Anyone mind explaining link wheels in detail?

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Hi Guys and Gals,

I am currently at 18 websites that I have built and have been experimenting in various markets.

I am wondering about link wheels, how do they work to increase page rank and number of links.

Do you just cross link all your pages? Or do you link one to another in a one way linking circle? I have heard that one way linking is more imprortant than reciprocal links, so is it better to have a smaller number of one way links or a larger number of reciprocal links.

Anyone mind explaining this a bit more.

#detail #explaining #link #mind #wheels
  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by Andrew_Cheyne View Post

    Do you just cross link all your pages? Or do you link one to another in a one way linking circle?
    It's one way links in a circle, and then those one-way links "spoke" to your authority site you're ranking.

    What people seem not to understand is that Google wouldn't work without a pretty sophisticated cycle-detection algorithm, and that all the way back in 1993 I was doing 50-deep cycle detection on undirected graphs in real time... and I'm not exactly a graph theory expert.

    Today, Google's cycle detection undoubtedly extends to many hundreds or thousands of links. So you're not fooling anyone. The linkwheel pattern is rather distinctive.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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    • Profile picture of the author Andrew_Cheyne
      Originally Posted by CDarklock View Post

      Today, Google's cycle detection undoubtedly extends to many hundreds or thousands of links. So you're not fooling anyone. The linkwheel pattern is rather distinctive.
      So is it worth while to actually do this kind of "link wheels" with your sites? Its not that you are exactly trying to fool anyone, just to increase your sites worth in the eyes of google (which I guess could be considered trying to fool google).

      The other thought is that natural link wheels must occur frequently out there, sites will be linking to other sites all the time...

      Thanks CDarklock, your thoughts are appreciated...
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      • Profile picture of the author amo992
        Originally Posted by Andrew_Cheyne View Post

        So is it worth while to actually do this kind of "link wheels" with your sites? Its not that you are exactly trying to fool anyone, just to increase your sites worth in the eyes of google (which I guess could be considered trying to fool google).

        The other thought is that natural link wheels must occur frequently out there, sites will be linking to other sites all the time...

        Thanks CDarklock, your thoughts are appreciated...
        Actually, only when it's unnatural does Google look down upon it.

        One reason for creating linkwheels is to simulate natural interlinking content structuring on an upward sloping trend. For example, a natural 'linkwheel' would spawn when individuals link to various resources discussing a single relevant topic. Of those various resources, a natural 'to be' authority central would emerge due to multiple individuals linking to that site.

        To take advantage of such a structure. Marketers attempt to create 'linkwheels'; however, they fail to take into account the necessary natural nature and often take shortcuts and get caught.

        The best linkwheels employ spokes created 'virtually' independently linking TRAFFIC rather than attempting to trick search engines to gain higher SERP. Guaranteeing traffic movement through simple psychological tactics will suffice, but you should still maintain the content of spokes as individual entities.

        It's especially useful if you are trying to build a large list. Use various opt-in 1 message auto responders that verify with your main list.

        A well made link-wheel(pyramid, web, chair, cat, bed) should be done carefully because of greater than average diminishing marginal returns.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    Hi Andrew,
    yes, you can definitely do that to lower the footprint of a link wheel.

    Personally, I like to just use link-hubs, where I create a whole bunch of links to one particular page containing a backlink to my site.
    I'm not too big on interlinking the linking properties.

    You can look into what many people call "mini-nets" if you want to see lots of material and theories on how to best interlink linking properties.
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  • Profile picture of the author makingiants
    Linkwheels don't have to be "perfectly round"
    and wheel-shaped, either.

    Link 4-5 sites to one hub site, link that hub site to another site you own,
    then like that site to your main site, for example.

    Using other "shapes" will help.

    Hope this helps, and good linking!

    Happy holidays,
    Vince aka makingiants
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    • Profile picture of the author Andrew_Cheyne
      Originally Posted by makingiants View Post

      Linkwheels don't have to be "perfectly round"
      and wheel-shaped, either.

      Link 4-5 sites to one hub site, link that hub site to another site you own,
      then like that site to your main site, for example.

      Using other "shapes" will help.

      Hope this helps, and good linking!

      Happy holidays,
      Vince aka makingiants
      So these would be more like link hubs... kind of collecting link juice from a few sites and then sending them down to your money site?

      This looks more natural, I would guess to Google?
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      • Profile picture of the author makingiants
        Originally Posted by Andrew_Cheyne View Post

        So these would be more like link hubs... kind of collecting link juice from a few sites and then sending them down to your money site?

        This looks more natural, I would guess to Google?
        You've got it.

        Linkwheels don't have to be "wheels" at all!

        You need a healthy group of links from high
        quality sites instead of tons of links from low
        quality or page rank sites.

        Here's a list of places to post content to:

        These are just a few of the sites you can post
        great content to if you're in the IM and mlm
        niches; check for other sites in your particular niche.

        Check their page rank, if they accept content, etc..

        Also, look at posting to
        Google seems to love it and it carries heavy link juice,

        Much success,
        Vince aka makingiants
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