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I have been experimenting with Adsense units. I just thought I'd share.

I had a 336x280 ad unit at the top. I then added a link unit above it, as well as a 468x60. Ouch. Bad.

What happened was my earnings went down immediately. People didn't click the link unit or the 468x60 ad. They did click the bigger one below just as much as before, but the earnings per click was a lot lower.

I went back to the original set up with just the bigger ad at the top, and bam, my earnings per click went up again.

I suppose had they clicked the link unit or the 468 ad unit, I would have gotten close to the same earnings per click, but, well they didn't click those ad units as often as just the big ad at the top.

Your mileage may vary, but that's the result of my latest adsense experiment.

#adsense #tip
  • Profile picture of the author xiro25
    Every website will be different. the key is to keep experimenting and do spilt testing so you have something to compare to. 336 x 280 above your content is the standard in adsense but I have seen many other formats work as well.
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