Everything is dead - Get a job.

60 replies
  • SEO
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I thought I would consolidate many of the posts over the last week since the Google update and slap down of Overstock, JC Penny and Ezine Articles.

Everything is dead. Nothing works. Pack it in. Get a 9-5 j-o-b.
Article marketing? Dead
Blog Comments? Dead
Edu/Gov links? Dead
Profile links? Dead
Link wheels? Dead
Social Bookmarking? Dead

Please PM me all of your ideas and keywords you weren't able to implement since everything died. I will keep them safe.

  • Profile picture of the author CBMoneymachine
    ha ha, brilliant. I love this forum but all I ever read about is how things have died. Why are so many people looking for an excuse instead of just doing something. The fundamentals of IM will never change! If people don't get the results then they need to work harder! Search marketing firms are booming...nothing is dead...put in the work...if at first you don't succeed...try again...harder!

    I'm sorry but I have never had client in work that I have had to go back to and say that we can no longer link build for them because our methods are dead!! We are using the same methods we always have but keeping up with the times. On the same note, with PPC we can take just about any business and get consistently good results. We don't have any special powers! We just read and learn about our industry. There is no big secret, nothing is dead...apart from my taste in music...

    Stop looking for excuses & just get on with it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Adam H
      Originally Posted by CBMoneymachine View Post

      ha ha, brilliant. I love this forum but all I ever read about is how things have died. Why are so many people looking for an excuse instead of just doing something. The fundamentals of IM will never change! If people don't get the results then they need to work harder! Search marketing firms are booming...nothing is dead...put in the work...if at first you don't succeed...try again...harder!

      I'm sorry but I have never had client in work that I have had to go back to and say that we can no longer link build for them because our methods are dead!! We are using the same methods we always have but keeping up with the times. On the same note, with PPC we can take just about any business and get consistently good results. We don't have any special powers! We just read and learn about our industry. There is no big secret, nothing is dead...apart from my taste in music...

      Stop looking for excuses & just get on with it!
      Didnt you hear ? apparently SEO and Internet marketing in general died years ago according to most at digital point :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Thanks for the laugh
    The Google Adwords Keyword Tool is hiding your valuable keywords!
    OFFLINERS, Start using this simple technique and these 6 "weapons" today to get more clients and skyrocket your conversions! - FREE, no opt-in.
    Make some money by helping me market this idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Spradle
    The internet itself will probably die here in a couple of days! *CRASH*
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Kovats
    and once everyone sends you their keywords, give me a call, I'll handle the SEO work for a share...
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  • Profile picture of the author OrganicSeoGuru
    LOL, bottom line I see way more easy picking,
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    • Profile picture of the author johnhoefer
      Originally Posted by OrganicSeoGuru View Post

      LOL, bottom line I see way more easy picking,
      I agree completely.
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      • Profile picture of the author rcritchett
        Originally Posted by johnhoefer View Post

        I agree completely.
        I do too!

        I think I'll agree that some conventional methods are certainly not as effective as they could be (or they use to).

        It just means SEOs and marketers have to adjust. I'm getting some pretty ok results with newer (still in testing phases) kind of seo intellect.

        Nothing fancy, all whitehat, using your head more.

        We do mail-in iPhone Repair Services, Nationwide in the US. LCD/Digitizer Glass Replacement And More.

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  • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
    I have heard that web directories have been dead for I can't tell you how many years. All I know is that almost every month, business is better than the last.
    HeDir.com ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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    • Profile picture of the author johnhoefer
      Originally Posted by hotftuna View Post

      I have heard that web directories have been dead for I can't tell you how many years. All I know is that almost every month, business is better than the last.
      Great site. It's a PR5! I will be adding my links for certain.

      As Charlie Sheen would say...WINNING!
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      • Profile picture of the author Kay King
        You couldn't give me the synopsis this morning before I spent all day writing?

        If I had realized everything was dead, I could have taken the day off.


        P.S. What's a "job"?
        Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
        2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    You simply need to follow the trends.... you're stuck in the past, however I do agree that we are seeing the biggest decline in sales but not only IM, I never seen the economy this bad in 40 years...

    But remember, it's not how low we go that matters, it's how high we can bounce back!
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    • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
      Originally Posted by alcymart View Post

      You simply need to follow the trends.... you're stuck in the past, however I do agree that we are seeing the biggest decline in sales but not only IM, I never seen the economy this bad in 40 years...

      But remember, it's not how low we go that matters, it's how high we can bounce back!
      Certainly web directories are from the past- not cutting edge. Reason I am doing well is that 1) I understand how to make money in this business 2) I have resources that are essential to do well in this business.

      I don't think that you need to follow the trends. It takes time to know a business and develop the resources needed to pull it off. By the time you get there, the trend is over.

      The directory business is dead. In a sense, I agree. It is not in popular favor. Four or five years ago when it was hot, I was not in position to make money in it. Now I am. I would rather make money in a dead industry and than make nothing in a hot one.
      HeDir.com ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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  • Profile picture of the author ramboo
    Originally Posted by johnhoefer View Post

    I thought I would consolidate many of the posts over the last week since the Google update and slap down of Overstock, JC Penny and Ezine Articles.

    Everything is dead. Nothing works. Pack it in. Get a 9-5 j-o-b.
    Article marketing? Dead
    Blog Comments? Dead
    Edu/Gov links? Dead
    Profile links? Dead
    Link wheels? Dead
    Social Bookmarking? Dead

    Please PM me all of your ideas and keywords you weren't able to implement since everything died. I will keep them safe.

    so what we have to do now.
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    • Profile picture of the author daxcheng
      Originally Posted by ramboo View Post

      so what we have to do now.
      Some suggestions I can think off

      1: Get a job - no skills? The worlds oldest profession always has an opening
      2: Do stupid things at fiverr for a few bucks
      3: Find a rich old man/woman
      4: Jump off a building

      Maybe others can add to this

      Warmest Regards
      Dax Cheng

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  • Profile picture of the author Nubieteky
    when your in the middle of doubt everythings really dead!

    johnhoefer Why not get a job and do IM on free time?
    Photo and Video Coverage Alabang - Community for the Uploader, Internet Marketer and Webmaster
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  • Profile picture of the author seoindiaforu
    Nothing is dead!! There is again some form of life after death.Internetmarketing and Seo would continue as long as google follows an algorithm.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nubieteky
    Google's Algo is so Sophisticated that searchers now get what their looking for! No spammy syndicated crap...
    Photo and Video Coverage Alabang - Community for the Uploader, Internet Marketer and Webmaster
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  • Profile picture of the author Aki Fagno
    lol. You made my day dude!
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  • Profile picture of the author wrongnumber
    everything is dead... only money you can make is by... selling products to people here... claiming that nothing is dead... its just you cant see it....
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  • Profile picture of the author Matrixguru
    Let go and feel the Algorithm and it will guide you where you need to go
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  • Profile picture of the author Billy Rey
    love the title!

    everyone pack up and go back to 9-5!

    ✔✔✔Leapfroggr Digital Marketing+SEO Services✔✔✔

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3457094].message }}
    • Great laugh...I needed that.

      You did, however, forget to mention that QR codes and tags are also dead, as is all mobile marketing...

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      • Profile picture of the author johnhoefer
        Originally Posted by Johnsonconsulting1 View Post

        Great laugh...I needed that.

        You did, however, forget to mention that QR codes and tags are also dead, as is all mobile marketing...

        Yes, thank you for adding that. I forgot several dead things in my grief.

        Video marketing? Dead.
        Local SEO? Dead
        Google Places? Dead
        Yelp? Dead

        Everything, even stuff I forgot in my grief over the algo change, dead.

        Just put in my application for McDonalds. I figure if I have to work I might as well get a free Egg McMuffin every morning.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3459569].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author wrongnumber
          Originally Posted by johnhoefer View Post

          Yes, thank you for adding that. I forgot several dead things in my grief.

          Video marketing? Dead.
          Local SEO? Dead
          Google Places? Dead
          Yelp? Dead

          Everything, even stuff I forgot in my grief over the algo change, dead.

          Just put in my application for McDonalds. I figure if I have to work I might as well get a free Egg McMuffin every morning.
          hahahhahaaa.... me too goin for the same... this really is a good place to share great ideas...
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          • Profile picture of the author TZ
            When in doubt.............CHARGE!

            I see Hubpages and EZA articles are beating us or right under us in many keywords still.

            I think Article Marketing is still valid, but perhaps more work now. Won't be doing it myself.

            Guest blogging is still VERY powerful.

            Of course quality content on your domain(s) will NEVER die, and really interesting content will always get free inbounds.

            Got a giggle from your post.

            $php_coding = "consistent cash";

            echo ("Give me" . " " . $php_coding . "!");

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            • Profile picture of the author unclepennybags
              Yep everything in IM is dead so everyone on the forum better get a job in a cubicle and listen a boss with a voice similiar to Bill Lumberg's.

              I will stay here and clean up the mess.

              Also the internet will be ending in 2012 anyway didn't ya hear?

              "The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus." - Bruce Lee

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3460240].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author johnhoefer
                Originally Posted by unclepennybags View Post

                Yep everything in IM is dead so everyone on the forum better get a job in a cubicle and listen a boss with a voice similiar to Bill Lumberg's.

                I will stay here and clean up the mess.

                Also the internet will be ending in 2012 anyway didn't ya hear?
                You mean the WORLD will be ending in 2012 right? not just the internet. Obviously Charlie Sheen is right.

                Coke and porn stars until the end of the year! WINNING!
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                • Profile picture of the author Mo Annuar
                  take all that just happened (google change its algorithm) as a challenge. the road won't always be straight all the way long...
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                  • Profile picture of the author yovia
                    Navigated through the Google 'legislation'. We had been working on deleting spam and junk content for a while so it wasn't a huge deal - however, does anyone know why in webmaster tools all of the impressions and clicks are 'round numbers" ie: 5,000 impressions, 200 clicks. Are they rounding or do you think they simply hold certain sites at pre-set impression levels?
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                    • Profile picture of the author Jordan Kovats
                      Originally Posted by yovia View Post

                      Navigated through the Google 'legislation'. We had been working on deleting spam and junk content for a while so it wasn't a huge deal - however, does anyone know why in webmaster tools all of the impressions and clicks are 'round numbers" ie: 5,000 impressions, 200 clicks. Are they rounding or do you think they simply hold certain sites at pre-set impression levels?
                      That's how Google gives out their information, by 'approximation'. I am amazed that there are so many different searches with the same numbers in Google's keyword tool. 1000, 1000, 1000, 2400, 2400, 2400. etc.

                      Wouldn't that be one of the greatest scams of all time? Underreporting all the data to prospective advertisers? Especially, when EXACT numbers can be reproduced since Google is the one that has that information.
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      • Profile picture of the author Diane S
        Originally Posted by Johnsonconsulting1 View Post

        Great laugh...I needed that.

        You did, however, forget to mention that QR codes and tags are also dead, as is all mobile marketing...

        Wow, they didn't last long...

        Thanks for the laughs.
        KimW still needs our help DONATE DIRECTLY
        My First Kindle Book: Ten Days in the Land of Smile
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  • Profile picture of the author Steadyon
    Originally Posted by johnhoefer View Post

    Everything is dead. Nothing works. Pack it in. Get a 9-5 j-o-b.
    Article marketing? Dead
    Blog Comments? Dead
    Edu/Gov links? Dead
    Profile links? Dead
    Link wheels? Dead
    Social Bookmarking? Dead

    I just read a report on google news about the small town of Salem in Arkansas.

    For every downside, there is an upside:

    "The new google algorithm is so powerful that it is even killing Zombies, left right and centre. So now even Zombies' are no longer the living-dead. They are now the dead-dead."
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  • Profile picture of the author perfect
    This is really an interesting thread.

    Submit your articles to www.365articledirectory.com FREE, approval within 48 hours

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    • Profile picture of the author ExploringInfinity
      It's time for an internet marketing zombie apocalypse!

      Somebody resurrect the A drive!
      Get ALL the SEO software YOU CANT afford:
      Ultimate SEO Pack
      SENuke & Grscraper, and dozens more! $40 a month!
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  • Profile picture of the author izrafel
    So after i read this thread I decided to quit IM and started a real job called World of Warcraft, anyone have some experience with this type of work?
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    • Profile picture of the author hilhilginger
      Originally Posted by izrafel View Post

      So after i read this thread I decided to quit IM and started a real job called World of Warcraft, anyone have some experience with this type of work?

      I am interested to do that job. Would you teach me, how to start with warcraft for the thread says everything is dead? I could not see any change in the SEO strategy as things were changed in the automated world.

      They have over 2300 Offers, Instant PayPal Payments and Free Training Articles.
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  • Profile picture of the author homeviewinc
    Not everything is dead friend. Google has just started preferring quality over quantity.
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    • Profile picture of the author RobertBucci
      Originally Posted by homeviewinc View Post

      Not everything is dead friend. Google has just started preferring quality over quantity.
      Well said!!

      About a year ago, when Google started auto-captioning videos from YouTube, so that it knows what you say in your videos, everyone who was ranking with videos by stuffing the tags and descriptions with 'trending' topics that had nothing to do with the videos content suddenly thought the sky was falling.

      Good riddance to them. Now I have a thriving video marketing business in the space they vacated because it was too hard for them to make honest money.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3463314].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author johnhoefer
        Originally Posted by RobertBucci View Post

        Well said!!

        About a year ago, when Google started auto-captioning videos from YouTube, so that it knows what you say in your videos, everyone who was ranking with videos by stuffing the tags and descriptions with 'trending' topics that had nothing to do with the videos content suddenly thought the sky was falling.

        Good riddance to them. Now I have a thriving video marketing business in the space they vacated because it was too hard for them to make honest money.
        That is great. My thread was sarcastic. I know that is not always obvious in writing or on international forums.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3465267].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JohnGault
          The sarcasm was great and made this entire thread worth the read. Thanks John! I needed that!
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  • Profile picture of the author alanna548
    johnhoefer, Mine think Everything is not dead Because I am doing job with some companies to write articles and social bookmarking .
    You should try to get .
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  • Profile picture of the author Oranges
    Yep, Dead! Leave the spot for someone else to fill in..Pack it up!
    Enough said!

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Haha. very funny. It is the doom and gloom that happens very so often in any industry. I think it is the people who stick to it and press on are the ones that continue to be successful time and time again.

    ps. yay my 400th post!
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  • Profile picture of the author RossChops
    Lol if people spent less time complaining and more time working then they might actually earn some decent money from their online empires!
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  • Profile picture of the author caseycase
    Money is dead, too. Send me yours, and I will dispose of it for free.

    Free IM Info, No Junk - http://www.ironcladim.com

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  • Profile picture of the author tedwood
    Warrior Forum is dead!
    In all seriousness I cannot believe people still post topics about IM being dead.
    Then again it's a good way to gain attention to your signature link on "How to cheat Google". :rolleyes:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466488].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
      Jobs are dead too.

      So obviously there is only one thing left:

      Become a guru!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3466936].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author johnhoefer
        Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

        Jobs are dead too.

        So obviously there is only one thing left:

        Become a guru!
        Ha. Seriously. Nothing worse than the revolving door of new gurus. Maybe we should get together and put out a WSO on how to become a guru. We could be the guru to the gurus.
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  • Profile picture of the author shab
    Go ahead. make everything dead. at long last I will have no more competitors. haha!
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    • Profile picture of the author mailey
      I am unable to get job because economy is bad.
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      • Profile picture of the author hotftuna
        Originally Posted by mailey View Post

        I am unable to get job because economy is bad.
        That's the way to stay motivated!
        HeDir.com ranks #1 for "human edited web directory"

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  • Profile picture of the author OrganicSeoGuru
    For the record nothing is dead, just dead space cleared within the indexes,
    While what I have earned in the last 14 days is nothing special and (there are a lot of people on here that have made a hell of a lot more than me.)

    Since Google's updates, my adsense earnings alone have done just under 22K, and the organic traffic to those sites (for those I actually had time to check) are up even as much as 45%

    Now its always tough to judge exactly why without drilling into the data, which I dont have time for and this time of the year tends to see a traffic spike regardless.

    Bottom line that set of sites has not made earnings over 15K in a two week period for years...

    I think its going to be very interesting, my CPA stuff has hit over 100K in the last 20 days alone, and all my traffic is organic, (I know you might find it stupid, but I don't like paying for traffic)

    There are going to be some serious players that are going to pull millions in on the front end of their businesses over the next few weeks while Google still tweaks everything, if you consider the value of the additional list builds across all the networks on the back end I think we can all see the opportunity right now.

    I am not sleeping much right now, and I doubt I am the only one...
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  • Profile picture of the author Fazal Mayar
    the internet will die when the humanity will die but sadly i think the competition at one point will become so huge for seo n IM that some people will give up.

    Blogger at RicherOrNot.com (Make Money online blog but also promoting ethical internet marketing)

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  • Profile picture of the author peter gibson
    Did google put out an update targeting brain cells when I wasn't looking? Because judging by the alarming number of people within this thread who failed to pick up on obvious sarcasm and humor, I would say a pretty large amount of brain cells are now dead as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author johnhoefer
      Originally Posted by peter gibson View Post

      Did google put out an update targeting brain cells when I wasn't looking? Because judging by the alarming number of people within this thread who failed to pick up on obvious sarcasm and humor, I would say a pretty large amount of brain cells are now dead as well.
      Google must have. Granted, some international people who's second language is English are excused from picking up subtle sarcasm in writing, there seem to be plenty of native english speakers that haven't caught on to the obvious.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Gehr
    IM is alive and well, and far from dead.

    There are so many opportunities and strategies that it can be overwhelming.

    It's an exciting time, and changes are good as they make us adapt, grow, learn and continue moving.

    ...bring it on!
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  • Profile picture of the author ahago
    Just read article of Edward Wassaman on Miami Herald. Since when google rank the site with friendly comment from social networks or "friendly fire" comment, then I find myself more works.
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  • Profile picture of the author StonerJay
    Nothing ever truly dies...

    Earn and Burn!

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  • Profile picture of the author designerjack
    This is such an EMO Thread... it should be closed because it has no positive value towards internet marketing. Anyways, I'll know it's dead when it stops working for me.

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