Does Facebook + Bing = The Death of Google?

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So, just a couple of days ago Bing rolled out its new integration with Facebook.

Bing Facebook Friends Now Fueling Faster Decisions on Bing - Search Blog - Site Blogs - Bing Community

Will this finally overthrow the Google-behemoth?

Will this forever change SEO?

What are your thoughts on this move?
#bing #death #facebook #google #seo #social network
  • Profile picture of the author Helps Here
    No, nothing will kill google. they are the king.
    You can do it!!
    my new site is here!
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    • Profile picture of the author jskarthik1
      Originally Posted by Helps Here View Post

      No, nothing will kill google. they are the king.
      Exactly...Google = The Big Boss.
      No one can beat Google.

      People(normal visitors) keep jumping from here and there in SEO jungle, but they ultimately end up taking shelter of the Big Google tree. That's for sure.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dan C. Rinnert
        Originally Posted by Helps Here View Post

        No, nothing will kill google. they are the king.
        Originally Posted by jskarthik1 View Post

        Exactly...Google = The Big Boss.
        No one can beat Google.
        The same thing used to be said of Yahoo.

        Dan's content is irregularly read by handfuls of people. Join the elite few by reading his blog:, following him on Twitter: or reading his fiction: but NOT by Clicking Here!

        Dan also writes content for hire, but you can't afford him anyway.
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        • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
          Originally Posted by Dan C. Rinnert View Post

          The same thing used to be said of Yahoo.
          And Myspace.
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  • Profile picture of the author InTheMaking
    personally i've not once searched on facebook for something I needed information on, it will always be google.

    Why change something that works and complicate things?
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    • Profile picture of the author royljestr
      Originally Posted by InTheMaking View Post

      personally i've not once searched on facebook for something I needed information on, it will always be google.

      Why change something that works and complicate things?

      This isn't really about using facebook for search but for adding social credibility to Bing searches. When you search for best shoes on Bing is shows you which results your friends like...I guess that's it in a nutshell
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Marshall
    Originally Posted by royljestr View Post

    So, just a couple of days ago Bing rolled out its new integration with Facebook.

    Bing Facebook Friends Now Fueling Faster Decisions on Bing - Search Blog - Site Blogs - Bing Community

    Will this finally overthrow the Google-behemoth?

    Will this forever change SEO?

    What are your thoughts on this move?
    It is not possible to kill Google, but I think we will see more people using Bing as time marches on. This is great news for internet marketers. I think it forces all search engines to provide better search results when there is more competition between the different providers.

    Google knows that Facebook is a threat, but the competition is a win win for us as consumers.

    EDIT: Despite everything I've said, Google still dominates search queries. Microsoft is one of the few companies that has the resources it needs to compete with Google.

    Confused about SEO? Facebook? Adwords? Send me a PM to apply for your free 30 minute consultation today!

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  • Profile picture of the author dominodivine
    No ... this is not going to kill Google presently Google is the king of search and that is what Google does well search.

    The problem that Google face has nothing to do with search the same way Google was an innovator when it come to search.

    Facebook is the king of Social Buzz and now Google is trying to play catch up but it is too late.

    Just like it was too late for Yahoo, Bing,Excite and Alta vista just to name a few.

    Google is going to lose by trying to spread its self to thin... and forget to focus on what it does well and that is search.
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    • Profile picture of the author Damani Tabor
      Originally Posted by dominodivine View Post

      No ... this is not going to kill Google presently Google is the king of search and that is what Google does well search.

      The problem that Google face has nothing to do with search the same way Google was an innovator when it come to search.

      Facebook is the king of Social Buzz and now Google is trying to play catch up but it is too late.

      Just like it was too late for Yahoo, Bing,Excite and Alta vista just to name a few.

      Google is going to lose by trying to spread its self to thin... and forget to focus on what it does well and that is search.

      Google cannot be dislodged. but they would do well to see how to engineer an answer to this innovation.
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      • Originally Posted by Damani Tabor View Post

        Google cannot be dislodged. but they would do well to see how to engineer an answer to this innovation.
        Google's answer:

        Google Rolls Out Social Search Globally

        Google definitely has made themselves a powerful force to reckon with, that is for sure. I have to admit, though, I'm a Google-meister. There are very few of the Google 'extras' I don't use, and I utilize them quite often.

        In fact, I would think a solid 75% of people don't know about anything other than the search engine, email and maps. Even most supposedly 'advanced' users usually don't know more than 1/4 of its available features.

        Actually, for those who may not know about the Google 'extras', check out this page, and this isn't even a complete list:

        More Google Products

        If Google dropped out of site tomorrow, I would be lost, I have to admit. :p With goodies like that, I'll take Google over Bing or Facebook any day.

        It seems like I read somewhere that Bing had patented the 'social search model', though, so I wonder how Google will be allowed to do this. Considering 75% of the people on the internet (if I remember correctly) use Google for their web searches, Bing and Facebook would be seriously limiting the social search model and its practicality by not allowing Google to play.
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  • Profile picture of the author royljestr
    Maybe Google will be here forever, however they are losing market-share. Just look at the results of April:

    comScore April 2011 Search Engine Market Share* - Search Engine Watch (#SEW)

    Google is down and Bing is up! Bing almost has 30% market share if you include Yahoo which is POWERED by Bing.

    Personally I don't like Bing, but they are certainly hitting this as hard as they can!
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  • Profile picture of the author LB
    Google actually does terrible at search. Really, think about it.

    The first page of most results is going to be 1. Google properties 2. Fortune 500s 3. Adwords ads for big brands 4. Wikipedia 5. National news properties

    I rarely consider any of those relevant. Honestly, Bing has been better for me probably 80% of the time.

    This is why there are antitrust investigations brewing.

    On Google's less competitive searches it's spam hell. Search for some medical terms and you'll get thousands of pages of unreadable spam and cloaked pages.

    Google has proven with Panda that they no longer care about who owns content (ranking scraper sites far above the original source- even when there are links back to it!)

    I think Google is REALLY afraid of Facebook and rightly so. In addition, Facebook is super-friendly to marketers whereas Google will go over your website with a fine-toothed comb while allowing large brands to do whatever they want.

    I actually think Google is very concerned- hence their recent memo about tying bonuses to their social plans.
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    • Profile picture of the author criskus
      I agree. Google has some concerns on their hands...they can only go down from here...
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hill
    There is nothing to fret about. Bing is just trying to stir the pot because they cannot build a better algorithm than what Google has. This whole vote thing will never work because you like different things than I do. Different colors, styles, etc... So this whole notion of what Bing is trying to do is a complete waste of time in my opinion.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrktxprt
    Google is like Apple, they just keep rolling out more and more stuff and getting better.
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Google is not just a search engine. It is a huge advertising conglomerate, with their fingers in lots of pies. :rolleyes:
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  • Profile picture of the author royljestr
    I agree that this one feature may not in and of itself upset google. However what will happen when Facebook and Bing tag-team on other things?

    They could both serve ads to you based on your interests and searches. Imagine searching on Bing for a car and then the next day Facebook is serving local auto ads to you... Or maybe you have the Beatles as your favorite band on facebook and then when you are searching on Bing for fried cantaloupe recipes you are being served ads about a Beatles compilation CD.

    They could also easily scan your network of friends and make certain assumptions about you based on your friend's interests. Say all of your friends are into competitive Parcheesi...well both Facebook and Bing could assume that you are also into this addictive sport even though it is not mentioned in your profile.

    The sky really is the limit here if they really work together...what if allowed all of your searches (gasp) to be fed into your Facebook profile, then all of your friends could comment on them and perhaps help you find what you are looking for.

    This is just a random brainstorm of what could be possible if they really unite forces.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ephrils
    It will not kill Google.

    Google now has it's hands in all kinds of different online ventures now outside of search. Search is their main source of income, of course, but they're building a firm base to stand on should that rug, for whatever reason, be pulled out from under them.

    If you want to dethrone Google you need a lot more than a better wheel, you need Brand recognition.

    Two Signature lines for rent.

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  • Profile picture of the author ginak59
    Looking at this long range ( on the internet that's more than 2 months ) of course Google can go down. I've been on the internet long enough to remember Netscape as browser de jour and AOL as the center of the universe. Does anyone remember the big AOL/Time Warner merger?

    Having said that, after being banned from Google Adwords a few months ago I've been very happy with Bing. My click rate and expenses went down but conversions for certain markets went up.

    Bing skews to an older demographic and I targeted products to match. So, as far as everything goes, a big "meh". I say, "keep your eyes peeled and stay ahead of the curve".
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    • Profile picture of the author Gail Ogden
      As ginak59 says of course it can go down. In fact the bigger a business gets the more it can lose track of where it's going. However, I don't think the Death of Google is imminent because of this. They do search way too well and I don't have enough competition in this area yet, but who knows?

      Daring to make money on line.

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  • Profile picture of the author HappyHourInfo
    I've heard that Google has been experiencing a "drain brain", exodus of its top employees as they are going to Facebook and starting their own businesses. This worries me in terms of Google's longevity.

    This may attribute, among other things, to its decline and I don't see them doing better UNLESS they too begin to integrate their search with Facebook and other social media platforms more as well as continue to diversify into other avenues. But you need some of the best engineers to develop these technologies and if an exodus is happening well..

    In either case, if this is the beginning of Google's decline, it will be GRADUAL.

    As many have said, this is great news for IMers though so I am excited as it spreads the distribution of search and inherently allows more competitive pricing in advertisement costs. There's money to be made for sure.
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    • Originally Posted by whosetheman View Post

      I've heard that Google has been experiencing a "drain brain", exodus of its top employees as they are going to Facebook and starting their own businesses.
      People come and go from any job. As soon as one brainiac leaves, they simply hire another. And Google is VERY selective about who they hire.

      I'm a damn fine programmer with almost 30 years of experience, but I still wouldn't want to go head to head with any of their top people.
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  • Profile picture of the author leiden
    Facebook is for sharing stupid videos and things like that. When it comes to looking up any USEFUL information, it's Google alone.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenB
    Byee google.
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  • Profile picture of the author palmer9999
    I can't see Google failing. However I can see a much richer Mark Zuckerrrrr...
    Still though Google is King! People don't change what they are using unless it becomes either out of date or everyone starts using it.

    Google will only get better at what they do. Also compared to Bing.. They are gods.. I hate bing, they never deliver accurate site results!

    Also if you think about it bing now has FB, but Google incorporates the internet as a whole. Analytics, Web Masters, Adsense, Images, Books. You name it. It has to much now to ever lose
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  • Profile picture of the author Cosmit
    facebook isnt a search engine - its a fad

    google actually has something worth the money - a compex algorithm and more than a decade of engineering

    facebook has only 1 thing - popularity, and just like myspace, it will fade away because it's useless.

    but from a marketer's perspective, facebook CAN be a goldmine - but I personally will not waste my time with it
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    • Profile picture of the author LB
      Originally Posted by Cosmit View Post

      facebook isnt a search engine - its a fad

      google actually has something worth the money - a compex algorithm and more than a decade of engineering
      An algorithm that has been completely gamed so badly that google admits to having to "whitelist" certain big brands to keep them on the first page.

      facebook has only 1 thing - popularity, and just like myspace, it will fade away because it's useless.
      Myspace and Facebook could not be more different. Myspace failed because they did not respect their users. Anyone could come to your page and crap all over it with ads and comments that you had no control over.

      Facebook alows much tighter control over who you interact with and more importantly, people are using it for extremely personal uses. I think FB will only continue to grow.

      If google thought Facebook was irrelevant they wouldn't be breaking their back to try and compete with social functions.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh MacDonald
    All I can say is Mark Zuckerberg is one lucky guy.
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  • Profile picture of the author joeulman
    google will not die
    But it will be beat by twitter and facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author milton11011
    ive read that by the end of 2012, bing may overtake google as the search engine giant.

    legit source too (mashable) mashable[dot]com/2011/04/11/bing-search-growth/

    [also my first post..]
    Just starting off my attempt at internet marketing. First venture is a teeth whitening site that I'm trying to monetize. Always appreciate feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author Resultz
    I'm not leaving google....maybe my kids will. Probably why my grandmother wont stop using AOL even though its killed 3 computers of hers with viruses lol
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    Raise your hand If you have logged into Bing since 2005.
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  • Profile picture of the author HavenX
    Google has lot of resources I think FB and Bing have a lot of work to do....
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  • Profile picture of the author va_mom
    maybe in time - but not very soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author alina albert
    But they become a good competent for Google and it will amazing to see.
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  • Profile picture of the author ratheeanu
    It is not possible to kill Google.If Face Book and Yahoo and Bing meet they can't kill Google.All know the power of Google.Today 80 percent people using it.No other search engine can get users like it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I don't think. Still people open Google to find something. This has become as a default thing in internet. Anyway FB will be a challenge for Google.

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  • Profile picture of the author royljestr
    I agree totally that Google is the KING of search engines. In fact I remember using it back when only the geeks were using it. However, no one expect such a simple home page to beat out the "portal" style of yahoo.

    I just think it is important as internet marketers to keep an eye on such things as this so we don't get caught off guard if something drastic happens.

    Don't forget that back in the day IBM was King of computers.

    As they say, the bigger they are the harder they fall
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