Give Google What It Wants And Google Will Give You What You Want.
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Just recently with the Panda update you can read in this and other forums stories of people's traffic and income declining.
And instead of analyzing what they did wrong everybody was blaming it on Google and their evil ways and the war between affiliates and "The Big G".
And in my opinion, all that is the wrong approach.
We have to understand that internet marketing is a business and like in any other business you have to build win - win relationships in order to have long term success.
When you build a nice website with quality content that is unique, well researched, useful and entertaining you are giving Google what it wants; relevant content to show to its users and that will satisfy their needs in the most convenient way.
When Google does that, it builds a win -win relationship with its users. Google wins because that satisfied user will return every time she / he needs some kind of information and will even tell a friend or two about their nice experience with Google. And the user wins because he / she found what they were searching for.
So that is why when you build a website that helps Google satisfy their customers you build a win - win relationship with Google. Google wins because you supplied recourses that helped Google achieve its goal of having a satisfied customer. And you win because when Google sees you as a valuable and relevant site it will award you with higher rankings, which in turn you can convert into money.
I know all of these is obvious, but sometimes we are so caught up in the day to day grind that we forget what it is all about.
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