which domain name to use ??

by jimgk
14 replies
  • SEO
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www. used cars in delaware .com
recently registered feb 2011
but gets 1000 monthly local matches per google KW tool


www. used cars delaware .com
registered sep 2005
but gets 480 monthly local matches per google KW tool

i think the phrase - used cars in delaware - will be more easily used in on page text

i really wanted to use the - in delaware - but know that aged domains are easier to rank on google.

what do you guys think?
  • Profile picture of the author Stephen B
    Interesting question since Google ignores filler words such as of, in, and etc. I would personally prefer the aged domain because you can always rank an inner page for the term "used cars in delaware".
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    • Profile picture of the author jimgk
      local and exact

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  • Profile picture of the author AlexSafie
    I would go for used cars delaware and then I would rank an inner page with used car in delaware.

    Who knows you may even get a double listing
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOpsychic
    i'd go for www. used cars in delaware .com the keyword here includes 'in' and mind you these figures you quoted are EXACT. of course keywords in domains are better. why not go for it instead. then you make use of 'used cars in delaware' and 'used cars delaware' in your meta/title tags and get anchor texts for 'used cars delaware'. that'd be my choice and it'd work better than the above suggestions as far as i know.

    if you want we can do a competition, you choose 'used cars delaware.com' i choose the other and see who ranks higher? if i beat you, you give me a tip .

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  • Profile picture of the author jimgk
    would love some more opinions : )
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  • Profile picture of the author StudioArtha

    First, a domain that has been in existence and indexed by Google for a longer period will certainly have a benefit in ranking. Whereas, a domain that has been in existence for some longer period of time but that has no substantial content and therefore has not had a Google ranking, will tend to have no advantage.

    Wouldn't it make sense to go with a domain that has twice the traffic? Then you can always go for the inner page ranking as well. More traffic is better, right?

    Do you have a sense of the CPI (intent to purchase)? If so, that may drive your decision.
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    • Profile picture of the author WorkSatisfaction
      I would definately have to agree that in my mind it makes more sense to go with the domain which already has higher traffic.

      'Feet' usually go hand-in-hand with money in their pockets and the more 'feet' the better the chances that more will remove the money from their pockets and use it to shop.

      I am certain that most will agree that converting traffic into sales is the ultimate goal which should be a little more achievable with higher traffic to start off with.
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      • Profile picture of the author jimgk
        "domain which already has higher traffic."

        i consider both domain names as EMD - exact match domain names

        in case i am confusing anyone

        take both as keyword phrases into google keyword tool as see that

        used cars in delaware - gets 1000 exact monthly

        used cars delaware - gets 480 exact monthly

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      • Profile picture of the author jimgk

        i won't be selling cars on this site - car dealers will be listing cars on it for a fee - and i need to prove online traffic to their individual car pages in order to keep the dealers advertising on my site for the long term.

        i think the word ( in ) in the domain name helps with one page seo as sentences using the EMD phrase can be naturally written.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimgk
    neither domain is indexed - but one is registered in 2005 and the other in 2011
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  • Profile picture of the author jimgk
    thanks - that was the direction i was going - but because it was not yet set in stone - i wanted to be sure i was doing the best thing. jim
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