AdWords guidelines... a little help please!

by MTVida
5 replies
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Hi everyone,

I'm in the process of setting up some PPC campaigns in AdWords for CPA offers. I keep hitting a bunch of brick walls trying to get my ads approved.

The part that's really driving me nuts is that Big G says my display URL does not match the destination URL. The destination, of course, is my affiliate link, but it does re-direct to the site I list as my display URL. From reading the AdWords guidelines, it APPEARS that this is allowed. The rejection emails tell me differently.

I'd appreciate help with this issue. And if there's any resource short of a 4 year degree that will help me understand their whole system better, I'd really appreciate that. :rolleyes:
#adwords #guidelines
  • Profile picture of the author Eleanor

    I've had real problems with PPC in the past - especially AdWords. In my opinion, their help guides are in no way helpful and don't describe any problems that most marketers will come across.

    In regards to your URL redirecting, I'd suggest you change this. It's probably best to link to a real website that has content and then use that webpage to link with your affiliate link.

    I hope that helps

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