Established website fell from 2nd to 5th overnight!??

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Can someone please attempt to explain how one of my established adsense sites that was consistently making $2-3 per day fell from 2nd to 5th on Google literally overnight?

The only thing I have been doing is using buildmyrank and built a backlink to it every other day, what caused this?

Is there anyway to get my ranking back or am I going to have to do a ton of extra linkbuilding that I already did to get the site to #2 in the first place?
#2nd #5th #established #fell #overnight #website
  • Profile picture of the author jawad009
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    • Profile picture of the author dburk
      Hi carp104,

      SERP ranking is a competition and you will always have competitors looking to outrank your listing. Also, keep in mind QDF will often temporarily displace your listing, there is no need to fret over those temporary setbacks.
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      • Profile picture of the author carp104
        1) The page is mainly a static page, there are no posts. I do update it twice a month by adding some content. I actually just updated it friday and took a hit last night.

        2) Im not familiar with QDF, but it looks like it wasn't just my site that was affected. One of my competitors who was previously ranked 8th and instantaneously moved up to 4th (one above me) overnight as well.

        No idea what is going on here
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  • Profile picture of the author simonbuzz
    Build backlinks and write articles constantly...that may help you get your position back...
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    • Profile picture of the author carp104
      It looks like I am going to have to do that....even though I already built tons of backlinks manually in the first place to achieve that ranking - now I have to do it all over again?

      Thinking about looking for other means of income rather than micro niche sites - it's too unpredictable it seems.
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Just because you achieve a certain ranking does not mean you are then entitled to it forever after that. You need to keep backlinking. When you moved up to #2 you knocked someone else down a peg or two. They are not always just going to sit back and accept that.
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Agreed. Just keep building backlinks. I know it's tempting to let your foot off the gas a little once you've achieved the rankings you want. But there's always someone aiming for your spot.
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    • Profile picture of the author carp104
      I could understand if I got bumped down a spot b/c a competitor surpassed me. But 3 spots overnight, common that cannot be the case.

      Clearly there was some kind of alteration/update that Google did which caused this. Like I said it isn't just my site that bounced, my competitors instantaneously moved as well.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4471342].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dburk
        Originally Posted by carp104 View Post

        I could understand if I got bumped down a spot b/c a competitor surpassed me. But 3 spots overnight, common that cannot be the case.

        Clearly there was some kind of alteration/update that Google did which caused this. Like I said it isn't just my site that bounced, my competitors instantaneously moved as well.
        Hi carp104,

        Where in the world did you get the idea that rankings are so constant. They are not nor have they ever been that steady. SERP rankings are more of an ebb and flow than a constant.
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      • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
        Originally Posted by carp104 View Post

        I could understand if I got bumped down a spot b/c a competitor surpassed me. But 3 spots overnight, common that cannot be the case.

        Clearly there was some kind of alteration/update that Google did which caused this. Like I said it isn't just my site that bounced, my competitors instantaneously moved as well.
        Really? So as your site moved UP the rankings it only moved one spot at a time? I doubt it. So why is it so hard to believe you can move down more than one at a time too.

        I track hundreds of keywords all the time for clients. Trust me. Sites on the first page can move around all the time. If you check multiple times a day, sometimes you fill find a site moving all over the place on the first page throughout the day.
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  • Profile picture of the author kaybee
    Keep building backlinks, and you need to mix up what type they are. Make useful comments on commentluv/keywordluv blogs. BMR is useful, but you cannot rely on just one type of backlink.

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  • Profile picture of the author gabwilliams
    I found a similar problem with a website of my own. I was really happy once it started making $3 a day so took my foot off the gas. Within a couple of weeks it had started dropping in revenue fast so I started link building again and it popped back up. Not sure if all the time spent on link building is actually worth it though for myself. Good luck with it.
    Looking for HIGH PAGERANK Domains
    with Page Authority and Backlinks?

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  • Profile picture of the author alzack
    I have experienced similar case before.

    My solutions were:

    1) Updating the blog/site from time to time. But this won't guarantee my position.

    So, I also proceed to the next plan...which is

    2) Not relying on 1 site, I create more sites. So, I have others to supplement and also make me more passive income via adsense and other programs.

    z.y.z.m.j.i.f.m.s.a.h.z.a. :

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4478637].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author carp104
      Thanks for all the advice everyone...

      I threw in some different types of backlinks besides just BMR and it today just jumped back into #2.
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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    The massive drop means Google has filtered out your backlinks. The only way to regain the ranking is to re-build your backlinks! This is very normal after Panda Updates, many sites experienced the same, main because their backlinks went bad...

    Powerful Indexer That Makes Your Backlinks Count ==> Nuclear Link Indexer

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    • Profile picture of the author alzack
      Although i'm not the one who started this thread, I have several sites that lost from the SERP...I don't know where...

      At least now, I know the way is to build backlink again...

      Cheers mate...for the tips.

      Originally Posted by kkchoon View Post

      The massive drop means Google has filtered out your backlinks. The only way to regain the ranking is to re-build your backlinks! This is very normal after Panda Updates, many sites experienced the same, main because their backlinks went bad...

      z.y.z.m.j.i.f.m.s.a.h.z.a. :

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