Got a product review site? Give your site an edge in Google's Search Results for Free!
- SEO |
OK so here's a little something I've been testing for about a month now on a few of my review sites. I thought I'd share it with you so that you may benefit, just like my sites have.
First let me show you what I mean. Type in "african mango" in google and take a look at the results on the first page. You'll see a site called "dietspotlight.com" and I'm sure you'll notice it right away because it's got yellow stars plus the words "Review by Editor". Do you see how the yellow review stars caught your attention even though the site wasn't even at #1? It's not a lot but its enough to get a person to click onto your site. And I've seen an increase in organic traffic from google after I've implemented this technique.
Here's how to do the same for your sites absolutely free:

The code used to "decorate" your site's pages is called "Google Rich Snippets". For those of you who like to learn more indepth go to Google Rich Snippets Tips and Tricks - a collection by Google Rich Snippets
But if you want to implement this simple technique easily then here's what you need to do:
1) If you're using Wordpress then go download and active a free plugin called "SEO Ultimate" WordPress › SEO Ultimate « WordPress Plugins
2) You can disable every option in the SEO section in its setting except one called "Rich Snippet Creator"
3) Make a new post or go edit one of your existing posts and you will notice a new set of options called "SEO Setting". Select the "Rich Snippet Type" and then assign a Star rating and save the post
4) Optionally change the Display Name of your admin wp user to "Editor" since it used the post's user as the "Review by" name.
That's it! The plugin will automatically add the Rich Snippet codes to your blog post
To verify how it will look in google go to Webmaster Tools - Rich Snippets Testing Tool and paste in your blog post URL. That's the complete URL to your blog post.
Google does not guarantee that it will use these snippets once it reindexes your site. But it DOES help a lot when Google smiles upon your site and your listings will feel some "G Love".
BTW Just FYI you CAN install the Ultimate SEO along with the All In One SEO plugin. I've done this on my blogs. I use All In One SEO as the primary and I've turned off ALL the SEO options for Ultimate SEO. So there's no conflict. Hope this helps those who were wondering if the 2 SEO plugins would hinder each other.
Hope this helped!
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