Hosting a Lot of Site Under 1 IP

5 replies
  • SEO
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Right now I have 13 sites up on my hosting service, with 6 of them having Adsense and the other 7 being either recreational or projects I don't want to do anymore. Anyways, my question is how many sites is too many to be hosted under one IP address?

I plan on making a new site every month from now on and worried that it might actually effect SEO or maybe Google doesn't like what I'm doing. All my sites have quality content and and I update each site every 3-9 days. So has anyone hosted a ton of sites under one IP and had good results?
#hosting #lot #site
  • Profile picture of the author paulgl
    Google could care less if you have many sites under same IP.
    The world runs on shared IPs. The scare tactics are from host
    sellers telling you the world is going to end...

    The only danger is if your host takes a dump, either on their
    own or from someone else.

    But I have yet to hear of a reputable host ever taking a dive...

    If someone can show me a name brand, well respected and used
    host, that has has servers and sites banned, I'm all ears.

    So, to be sure in this nuclear option, you should spread the
    wealth around.

    But then that flies in the face of logic, right?

    The more hosts you use, the more of a chance of getting one
    that gets the penalty, right?

    A lot of people waste money.

    If your host is reputable, and your sites are reputable, there
    is nothing to fear.

    Just be sure and do weekly backups of all sites.

    There are plenty of sites that use the same IP and have
    literally dozens on them. Like wikipedia, gasbuddy,...


    If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.

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    • Profile picture of the author That Guy
      Originally Posted by paulgl View Post

      Google could care less if you have many sites under same IP.
      The world runs on shared IPs. The scare tactics are from host
      sellers telling you the world is going to end...
      Thanks Paul, so do you put all of your websites under one hosting account?
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  • Profile picture of the author GregRom
    Best number of URL under 1 iP = 5
    YOu can have 10 URL, but think about SEO and how will afect your iP...
    You need seo hosting, google it, and find Hostgator, is not too expensive, you'll get 5 iP for about $30 per month... (im not sure the price), check it...
    YOu can have 100/1000 URL on 1 iP, but Google Can, and 100% WILL Mark your iP...


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  • Profile picture of the author ours
    I agree with Greg Under 1 IP 5 url maximum. Always good to be safe else in long run this small factors become big issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author guitarjosh
    I have over 200 on one ip and my second ip is close to another hundred. I'll probably bump this second one up to 300 though. As Paul said.. not that important.
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