The New Google Adsense And Analytics Interfaces...

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What's up with google? These new interfaces just make everything more difficult to find. Or is it just me?
#adsense #analytics #google #interfaces
  • Profile picture of the author lotsofsnow
    You are right!

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  • Profile picture of the author Thomas W
    they allow you to switch back.. I know i did in about 5 minutes

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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Add the webmaster's account. So many extra clicks needed now just to get a web report.

    By trying to get so many possible features Google is overcomplicating and making the user interfaces more difficult and time consuming to use.
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  • Profile picture of the author Diana Lane
    I'm still not at all keen on the revamped Google Keyword Tool, but I got used to the new-look Adsense after a day or so and quite like it now. Mostly though it does seem to be change just for the sake of change. Not that I imagine Google would spend out on it without having reason to believe that their investment would return to them in multiples one way or another.

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  • Profile picture of the author MikeLiving
    I dig the new Adsense layout simply because it shows much more information when I first log in. No extra clicks needed there! I haven't seen the new Analytics layout and honestly didn't even know they revamped it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bondtana
      Google Keyword Tool
      That's killing me right now... Almost to the point where I am ignoring keyword research lol.
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      • Profile picture of the author JoshuaG
        I disagree, I like the new interfaces.

        The adsense interface helps you do things far more easily then the old interface.

        For example, Allow & block ads.

        This use to be a much more tedious process then simply clicking the tab and adding the urls.

        The new keyword tool is basically the same as the old one. Neither the new nor the old keyword tools had so many options they were overwhelming, I found the adjustment to the new one a piece of cake.

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  • Profile picture of the author paydayloner
    The only thing I like in the new Adsense interface is the graph. But I stay in the old interface and only switch to the new to look at the graph, then switch back.
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  • Profile picture of the author mad.hat
    This could be mostly that you just don't like change. Its OK, most people don't and it seems like a lot of people share your opinions. When you've been making money since before Google was even around you learn to just go with the flow. I'm sure you'll get to that point some day as well. Until then, just revert back, takes maybe 5 clicks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zeb
    I hated the new adsense interface at first but after a day or two, i got accustomed to it. The graphs are a great new feature. Much more data for me to compare days, weeks and months.

    One thing that i missed about the old adsense is that i can view my custom channels within one click after logging in. The new interface takes an extra click or two lol. It's live-able though.
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  • Profile picture of the author GrowTallerNiche
    The problem with the new interface is that it doesn't show the most important screen first: The screen which shows you which channels are getting which clicks.
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