Sites linking to me badly!

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Normally it's good when sites link to you.

However, some of my inbound links are broken and as such, reporting errors in Google webmaster.

I obviously can't fix broken links from others sites, so what can I do, a redirect?

I'm busy getting rid of all webmaster errors. Any help appreciated.
#badly #linking #sites
  • Profile picture of the author SimpleSEOTips
    A simple 301 redirect will pass the link juice to the pages which you redirect the broken links to.

    I worked on a site which had about 300 unique domains linking to page not found errors. A couple of weeks after the redirections were set up the site jumped up the rankings for some competitive terms. Tough to say explicitly that this made the difference but there were no other link building campaigns in motion at the time.
    It takes Google a bit of time to crawl each of the external pages which link to you and for the stats in Webmaster Tools to update by the way.

    "The easiest inbound links which you already earned."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[4951031].message }}

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