are tons of ways a blog can help you to get targeted backlinks to your website, so attempt to utilize them to your benefit. As the time goes by, you will discover that writing a blog was one of your best business moves. find link directories where you can submit your link because getting a backlink from such directories can prove to be a big boost for your website. Also, you should try to get links from local organizations like the BBB or from your chamber of commerce, which is also local. Do not forget to place a link to the local government site. Your goal is to product links in whatever way is good and ethical.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Originally Posted by amadisalano View Post

      One of the less used plans to build backlinks to your website consists of producing reviews on sites like Amazon.com and Epinions. This is a good way to showcase your expertise and get backlinks to your blog. Secondly, product a blog that is relevant to your website. Producing a blog makes it simple for you to submit wonderful content and get backlinks from other blogs. There are tons of ways a blog can help you to get targeted backlinks to your website, so attempt to utilize them to your benefit. As the time goes by, you will discover that writing a blog was one of your best business moves. find link directories where you can submit your link because getting a backlink from such directories can prove to be a big boost for your website. Also, you should try to get links from local organizations like the BBB or from your chamber of commerce, which is also local. Do not forget to place a link to the local government site. Your goal is to product links in whatever way is good and ethical.
      Spamming suits you. Explain how an amazon review is a backlink?


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author davidharley8
    Enter social bookmarking and get your links on all social networks you can. The key is getting your name, be proactive! You're bound to get attention. His work something free and useful to put in a value proposition. Commenting on blogs is a great way to bond. All you need to go is to follow some blogs that your business and leave a comment more appropriate to leave your link.
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  • Profile picture of the author yrafanan
    Nice post. Thanks for sharing these to us here. Yeah I am working as a back link builder and there are some points that I have taken for granted. By the way I will copy this one to have a guide.
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  • Profile picture of the author jacked
    Very true and useful. All the new guys should read through that and remember number 6 BE CONSISTENT and don't get lazy


    Comments, Profiles, Pyramids, Bookmarks, Article Submissions, Web 2.0 Creation, & Much MORE
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  • Profile picture of the author coolgirlgame
    I agree with all 6 tips and submit to directories
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  • Profile picture of the author bruacecox
    To increase the number of incoming links pointing to your website is not easy for many people, and create short-hundred sites themselves , the best option is to contact with other webmasters and ask them about a link for you, many ignore you, some will say they are not interested, but few of us give you a link.
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  • Profile picture of the author jigney
    Also add advertising links, Press Releases and classifieds, these also help in generating quick links.
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  • Profile picture of the author gittar1122
    Very useful tips indeed. It will not only increase site backlinks but even visitors retention rate will be high if you are putting quality in your site. Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author somebody113
    video is pretty powerful today too, eaiser to get traffic thru video
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  • Profile picture of the author fabiobr
    Very good post, share important information ...
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  • Profile picture of the author fabiobr
    Very good post, share important information ...
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  • Profile picture of the author MathewStone
    Nice tips, very informative for SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author mikekhen
    Thanks for your post, brief and informative.
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  • Profile picture of the author sitecrawler
    I agree the most with third one and the six one. I can confirm that they are the most common used and also the ones that gives good results in less time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataclysm1987
    Backlinks are a crapload of work.

    I am looking forward to the day when my business becomes profitable enough that I can pay someone else to do the majority of this. Blah.

    No signature here today!

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  • Profile picture of the author carloscayo
    One of the lesser-used plans to build backlinks to your site consists of the production of reviews on sites like Amazon.com and Epinions. This is a great way to showcase your expertise and get backlinks to your blog. Secondly, a blog product, which is relevant to your site. Production of a blog is easy, you can send the wonderful content and get backlinks from other blogs.
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