9 replies
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I thought you all might be interested to know about a service I found called StumbleUpon Exchange.

It allows you to sign up (for free) and earn points towards getting your site stumbled while you do the same for other sites.

So far what I like about this is that unlike Traffic exchanges where you can't control the sites you view, this service allows you to pick and choose which sites you want to stumble. Therefore, helping to keep spammy sites out.

You can view the site first, decide if its something you consider "stumble worthy" and then make your choice from there.

It's free but you do get referral points for everyone who signs up.

StumbleUpon Exchange

This is NOT my referral link. But if you care to share the love, the referral link is in my signature.

I'll be curious to see how the traffic on this pans out.

- Kristine
#exchange #stumbleupon
  • Profile picture of the author MommyEnterprises
    There is also a forum that has different threads to exchange as well


    Mommy Enterprises
    Helping Moms Make Money At Home $$

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  • Profile picture of the author krishananda
    I also found another similar service from piqq.us login, they exchange stumbleupon, digg and propeller there.

    As the site says.
    You digg some stories and earn Points.
    Spend those Points to have your own stories dugg.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ryan6
    Originally Posted by IowaGal View Post

    I thought you all might be interested to know about a service I found called StumbleUpon Exchange.

    It allows you to sign up (for free) and earn points towards getting your site stumbled while you do the same for other sites.

    So far what I like about this is that unlike Traffic exchanges where you can't control the sites you view, this service allows you to pick and choose which sites you want to stumble. Therefore, helping to keep spammy sites out.

    You can view the site first, decide if its something you consider "stumble worthy" and then make your choice from there.

    It's free but you do get referral points for everyone who signs up.

    StumbleUpon Exchange

    This is NOT my referral link. But if you care to share the love, the referral link is in my signature.

    I'll be curious to see how the traffic on this pans out.

    - Kristine
    Thankyou for the information Kristine... will check this out later with your referral.
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    • Profile picture of the author strauss
      I really come to know about this StumbleUpon Exchange through this forum. But what are the benefits of this exchange?

      To know more information check with this------>http://www.putonyourgoggles.com/blog...-on-the-loose/

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      • Profile picture of the author krishananda
        Originally Posted by strauss View Post

        I really come to know about this StumbleUpon Exchange through this forum. But what are the benefits of this exchange?
        Well, you know you got a really good story submitted to stumbleupon, but everyone else might not notice it yet, since the only vote you get for the story is from yourself.

        If you got more votes on the story, the story will be in the better position where it is more noticeable for other members there.

        Plus if you get to the first page of stumbleupon, you'd get massive amount of traffic from it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[439927].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
        Originally Posted by strauss View Post

        I really come to know about this StumbleUpon Exchange through this forum. But what are the benefits of this exchange?
        As long as you have content that is unique and appealing then others within StumbleUpon Exchange will have the opportunity to view your web page and give it a vote.

        The key with StumbleUpon is to not submit pages that are veiled advertisements or out and out promotions. If I had to give StumbleUpon one word to describe it (and the pages that get stumbled) it's "viral".
        Techy Bigmouth at http://KristineWirth.com who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author krishananda
    Sure, I'd say digg, propeller, technorati, reddit, del.ico.us, furl, fave, diigo are among the best social bookmarking sites,

    If you want to get success in those sites, better build your profiles there, not just bookmarking. Join groups, add friends, recommend stories to groups, vote other stories, etc.
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