How To Fix Your Quality Score Issues - For Free

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For those new-ish to AdWords, getting a "Poor" Quality Score for a site that seems properly optimised for a certain phrase is really frustrating when running AdWords campaigns.

I went through all this and to call it annoying is quite an understatement.

There is a solution though. Download a copy of WebCEO (the free version) and get it to check your specific AdWords-linked pages for Optimisation.

I find with WebCEO's advice and making the recommended corrections, you will get at least 7/10 ("OK" Quality Score) every time and sometimes an 8/10 ("Great").

By the way, I can find no apparent reason why some - seemingly identically optimised pages - come up as "Great" and others "OK".

Nonetheless, even 7/10 "OK" is way better than "Poor" CPC-wise and it only takes a minute to make the recommended changes to HTML pages, upload, WebCEO-check them again and get your campaign moving.

Add in a great course like James Schramko's on AdWords (not free) and your days of AdWords frustration should be behind you. Best of luck.
#business ideas #fix #free #issues #quality #score
  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi Terry,

    That's some good advice. Landing page quality issues is just one of the factors that make up your Quality Score.

    In addition to the sources you recommend I would also recommend that folks that are new to AdWords to spend some time at the AdWords Learning Center, use the Keyword Analysis Page to identify the cause of your Quality Score issues and ask specific questions in this forum for help.

    These are also all free and very useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author MarQueteer
    Yep, the learning center is great, and maybe visit a few of the online webinars

    Listening and watching is often easier than reading and many people don't even know these webinars exist! Reading forums is great, but no ebook or forum subtitutes first hand information.
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    • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
      Originally Posted by MarQueteer View Post

      Yep, the learning center is great, and maybe visit a few of the online webinars

      Listening and watching is often easier than reading and many people don't even know these webinars exist! Reading forums is great, but no ebook or forum subtitutes first hand information.
      Thanks MarQueteer - I actually didn't even know that those webinars were there - very helpful information.
      Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shift
    I also didn't know about the webinars until yesterday when I got an email from Google telling me about it.

    Regarding QS I've noticed that the CPC is sometimes higher for an 8 than for a 7, but maybe more people are bidding for that keyword?
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