Important tip for backlink builders

by sam770
34 replies
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Many mistakenly think that creating a backlink from a nofollow websites is a waste of time.
I made a serious investigation regarding this issue and my conclusion is that not only that its NOT a waste of time but its also a MUST! yea, not less than that!

An important factor that Google-Yahoo-Bing check constantly is a natural proportions of backlinks type to the website. I would call it THE BACKLINKS BALANCE FACTOR.

Websites that has only dofollow backlinks looks artificial and will not achieve same results as websites that has a natural rate of nofollows backlinks among the total amount of backlinks.

Ideally, to make a strong backlinking impact to your website, you should keep the following 5 basic gold rules:

1. Keep a normal/natural proportion between backlinks that are dofollow to the nofollow ones.
2. the more backlinks you have the better.
3 try to create backlinks on websites that share similar interests to your website's materials.
4. try to create links on websites that enjoy's high google page rank
5. make sure to use the right keywords in you backlink anchor text
#backlink #builders #important #tip
  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Abernethy
    Good Stuff mate,

    That makes complete sense for many reasons. I mean a naturally ranking site would follow these guidlines so Google would have to atleast keep that in mind for some part of their algorithm, even if it isnt HUGE. It would still be something.

    And also the relevant websites is a known fact so i think that a good way to get the nofollows balance would be to just search on nofollow web 2.0 sites for your keywords and make a few comments..

    Where would you put the ratio balance at? I would think pretty significantly lower than 50/50, thinking more like 20/80(paretos law is always a good rule of thumb)
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    • Profile picture of the author sam770
      Originally Posted by TA21 View Post

      Good Stuff mate,

      That makes complete sense for many reasons. I mean a naturally ranking site would follow these guidlines so Google would have to atleast keep that in mind for some part of their algorithm, even if it isnt HUGE. It would still be something.

      And also the relevant websites is a known fact so i think that a good way to get the nofollows balance would be to just search on nofollow web 2.0 sites for your keywords and make a few comments..

      Where would you put the ratio balance at? I would think pretty significantly lower than 50/50, thinking more like 20/80(paretos law is always a good rule of thumb)
      I would say that about 70% dofollow and 30% nofollow will look like a natural balance for backlinks.
      I also think that you brought up something important: it's also important to keep a natural balance in the backlinking sources! It's not so natural that all websites that link to your site share the same interest. I would say that at least 10% of the backlinks should come from websites that are more global and not with very close interests!
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      • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
        Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

        I would say that about 70% dofollow and 30% nofollow will look like a natural balance for backlinks.
        Can I ask what makes you think that this is natural? Only 2% of all links on the web are nofollow'd, how can a site with 30% nofollowed actually look natural or did you just make this number up?
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        • Profile picture of the author sam770
          Originally Posted by cbpayne View Post

          Can I ask what makes you think that this is natural? Only 2% of all links on the web are nofollow'd, how can a site with 30% nofollowed actually look natural or did you just make this number up?
          Among the serious high PR sites, the % of nofollow is BY FAR more than 2%
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          • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
            Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

            Among the serious high PR sites, the % of nofollow is BY FAR more than 2%
            Really? How do you know that or are you just making the number up? Do you have some data to back it up?
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            • Profile picture of the author sam770
              Originally Posted by cbpayne View Post

              or are you just making the number up?
              That was rude.

              No, I am not making any number up.
              In fact, I am on the web since 1995, about 10 hours a day in average. I know very well what I am saying.

              In fact, I could easily provide a few links that will clearly confirm my opinion but I don't really feel like spending my precious time on you.

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              • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
                Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

                No, I am not making any number up.
                Nonsense. You are making it up.
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                • Profile picture of the author sam770
                  Originally Posted by cbpayne View Post

                  Nonsense. You are making it up.
                  NO, I am not.

                  Get a life
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                  • Profile picture of the author cbpayne
                    Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

                    NO, I am not.

                    Get a life
                    I called you out and you simply can not defend your claims so have to resort to "get a life". That just confirms you talking nonsense.

                    Only 2% of the links on the web are nofollow (source) and you trying to convice people here that 30% of the links to a site should be nofollow to look natural. That is just plain and simple bull**** that you are making up. Anyone following your advice of 30% is more likely to raise an unnatural red flag to the search engines!
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397698].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author sam770
                      Originally Posted by cbpayne View Post

                      I called you out and you simply can not defend your claims so have to resort to "get a life". That just confirms you talking nonsense.

                      Only 2% of the links on the web are nofollow (source) and you trying to convice people here that 30% of the links to a site should be nofollow to look natural. That is just plain and simple bull**** that you are making up. Anyone following your advice of 30% is more likely to raise an unnatural red flag to the search engines!
                      Listen kid, I am getting really bored by you
                      I am not trying to convince anyone, I simply state facts.
                      Simply read again what I wrote above, maybe you will understand something
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                      • Profile picture of the author jimojeda
                        CBPayne, your argument really has no basis here... let me explain.

                        Sam said:

                        Originally Posted by sam770

                        I would say that about 70% dofollow and 30% nofollow will look like a natural balance for backlinks.
                        Doesn't the expression "I would say" mean that it's simply an opinion? A person is entitle to his opinion. People can take it or leave it, it's up to them.

                        Now, when you accused him for FACTS, he mearly mentioned:

                        Originally Posted by sam770

                        Among the serious high PR sites, the % of nofollow is BY FAR more than 2%
                        Please note the bold text...

                        You then came back at him with the following:

                        Originally Posted by cbpayne

                        Only 2% of the links on the web are nofollow (source) and you trying to convice people here that 30% of the links to a site should be nofollow to look natural. That is just plain and simple bull**** that you are making up. Anyone following your advice of 30% is more likely to raise an unnatural red flag to the search engines!
                        There are two VERY MAJOR distinctions between serious high PR sites and all the links on the web.

                        The source that you point to reveals that there are around 388 BILLION links on the web, out of which 2% are nofollow. Do you know that 2% of 388 Billion is a whopping 7.72 BILLION?

                        Gee, so if I have 9,000 links pointing to my site, are you saying there aren't enough links in the world to make sure that 3,000 of those are nofollow links?

                        I don't know about you, but I see some serious flaws in your logic here, especially since the source you shared with us just proves that over 124 MILLION pages online create links that are nofollow.

                        However, Sam's 70/30 can become impossible IF I were to get all 388,000,000,000 (BILLION) links to point to my site, then I'm in trouble with Google because only 7,720,000,000 (2%) links would be NOFOLLOW... but I seriously doubt I'm getting all those links to point to my site anytime soon.

                        I hope this cleared a few things up, and again, please don't take this as an attack, it's just a deep analysis I made thanks the source you provided (which was very enlightening, thanks).


                        Jaime Ojeda

                        Something Good Is Coming Soon

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                        • Profile picture of the author Tyler Abernethy
                          Yea Jaime, the numbers really bring the picture into play there, and i think that google would not suspect anything spammy from even 40 percent nofollows, because they are aware that the vast majority of us are going for DOFOLLOW, i mean of course if you had 60/40 nofollow to dofollow, then that would be a waste of time, and google STILL probably wouldnt suspect you of anything..

                          now i would like to highlight the fact that 2% of all websites on the web would be including billions of websites that are straight spam, trick leads, and total BS and waste of time that get slapped daily, for ex: imagine all of the proxy sites that are out there that get slapped, EVERY SINGLE DAY 86,800,000 just for the word proxy...

                          which is close to .002 percent of ALL websites that have ever been indexed..

                          I wouldnt undervalue you them..

                          Thanks for the thoughts jimojeda, sam770, always-a-warrior

                          Tyler A
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  • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
    Yes it does make sense and a few nofollows wouldn't hurt a bit too. I've done .edu and .gov backlinking and it doesn't matter if follow or nofollow, its get you site up there.

    ---- added ---

    .gov and .edu doesn't come easy. There's certain way not only to get the links but how to link to the sites. It's a heavy task and not everyone knows how or really think about it too often but its very powerful stuff. One .gov and .edu link is 5 times potent than a normal PR link.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3396743].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sam770
      Originally Posted by Always-A-Warrior View Post

      .gov and .edu doesn't come easy. There's certain way not only to get the links but how to link to the sites. It's a heavy task and not everyone knows how or really think about it too often but its very powerful stuff. One .gov and .edu link is 5 times potent than a normal PR link.
      I agree with that. could you share with us some idea's that you might have regarding easier backlinking from websites?
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      • Profile picture of the author Always-A-Warrior
        Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

        I agree with that. could you share with us some idea's that you might have regarding easier backlinking from websites?
        If I did it would no longer be a gold mine now would it?.

        But I'll share a tip: SEO Quake (FF add-ons)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3397088].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sam770
          Originally Posted by Always-A-Warrior View Post

          But I'll share a tip: SEO Quake (FF add-ons)
          Will check it
          By the way, as a Chrome addict I was happy to discover that they released this plug in also for Chrome!
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      • Profile picture of the author faysal969
        Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

        I agree with that. could you share with us some idea's that you might have regarding easier backlinking from websites?

        Search in Google using these search strings.

        - "keyword phrase"+inurl:blog
        - "keyword phrase"+inurl:blog
        - inurl:blog "keyword phrase"
        -"submit site"
        -"submit your site"
        -"add url"
        - inurl:blog "keyword" "comment"
        - site:gov - "you must be logged in" -"comment closed"
        - site:edu - "you must be logged in" -"comment closed"
        Learn SEO, Affiliate Marketing, CPA, and Make Money Online !!!!!!!

        Keep your house pest free and be healthy, wealthy, and happy. Get Rid of House Insects. :)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3416493].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author sam770
          Originally Posted by faysal969 View Post

          Search in Google using these search strings.

          - "keyword phrase"+inurl:blog
          - "keyword phrase"+inurl:blog
          - inurl:blog "keyword phrase"
          -"submit site"
          -"submit your site"
          -"add url"
          - inurl:blog "keyword" "comment"
          - site:gov - "you must be logged in" -"comment closed"
          - site:edu - "you must be logged in" -"comment closed"
          BIG THANKS
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3417361].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author hezell1989
    Google luuuuvvvvs edu and gov backlinks. Whether there dofollow or nofollow. Build you a couple of them bad boys and watch your website fly through the serps
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  • Profile picture of the author jimojeda
    Hey Sam,

    Thanks for the awesome post! I'll keep that in mind for my marketing.

    It's funny because there have been so many that have taught that nofollow links are a waste of time... go figure.


    Something Good Is Coming Soon

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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Abernethy
    Interesting point with the .gov and .edu backlinks, that would also be another quality add to the nofollow side of your strategy
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Abernethy
    I will definetly keep that in mind from now on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Abernethy
    Thinking about Googles accounting for natural backlink building to avoid a spammy look, how do you feel about the inclusion of outbound links on the example site as well?>

    i would think that 95 percent of sites that you find (or loads more) have some sort of links in them (after all that is the ground work of the internet intirelly) so wouldnt it be good to have a good basis of both internal links, and external?

    maybe nofollows on the external?
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  • Yes indeed.

    Here are few things to consider:

    Authority/Trust of the Root Domain
    Page rank of the page where your link will be coming from
    Number of OBL
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  • Profile picture of the author Tyler Abernethy
    Delve into the factors of "trust" of a domain a little would you? i was in another thread talking about websites that are considered spam and would possibly be a penalty to you, what do you think about this?

    And do you mean the number of OBL that are on the page your link is on, like in the since of dividing the linkjuice between several links?

    Tyler A
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  • Profile picture of the author Tuxxy
    This is similar to a blog post I wrote earlier, I totally agree with what you are saying.
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  • Profile picture of the author asfandmudassir
    Dear it is not necessary to make relevant backlinks... You can watch links that indexed but irrelevant.
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  • Profile picture of the author spectrecom
    Originally Posted by sam770 View Post

    Many mistakenly think that creating a backlink from a nofollow websites is a waste of time.
    I made a serious investigation regarding this issue and my conclusion is that not only that its NOT a waste of time but its also a MUST! yea, not less than that!

    An important factor that Google-Yahoo-Bing check constantly is a natural proportions of backlinks type to the website. I would call it THE BACKLINKS BALANCE FACTOR.

    Websites that has only dofollow backlinks looks artificial and will not achieve same results as websites that has a natural rate of nofollows backlinks among the total amount of backlinks.

    Ideally, to make a strong backlinking impact to your website, you should keep the following 5 basic gold rules:

    1. Keep a normal/natural proportion between backlinks that are dofollow to the nofollow ones.
    2. the more backlinks you have the better.
    3 try to create backlinks on websites that share similar interests to your website's materials.
    4. try to create links on websites that enjoy's high google page rank
    5. make sure to use the right keywords in you backlink anchor text
    Is this really the case? I've never heard this before. Did Google drop a hint somewhere about it?
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  • Profile picture of the author bay37
    No-follow backlinks do have an impact on your site rankings - fact. Don't tell the masses though.

    As for the numbers and %'s... of course they're all just made up theories. People like to think that it "makes sense", so they assume that it must be true.

    There is no way to confirm any of those numbers, other than linking to other such "theories" that haven't actually be tested (which only proves my point). Such things (as actual percentages, etc) cannot be tested by us, so yeah...

    However, things such as "do no-follow links impact rankings?" and many other general ideas can be proven through simple testing (perhaps on dozens or hundreds of isolated websites).

    But people will argue this to no end, meh...
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  • Profile picture of the author Domainoutlaw
    Thanks for the tips. This makes something I have been working on a lot more clear. I also am going to do some .gov and .edu backlinks as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author jhonsean
    The most important factor for building backlinks is quality and relevancy.
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  • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
    Interesting. I agree with what you're saying.

    Since we're not inside of Google with a definitive understanding of the way their search algorithms work, theory, trial and results is a practical approach to understanding how the engines are interacting with your content.

    That said, though you may not have metrics to prove what you're saying, I believe this to a degree, both because I've noticed this working with clients for SEO, and from a philosophical standpoint, it makes sense.

    Commenting on blogs, and actually having something valuable to say instead of spamming like an idiot, shows the engines that you're in the conversation. If you're in relevant conversations, commenting on relevant blogs or websites, I'm almost absolutely sure it's ONE OF (not the cure-all) the SIGNALS.

    I can agree for sure that they get data from no follow links. If you're everywhere, in the conversations on the net about your niche and you're commenting on all nofollow blogs, do you think they'll just ignore your links? Of course not. They count them in their own ways.

    I agree with EDU backlinks being significant. However, I believe that based on the continuous abuse of them, they won't be so important in the near future !!

    Thanks for letting me share my opinion, which isn't necessarily the solid truth... just a working theory.

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