Google Panda Watch - Survival Guide To a New Google Algorithm

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He guy's
I just wan to share with you about google new algorithm called google panda, this new algorithm is addressed for growing complaint that low-quality content sites (derisively referred to as content farms) were ranked higher than higher-quality sites that seemed to be more important to users.
I stumble upon and had excellent article to anticipate google panda effect to your site, here is some factor to consider :

• Conduct qualitative research (that's speaking with individuals and not a big questionnaire) to find out which of a sample of sites they considered to be low quality and why.

• Use the results to define low quality sites with the factors that Google can measure. This gives Google a mathematical definition of low quality.

If we start here, we can think of a number of factors that Google might be able to measure to define low quality, including:

• A high % of duplicate content. This might apply to a page, a site or both. If it's a site measure then that might contribute to each page's evaluation.

• A low amount of original content on a page or site.

• A high % (or number) of pages with a low amount of original content.

• A high amount of inappropriate (they don't match the search queries a page does well for) adverts, especially high on the page.

• Page content (and page title tag) not matching the search queries a page does well for.

• Unnatural language on a page including heavy-handed on-page SEO ('over-optimization' to use a common oxymoron). Eg unnatural overuse of a word on a page.

• High bounce rate on page or site.

• Low visit times on page or site.

• Low % of users returning to a site.

• Low clickthrough % from Google's results pages (for page or site).

• High % of boilerplate content (the same on every page).

• Low or no quality inbound links to a page or site (by count or %).

• Low or no mentions or links to a page or site in social media and from other sites.
If your have some experience please share on this thread, thank you for reading.
#algorithm #google #guide #panda #survival #watch
  • Profile picture of the author zoobie
    Well I don't really care about Google algo's changes as it always happen.
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    • Profile picture of the author WPMaker
      Originally Posted by zoobie View Post

      Well I don't really care about Google algo's changes as it always happen.
      Exacly the same. I see topics like that everytime google changes something in their algorithm. But does it really change something? SEO is still about website optimization and getting backlinks as it always was (ok, after the time you could just spam your site with keywords but it was long long ago).
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    I actually have a T-shirt that reads:

    "I survived the Google Panda algo change, & all I got was this stupid T-shirt"! :rolleyes:
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    • Profile picture of the author scott g
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      I actually have a T-shirt that reads:

      "I survived the Google Panda algo change, & all I got was this stupid T-shirt"! :rolleyes:

      "I'm Bi-Winning!" - Charlie Sheen

      scott g
      "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve."

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  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    • A low amount of original content on a page or site.
    This is why I have my writers shoot out over 500 words per page...

    <a href="">How to Lower Your Water Bill</a>

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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by bigcat1967 View Post

      This is why I have my writers shoot out over 500 words per page...
      No offense, the word count doesn't matter at all.

      I have 3 sites with 500+ pages per site, each individual page has around 10 words max. & rank just fine in Google SERPs.
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  • Profile picture of the author topangal3105
    hi guys
    this algorithm can make effect for agc (auto generate content) web site or blog.
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