SEO question - Page Rank vs Site Rank for link building

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I have one of those knotty questions for our warrior SEO experts.

I'd like to know whether domain PR or page/post PR are more important in link building.

Say for example I have a link on a page/post with PR of 0 but the domain has a PR of 5, will that generate more link love than having a link on a PR5 page/post sitting on a domain that is PR 0.

I won't muddy the waters by expressing what I suspect the answer is... instead I'll leave it to more experienced warriors I'm sure there are many warriors that leave my SEO knowledge for dead.
#building #link #page #pagerank #question #rank #seo #site
  • Profile picture of the author options
    Tricky One, i cant see a domain name with pr0 and having a pr5 page.
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    • Profile picture of the author Julia Andersson
      Originally Posted by options View Post

      Tricky One, i cant see a domain name with pr0 and having a pr5 page.
      LOL... well that was an exaggeration Though I do have a weight loss blog that has PR 0 for the home page but several posts with PR of 2 or 3, mainly due to the number of backlinks I've created for them. It probably wouldn't be possible for a post to have PR of 5 without the homepage having some PR.
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  • Profile picture of the author jackwebson
    Right! me too.. but i understand what she means to say...

    A link from a PR5 would technically produce much link juice than a link from a page with a PR0. You see a page rank determines a website's authority and Google loves to crawl backlinks from authoritative sites.

    Hope this helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    Originally Posted by Julia Andersson View Post

    I'd like to know whether domain PR or page/post PR are more important in link building.
    There is only Page Rank. Domains don't have PR.

    By domain PR, you really mean Page Rank of the homepage.

    Say for example I have a link on a page/post with PR of 0 but the domain has a PR of 5, will that generate more link love than having a link on a PR5 page/post sitting on a domain that is PR 0.
    A PR5 backlink is going to be better than a PR0 backlink.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      With the clarification that Pete correctly made the answer to your questions would be

      It depends

      If the page is not buried too far away from pages with PR and the sites have good navigation then there is the chance of some of that PR eventually affecting the PR0 page your links is on.

      If its say a forum profile buried far away from any regularly crawled page the effect is near zero.

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    • Profile picture of the author Julia Andersson
      Originally Posted by UMS View Post

      There is only Page Rank. Domains don't have PR.

      By domain PR, you really mean Page Rank of the homepage.

      A PR5 backlink is going to be better than a PR0 backlink.
      Yes, I do mean the page rank of the homepage.

      I understand that PR5 backlinks are MUCH better but what I'm trying to figure out is whether to concentrate my efforts on achieving links on pages/posts that have PR or whether it is enough that the homepage has good PR... i.e. Does the homepage PR reflect on the authority of the overall site, including pages that don't have their own PR?

      Thanks for your input
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      • Profile picture of the author UMS
        Originally Posted by Julia Andersson View Post

        Yes, I do mean the page rank of the homepage.

        I understand that PR5 backlinks are MUCH better but what I'm trying to figure out is whether to concentrate my efforts on achieving links on pages/posts that have PR or whether it is enough that the homepage has good PR... i.e. Does the homepage PR reflect on the authority of the overall site, including pages that don't have their own PR?

        Thanks for your input
        Sites that have a homepage with high PR have some of that link juice flow to their internal pages (assuming the links aren't nofollow, which is highly unlikely).

        So if you get a link on a page with PR0 from a site with a homepage PR of 7, then some of that link juice (a small amount) will flow onto you (I know that sounds a little rude).
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        • Profile picture of the author wonder world
          hi, I want to ask another vital question that is :

          If the goal is to "Rank Up High" a Site with any KEYWORD then

          "Is it necessary to focus on PR" Rather "only relevancy is important"

          Kindly Help Me !
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  • There has only been one CORRECT response so far made by UMS.

    Google only Ranks PAGES... Your Home Page on your Domain is a PAGE. It may have a higher value and it may pass PR to pages it links to but it is still just a page.

    If you want to know the value of the PR of a link pointing back to your site you need to look not at that site but at the Specific Page that is linking to you.

    Then you need to make sure the links are not tagged Nofollow (much speculation to the value of dofollow vs nofollow and Google has not come clean on this in spite of what they say), then you need to look at the number of other links exiting that page to be sure it is not so dilluted that there is no value. You also need to look at the content within those other links to see that you are not in a link farm which could potentially get you filtered.

    And it's not easy placing links on quality sites. You have to pay to play, or offer something in return that has more value than the link you are requesting.
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  • And you do not have to play just the Google game.

    I have a site that got 7000 visitors from Yahoo and 200 from Google for the same phrase. Clearly due to the market share of Google I'd prefer to rank higher there, but sometimes you have to rank where you can rank.
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    • Profile picture of the author Julia Andersson
      Originally Posted by InternetMarketingIQ View Post

      And you do not have to play just the Google game.

      I have a site that got 7000 visitors from Yahoo and 200 from Google for the same phrase. Clearly due to the market share of Google I'd prefer to rank higher there, but sometimes you have to rank where you can rank.
      True enough, I have pages like that too... though not that volume of visitors
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  • Profile picture of the author christopherchan
    Hi Andersson,


    you better place your backlinks on the page itself which has high PR. not the high PR domain.

    But one thing for sure is that. it's all the number's game.

    you get the idea?

    Hope this help.

    Christopher Chan

    Originally Posted by Julia Andersson View Post

    I have one of those knotty questions for our warrior SEO experts.

    I'd like to know whether domain PR or page/post PR are more important in link building.

    Say for example I have a link on a page/post with PR of 0 but the domain has a PR of 5, will that generate more link love than having a link on a PR5 page/post sitting on a domain that is PR 0.

    I won't muddy the waters by expressing what I suspect the answer is... instead I'll leave it to more experienced warriors I'm sure there are many warriors that leave my SEO knowledge for dead.
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  • Profile picture of the author sTePhz09
    i do usually read weight loss something. I thought this is for seo topics
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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    This has to test, we can't be sure about this, but I do agree the direct PR is more valuable than domain PR, but still - this has to be tested.

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    • Profile picture of the author Julia Andersson
      Originally Posted by kkchoon View Post

      This has to test, we can't be sure about this, but I do agree the direct PR is more valuable than domain PR, but still - this has to be tested.
      True... question is how to test it. Maybe create a couple of domains with the same content and almost exact domain names (eg. and then with one link from non PR pages on domains where the homepage has high PR and with the other one only link from high PR pages and see the result in PR and traffic on the new domains.

      Because it's only for testing purposes it's possible to get away with using subdomains too... that way there is no need to buy the domains.

      I have a feeling that the one with links on PR pages would win hands down though
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  • yeh, may it be on try level. may be you can see the result.

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