Why do they say to be consistent with link building?

3 replies
  • SEO
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Doesn't being consistent actually seem a little unnatural?
#building #consistent #link
  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Depends. If you're building links manually you may want to try and remain at least a little consistent.

    Sites / pages can go viral, sure. But I'm pretty sure Google can spot the difference between 50,000 viral & unique links vs 50,000 manually created links. So this is why most people prefer to space it out. Just trying to stay under the radar. (If that's really even possible.)
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  • Profile picture of the author John Williamson
    Being 'consistent' for some means sticking to one URL structure (with or without the www)
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  • Profile picture of the author arnie19
    Consistency is only important if you are building lots of backlinks to your site. This is just to prevent your site from being flagged for unusual works. If you stop, then your rankings will surely dropped because backlinks frequency allows your site to go higher in SE's.

    hope that helps.
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