Waiting to get ranked before placing adsense?

by mooble
10 replies
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I was just surfing google and came across a thread talking about how when creating micro niche sites if you wait until you are ranked before placing adsense that you will get higher payouts. I've been managing micro niche sites for a while and this has left me fairly confused. Does anyone know anything about this?
#adsense #placing #ranked #waiting
  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Originally Posted by mooble View Post

    I was just surfing google and came across a thread talking about how when creating micro niche sites if you wait until you are ranked before placing adsense that you will get higher payouts. I've been managing micro niche sites for a while and this has left me fairly confused. Does anyone know anything about this?
    Don't know about higher payouts (that wouldn't affect that) but I have heard that you'll rank more easily if you don't put ads on from the start. Not necessarily required, but not a bad idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author gittar1122
    Using adsense when your site achieved rankings is a good idea but I am not sure about problems in placing adsense from beginning.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Liew
    I did not encounter any problems (ranking/indexing/CPC) when I placed adsense code on my niche sites right after first installing WP on them.
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  • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
    Originally Posted by mooble View Post

    I was just surfing google and came across a thread talking about how when creating micro niche sites if you wait until you are ranked before placing adsense that you will get higher payouts. I've been managing micro niche sites for a while and this has left me fairly confused. Does anyone know anything about this?
    Complete myth. I've always set adsense up from day 1 and had no problems. If anything, I've had cases where it's seemed to help more. I forgot to set it up on a couple autoblogs and didn't notice it for a few months. I went back to check stats and those 2 sites were much lower than my other auto blogs, barely getting any traffic at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author KristofferIM
    That sounds like a myth. However, I always wait with AdSense anyway. The reason being, I have a higher success rate when getting links from other sites in my niche.

    For some reason some people don't seem to like the idea that we are making money of the internet here.
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    • Profile picture of the author paulgl
      Makes no sense to wait. What if you never rank? No adsense?
      You get traffic from various sources, not just search engines.

      If your site is not ready for adsense, then it's not ready for
      the web.

      What would you be waiting for? Google wants adsense out there.
      That's why you have an account, right?

      Either the site is ready to be online or it's not. If it's not,
      take the site down.


      If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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  • Profile picture of the author Heavenstorm
    I always placed my adsense before the site is even indexed and no problem at all.
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  • Profile picture of the author bhathiya99
    It's not a problme.. I do same...
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  • Profile picture of the author mikeevee
    Originally Posted by mooble View Post

    I was just surfing google and came across a thread talking about how when creating micro niche sites if you wait until you are ranked before placing adsense that you will get higher payouts. I've been managing micro niche sites for a while and this has left me fairly confused. Does anyone know anything about this?
    I can only talk from personal experience, but I have never had any problems by placing Adsense from day 1. I always build a site with Adsense and then leave it to mature on its own for 6 months.
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