Devastated. HELP!!! Page fell from #3 on Google to #14. Adsense earnings destroyed!

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About 2 months ago I had set up a site. I researched the competition and discovered it had potential. I put all-original, and helpful content on it.

At first, just 2 500-600 word articles, with good on-page SEO.

Over time I added articles, slowly used some social bookmarking, seNUKE, and AMR blasts. I did this smartly, and not all at once.

Anyway, over time the site reached the #7 position on Google, so I added Adsesne.

I kept up with it, and it reached #3 and was pulling in $22 per day.

Then the next day, something happened.

I checked Rankchecker, and it fell from #3 to #14. It made $9 2 days ago, $4.60 yesterday, and only has 50 cents today.

HELP!!! What can I do? I didn't change anything when it was rank 3....didn't blast anything. All I did was add a new page of targeted content! Not keyword stuffed....each page only has 1.5-1.9 KW density!

Any help would be so much appreciated. This is my first Adsesne site, so I am really stuck.
##14 #adsense #destroyed #devastated #earnings #fell #google #page
  • Profile picture of the author FraserC
    New sites are given a bonus to get them a chance to find their footing. This new site bonus wears off after two months, so that's possible to explain what happened to you.

    It also sounds like you got hit by Panda. Most new sites don't tend to get the kind of backlink profile that an automated tool like SENuke will create, so it's entirely possible that you got caught in their algorithm. If you did get hit by Panda, it's almost impossible to recover. Better to start again, with a valuable lesson learned and make a higher quality site that can pass a manual review.

    If you want a brutally honest site review, I highly recommend you check out the Google Webmaster Central Forum.

    Post your site there, and they'll tell you exactly what you're doing wrong and how to fix it.
    Webmaster Central Help
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5040804].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SuzanneH
      Originally Posted by FraserC View Post

      If you want a brutally honest site review, I highly recommend you check out the Google Webmaster Central Forum.
      Had a chuckle when I read that.

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      • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
        Originally Posted by SuzanneH View Post

        Had a chuckle when I read that.

        Why chuckle?
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        • Profile picture of the author SuzanneH
          Originally Posted by OpenMindsEnt View Post

          Why chuckle?
          I recently started hanging out at that forum and they are *brutally honest*. Thin-skinned people and/or MFA sites should not post there.

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          • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
            Originally Posted by SuzanneH View Post

            I recently started hanging out at that forum and they are *brutally honest*. Thin-skinned people and/or MFA sites should not post there.

            I figured...I made a post including my site link there, but within 3-4 minutes or so I felt uneasy. Because my site is MFA, but it does provide some value too. But I just got scared someone from the Google team would see my post, check out my site and flag it.
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    • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
      Originally Posted by FraserC View Post

      New sites are given a bonus to get them a chance to find their footing. This new site bonus wears off after two months, so that's possible to explain what happened to you.

      It also sounds like you got hit by Panda. Most new sites don't tend to get the kind of backlink profile that an automated tool like SENuke will create, so it's entirely possible that you got caught in their algorithm. If you did get hit by Panda, it's almost impossible to recover. Better to start again, with a valuable lesson learned and make a higher quality site that can pass a manual review.

      If you want a brutally honest site review, I highly recommend you check out the Google Webmaster Central Forum.

      Post your site there, and they'll tell you exactly what you're doing wrong and how to fix it.
      Webmaster Central Help
      Ugh. But what about articles which go viral immediately, and receive thousands of backlinks in a day, naturally? How does Google differentiate those from an modest seNUKE blast, scheduled slowly and for minimal links over a 5 day span or so?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5040986].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by OpenMindsEnt View Post

        Ugh. But what about articles which go viral immediately, and receive thousands of backlinks in a day, naturally? How does Google differentiate those from an modest seNUKE blast, scheduled slowly and for minimal links over a 5 day span or so?
        Pretty easy - kind of links. Senuke gives almost no pages with PR. People tend to forget Google rates pages for various factors including authority and popularity. PR N/As have no authority so its pretty easy for them to degrade Senukex links.

        Fraser is dead wrong though. It is not even close to impossible to recover from Panda. A few weeks ago I helped bring back a few sites with nothing more than links with PR and low OBL plus a few textual changes.

        You can disregard the advice that you have to start all over.

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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Maybe your old blasts are catching up to you? Though if you didn't do them on a really massive scale I'm not sure if I'd worry too much. Sounds like you're just going through the Google dance. How long were you at #3?
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  • Profile picture of the author nicnac03
    Just google dancing. Newer websites have unstable rankings. You'll be fine.
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    • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
      Originally Posted by nicnac03 View Post

      Just google dancing. Newer websites have unstable rankings. You'll be fine.
      Phew, I hope so! I made a few minor changes to the site, which I kinda regret after reading your post.
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  • Profile picture of the author FraserC
    They just look different. Google can tell the difference. Different site profile, anchor text, social profile, etc.

    If you think Google can't recognize a spammy network of links designed to manipulate the search results, you're sorely underestimating them. They just never got around to penalizing it until this year, with the beginning of Panda.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5041000].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ExploringInfinity
      Originally Posted by FraserC View Post

      They just look different. Google can tell the difference. Different site profile, anchor text, social profile, etc.

      If you think Google can't recognize a spammy network of links designed to manipulate the search results, you're sorely underestimating them. They just never got around to penalizing it until this year, with the beginning of Panda.
      :rolleyes: lol this guy is funny.
      Get ALL the SEO software YOU CANT afford:
      Ultimate SEO Pack
      SENuke & Grscraper, and dozens more! $40 a month!
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5041010].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    Don't sweat it. I had a site bounce for more than a year. I added boatloads of unique content and built links consistently. There were times I was getting 10 visitors a day. Only during the last 4 months has traffic been excellent and climbing steadily.

    It's annoying, but it can happen. Have a long term outlook for the site, don't do anything to risk deindexing, and keep plugging away.

    I almost abandoned my site that bounced for more than a year. Now it earns $1,500 to $2K per month and increasing steadily. Traffic is in a nice consistent trajectory.

    Hang in there and create a killer site.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5041034].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ex9to5guy
    take this as a learning lesson. Do not sweat it. These things will happen. Just continue to build links and add articles. Keep it up and your site will bounce back even stronger.
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  • Profile picture of the author webdevpro
    Normally new sites got high ranking in Google search results for few days. Now your site might go under what is called sandbox effect and probably will remain there for couple of months. In the mean time keep on link building and adding more stuff. Once its out from the effect you probably will start earning decent money again.
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    • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
      Originally Posted by webdevpro View Post

      Normally new sites got high ranking in Google search results for few days. Now your site might go under what is called sandbox effect and probably will remain there for couple of months. In the mean time keep on link building and adding more stuff. Once its out from the effect you probably will start earning decent money again.
      Thanks for the info!
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    OP, whatever you do don't give up on that keyword!

    Pulling in $22 a day on your first site/page is very good, considering that was when the page was sitting at position #3 in the SERPs. I wouldn't be surprised If position #1 in the SERPs for that keyword hit $40+ per day.

    1) Build a few more internal pages (5 or so) & point internal keyword anchor-text links at the page that was ranking in the SERPs at position #3. Make the new pages include the keyword you used on the old page be included in the new page titles/URLs.

    2) Build 10+ high PR5+ external backlinks at the old page that was ranking at position #3.

    3) Build a few quality links pointing at the new supporting pages.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5041216].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      OP, whatever you do don't give up on that keyword!

      Pulling in $22 a day on your first site/page is very good, considering that was when the page was sitting at position #3 in the SERPs. I wouldn't be surprised If position #1 in the SERPs for that keyword hit $40+ per day.

      1) Build a few more internal pages (5 or so) & point internal keyword anchor-text links at the page that was ranking in the SERPs at position #3. Make the new pages include the keyword you used on the old page be included in the new page titles/URLs.

      2) Build 10+ high PR5+ external backlinks at the old page that was ranking at position #3.
      Thanks for the info! How would any PR5 site accept a link from me? I haven't checked, but I am guessing I am a PR0 since the site is so knew.

      Also, build 5 more internal pages? Or 5 total? I already have 6 internal pages, all with 500 or more words of content and nicely optimized without KW stuffing.

      Thanks so much!
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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by OpenMindsEnt View Post

        Thanks for the info! How would any PR5 site accept a link from me? I haven't checked, but I am guessing I am a PR0 since the site is so knew.

        Also, build 5 more internal pages? Or 5 total? I already have 6 internal pages, all with 500 or more words of content and nicely optimized without KW stuffing.

        Thanks so much!
        You have a few options for getting quality links. You can buy them, or you can dig in & do the research yourself, which does take time.

        Whatever you do, don't settle for crappy links, especially If your paying for links.

        A few guys on this forum use "Build my rank" for backlinks. I'm sure you can find someone on this forum that sells quality links, just don't settle for crappy links, otherwise you'll just be spinning your wheels.

        However many pages you have on your entire site, add at least 5 more new pages, make the new pages like I said in my last comment.

        Google likes multiple pages on the same site that are related to each other. Make each individual page 100% unique, don't spin the content.

        The only purpose of the 5 new pages is to support the page that once ranked #3 in the SERPs, still they need to be quality content.

        Again, point keyword anchor-text from the 5 new internal pages at the old page. Keyword included in the new pages title/URLs + plus a few quality external links.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5041274].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
          Originally Posted by yukon View Post

          You have a few options for getting quality links. You can buy them, or you can dig in & do the research yourself, which does take time.

          Whatever you do, don't settle for crappy links, especially If your paying for links.

          A few guys on this forum use "Build my rank" for backlinks. I'm sure you can find someone on this forum that sells quality links, just don't settle for crappy links, otherwise you'll just be spinning your wheels.

          However many pages you have on your entire site, add at least 5 more new pages, make the new pages like I said in my last comment.

          Google likes multiple pages on the same site that are related to each other. Make each individual page 100% unique, don't spin the content.

          The only purpose of the 5 new pages is to support the page that once ranked #3 in the SERPs, still they need to be quality content.

          Again, point keyword anchor-text from the 5 new internal pages at the old page. Keyword included in the new pages title/URLs + plus a few quality external links.
          Thanks so much for the info! Very, very helpful. I will indeed do these things. Just another question:

          With these 5 new pages of content, do you recommend them being 500+ words? Or could a few of them be less, like maybe 300? And how frequently should I post them? Right away, or over a week or a couple weeks?

          Currently, all 6 pages i've made have about 550 plus words, with a KW density of 1.5-1.8 or so, sometimes a bit over 2%. And I make about one post a week.

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          • Profile picture of the author yukon
            Originally Posted by OpenMindsEnt View Post

            Thanks so much for the info! Very, very helpful. I will indeed do these things. Just another question:

            With these 5 new pages of content, do you recommend them being 500+ words? Or could a few of them be less, like maybe 300? And how frequently should I post them? Right away, or over a week or a couple weeks?

            Currently, all 6 pages i've made have about 550 plus words, with a KW density of 1.5-1.8 or so, sometimes a bit over 2%. And I make about one post a week.

            I'm not a believer that a page has to have a massive amount of text. The thing you need to do is make it quality content. Mix it up, don't make it look like every page is the same, 300-500 is enough per page.

            The keyword mentioned once or twice is more than enough regardless how much text is on the page. Mention the keyword once with a anchor-text hyperlink pointing at the old page that ranked #3 in the SERPs, maybe once more towards the bottom of the content.

            The page title + url should both include the keyword or something very relevant to the old page root keyword. You want to create relevancy between the new pages & old page.

            I would drip-feed/publish the post over a week.
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    • Profile picture of the author outwest
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      OP, whatever you do don't give up on that keyword!

      Pulling in $22 a day on your first site/page is very good, considering that was when the page was sitting at position #3 in the SERPs. I wouldn't be surprised If position #1 in the SERPs for that keyword hit $40+ per day.

      1) Build a few more internal pages (5 or so) & point internal keyword anchor-text links at the page that was ranking in the SERPs at position #3. Make the new pages include the keyword you used on the old page be included in the new page titles/URLs.

      2) Build 10+ high PR5+ external backlinks at the old page that was ranking at position #3.

      3) Build a few quality links pointing at the new supporting pages.
      #1should get 4x the traffic that number 3 gets so theoretically $80/day for number 1

      how many local exact searches monthly for this term?
      Tech article writing .Native English Speaker(with Proof)
      specializing in SmartPhones , Internet security, high tech gadgets, search engines, tech shows, digital cameras.

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    BTW, If that keyword is getting $22 at position #3 in the SERPs, I would make it a point to own that first page, If it was my site/keyword.

    That keyword is something you definatly want to expand on.

    Don't settle for a small MFA site, go all out with a larger quality site. You'll thank me later.
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  • Profile picture of the author RevSEO
    Does sound like a Google dance, but regardless there's some valuable feedback in this thread.

    One thing this should point out though, DON'T put all your eggs in one basket. Because when things like this happen, you don't want to have the lights turned out.

    I learned this the hard way a while back when I had a money site lose its rankings. Ouch!

    Now I diversify as much as possible.
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  • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
    Also, could anyone recommend some proven, honest, successful and reputable backlink services to buy these higher PR links from? Maybe with some evidence from other threads on this forum with lots of positive feedback from buyers.

    Thanks again all, much appreciated!
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  • Profile picture of the author FraserC
    @SuzanneH - I love the GWC forum. I've learned more about SEO there than any other resource on the internet. You see so much denial. I try to be as gentle as I can with people, but many others there are totally brutal.
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    • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
      Originally Posted by FraserC View Post

      @SuzanneH - I love the GWC forum. I've learned more about SEO there than any other resource on the internet. You see so much denial. I try to be as gentle as I can with people, but many others there are totally brutal.
      That is great to know! I will use it for my business site, but avoid using it for the MFA ones. Thanks!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5041748].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SuzanneH
      Originally Posted by FraserC View Post

      @SuzanneH - I love the GWC forum. I've learned more about SEO there than any other resource on the internet. You see so much denial. I try to be as gentle as I can with people, but many others there are totally brutal.
      I can see where they're coming from sometimes, but, yeah, I try to be a bit more gentle for some things. As an example, I've seen how a newsletter pop-up form can significantly increase your signups, whereas some of the contributors are totally opposed to a pop-up. It must get really frustrating for them wanting to help somebody, only to find it's an MFA site. I know that's happened to me over there (getting frustrated with MFA sites).

      Apologies to the OP for getting off track! I'm more of a "building an authority site/building a business" kind of person.

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  • Profile picture of the author FraserC
    Yeah, I'll stop the derail.

    Focus on your authority site. Make a wonderful website that you'd be proud to show the folks at Google. Make yourself immune to all future algorithm shifts by working with Google and not against it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JamieSEO
    Rankings are not just about YOUR site...

    Check to see what your competition is doing - did a new site overtake you? Did a site that was not in the top 10 before suddenly target your keyword too? Did any of them have a boost of new content or backlinks?

    Obviously you need to check your site, but your ranking can change depending on the actions of your competition too

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  • Profile picture of the author mynameisabhijit
    Hi friends, The google dance caused me also. I had my site in 2nd position in Google with a long tail keyword but suddenly I dropped to 12th page within a day. OMG! but now I am recovering.

    One suggestion for you, don't use softwares too much to create large amount of backlinks all at once. Just try to build some good quality backlinks from authority sites or edu sites.

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  • Profile picture of the author Cyber Rankings
    It usually means that your website has just been hit by the Google dance like other members have stated. However there is one thing you must continue to do and that's build links.

    But quality links...

    Take a look at some of the competition for some competitive keywords and you will be suprised at the results. I have seen websites with 300 odd backlinks outrank a site with 15,000 backlinks. The reason being is most of those 15,000 are worthless and are actually just holding the website back.

    One thing to remember is to never underestimate Google. If you wish to use software to build links make sure that the backlinks are not from spammy, random domains. Create a list of websites that are actually worth something and this won't happen again.

    Do not panic your website will get back to the top again it just takes time, patience and hard work.
    Support/Contact Me:
    Page one of Google Guaranteed For Your Chosen Keyword
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5043135].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mynameisabhijit
      Originally Posted by Cyber Rankings View Post

      It usually means that your website has just been hit by the Google dance like other members have stated. However there is one thing you must continue to do and that's build links.

      But quality links...

      Take a look at some of the competition for some competitive keywords and you will be suprised at the results. I have seen websites with 300 odd backlinks outrank a site with 15,000 backlinks. The reason being is most of those 15,000 are worthless and are actually just holding the website back.

      One thing to remember is to never underestimate Google. If you wish to use software to build links make sure that the backlinks are not from spammy, random domains. Create a list of websites that are actually worth something and this won't happen again.

      Do not panic your website will get back to the top again it just takes time, patience and hard work.
      I agree with you my friend...

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  • Profile picture of the author anwar001
    Over the past few days, I have seen some of my sites fluctuating in rankings. I don't know what is causing this. I heard Google has released one more major update to its ranking algorithm. I am wondering if this recent fluctuation is a result of the new update or because of latest experimentations by Google?
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson
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    • Profile picture of the author xnice
      Dont worry, add more backlink with your speed, I think you need to add blog network links and blog comments link. Remember you build link today for your ranking next week or next month, this will not show the results at tomorrow .
      If you have many sites, you will feel this is normal .
      Need Quality Backlinks: Check Out How To Buy Quality Backlinks in 2018?
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  • Profile picture of the author dame016
    Reading this thread has given me tips. I have read that article submission can really get your rankings up. I'll try this in my websites. All good points.

    My site may have been a victim of Panda Algorithm. My Alexa rank went up. Like consistently for a week. That is just sad.
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    • Profile picture of the author Cyber Rankings
      Originally Posted by dame016 View Post

      Reading this thread has given me tips. I have read that article submission can really get your rankings up. I'll try this in my websites. All good points.

      My site may have been a victim of Panda Algorithm. My Alexa rank went up. Like consistently for a week. That is just sad.
      Just keep concentrating on producing quality content and quality links and the rest will come my friend. Patience in internet marketing is a virtue
      Support/Contact Me:
      Page one of Google Guaranteed For Your Chosen Keyword
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  • Profile picture of the author BudgetSEO
    Start building 'quality' and not quantity links, also focus on child keywords
    Let me Secure your wordpress website for the price of a small Pizza
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    If you need the ''cheapest'' quote, don't waste your time contacting me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5043950].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Jesus Christ. Whatever you do, do not try learning SEO from Google Webmaster Central or anything else run and monitored by Google.

      Google has no interest in you ranking well. It is in their best interest not to give you all the information you need to game their algorithm. If Google gave you all the information you needed for top rankings, their AdWords business would take a hit.

      For technical stuff, like how and when you should do a 301 redirect or dealing with canonical issues, Google is an okay resource. For anything else, forget it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5044350].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

        Jesus Christ. Whatever you do, do not try learning SEO from Google Webmaster Central or anything else run and monitored by Google.

        Google has no interest in you ranking well. It is in their best interest not to give you all the information you need to game their algorithm. If Google gave you all the information you needed for top rankings, their AdWords business would take a hit.

        For technical stuff, like how and when you should do a 301 redirect or dealing with canonical issues, Google is an okay resource. For anything else, forget it.

        I've always found it comical how some folks confuse business with friendship.

        Google is just like a guy selling cars offline, he is your best friend as long as your writing him a check. After he gets the check, he could care less If you exist.
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      • Profile picture of the author cagliostro
        Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

        Jesus Christ. Whatever you do, do not try learning SEO from Google Webmaster Central or anything else run and monitored by Google.

        Google has no interest in you ranking well. It is in their best interest not to give you all the information you need to game their algorithm. If Google gave you all the information you needed for top rankings, their AdWords business would take a hit.
        Mike, excuse the OT, but do you think we should also stay away from Analytics ?
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  • Profile picture of the author TheFBGuy
    FraserC: Not attacking you, I commended you on your thread of ranking without any backlinks and what you have done with your universe today website. But... terrible advice in this thread, it's not "almost impossible" to recover from Panda or any algorithmic change Google makes. Furthermore, NO ONE is immune or will always be immune to Google's crazy and unpredictable algorithm.

    Also that Google Webmaster Central forum is a terrible place to be if you are an "internet marketer", and for that reason alone, I wouldn't advice anyone to people seek counsel there, lol...

    OP: Welcome to the Google Dance, you are sitting on a little money maker so continue building links!
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    • Profile picture of the author Tom L
      Originally Posted by TheFBGuy View Post

      FraserC: Not attacking you, I commended you on your thread of ranking without any backlinks and what you have done with your universe today website. But... terrible advice in this thread, it's not "almost impossible" to recover from Panda or any algorithmic change Google makes. Furthermore, NO ONE is immune or will always be immune to Google's crazy and unpredictable algorithm.

      Also that Google Webmaster Central forum is a terrible place to be if you are an "internet marketer", and for that reason alone, I wouldn't advice anyone to people seek counsel there, lol...

      OP: Welcome to the Google Dance, you are sitting on a little money maker so continue building links!
      He got that site ranking without any backlinks? Did you actually go and look at it... lol

      WF advice is good for a good laugh.


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  • Profile picture of the author bluez
    hi guys,

    im just wondering whenever anyone mentions about adding new page wt new contents , or perhaps using targeted anchor text to point to the page that you would like to rank you do it by adding a blog post or simply write and submit articles to the directories?
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  • Profile picture of the author dagaul101
    It could possibly be that some of your backlinks have been devalued, and you have been punished by association, just try and do what you did in the beginning to see if things change
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  • Profile picture of the author Daedalus
    Nothing to be alarmed about.

    The only mistake you can do is to give up now. Add 2-3 articles in the next 2 weeks (not at once) and build links at a slow but regular pace. I suggest you use BMR or a similar service. Just focus on article backlinks right now, and you're site will come stronger than it was before
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  • Profile picture of the author FraserC
    @TheFBGuy - Good point, noted. I've looked at a LOT of sites hit by Panda it seems difficult to rehabilitate a stricken site, but if your experience is different, I'm happy to go with your experience instead.

    Regarding GWC, totally disagree. I'd say that group is the most capable technical SEOs around. They can diagnose canonical errors, robots.txt, duplicate content, etc. and have very good advice.

    If your site has taken a huge drop, it could just be a technical SEO problem with an easy fix. So they would be the first community I'd reach out to.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5050801].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JRemington
      Originally Posted by FraserC View Post

      @TheFBGuy - Good point, noted. I've looked at a LOT of sites hit by Panda it seems difficult to rehabilitate a stricken site, but if your experience is different, I'm happy to go with your experience instead.

      Regarding GWC, totally disagree. I'd say that group is the most capable technical SEOs around. They can diagnose canonical errors, robots.txt, duplicate content, etc. and have very good advice.

      If your site has taken a huge drop, it could just be a technical SEO problem with an easy fix. So they would be the first community I'd reach out to.
      What makes you think it's hard to rehabilitate a stricken site?

      There are many that got hit 1 month ago that haven't recovered yet. I'm talking about sites that have never engaged in dodgy linkbuilding strategies and are rich on original content.

      What is it that makes you think they are not "dolphins caught in the fish nets" and will find it difficult to somehow recover?
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    • Profile picture of the author Cantbedone!
      Originally Posted by FraserC View Post

      @TheFBGuy - Good point, noted. I've looked at a LOT of sites hit by Panda it seems difficult to rehabilitate a stricken site, but if your experience is different, I'm happy to go with your experience instead.

      Regarding GWC, totally disagree. I'd say that group is the most capable technical SEOs around. They can diagnose canonical errors, robots.txt, duplicate content, etc. and have very good advice.

      If your site has taken a huge drop, it could just be a technical SEO problem with an easy fix. So they would be the first community I'd reach out to.

      So, to clarify. They would be a good resource for legit onsite SEO issues.

      For off site SEO or problems related to backlinking, not so much...

      To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.
      ~ Aristotle

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  • Profile picture of the author Greenfatman
    Yes Fraser is right....

    If would be easy come back from the panda strike, it wouldn't be a lot of people complaining, it wouldn't be alot of fuzz and comments all around the net.
    So please guys don't try to be smatter here, but realistic.It's hard if not impossible to reach back again.

    I've never been on webmaster tool forum, but why in the earth they wouldn't like to help you????

    Google wants you make right things on your site, so people can come in constantly, enjoy your site and click on the ads and google will make money....

    So I agree again with Frase.

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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by Greenfatman View Post

      Yes Fraser is right....

      If would be easy come back from the panda strike, it wouldn't be a lot of people complaining, it wouldn't be alot of fuzz and comments all around the net.
      So please guys don't try to be smatter here, but realistic.It's hard if not impossible to reach back again.

      Actually, it's not that hard, it just takes more work than using some push button SEO system or blanketing the internet with garbage for trashy backlinks.

      Originally Posted by Greenfatman View Post

      Google wants you make right things on your site, so people can come in constantly, enjoy your site and click on the ads and google will make money....
      That is complete and utter bull****. Google could care less if your site ranks or not. In fact, the more people struggle to gain rankings, the more likely they will turn to PPC ads instead which is where Google really makes their moeny.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5052831].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Greenfatman
        Originally Posted by MikeFriedman View Post

        Actually, it's not that hard, it just takes more work than using some push button SEO system or blanketing the internet with garbage for trashy backlinks.

        That is complete and utter bull****. Google could care less if your site ranks or not. In fact, the more people struggle to gain rankings, the more likely they will turn to PPC ads instead which is where Google really makes their moeny.
        Yes Google doesn't care about you, but it cares about people staying more time on Google.
        Always will be 10 sites on the first page to people click on, why not would google care????
        If google just cares about adwords, the first page would be just adsense sites on any keyword.
        Google wants value, where people can go to the site and find great info or purchase right products.
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      • Profile picture of the author OpenMindsEnt
        Thanks again all, I think my backlinks were indeed, devalued. Tons of great info in this thread, I will be back at my home to read the rest and respond.

        Again, very much appreciated! Talk soon...

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    • Profile picture of the author Cantbedone!
      Originally Posted by Greenfatman View Post

      Yes Fraser is right....

      If would be easy come back from the panda strike, it wouldn't be a lot of people complaining, it wouldn't be alot of fuzz and comments all around the net.
      So please guys don't try to be smatter here, but realistic.It's hard if not impossible to reach back again.

      I've never been on webmaster tool forum, but why in the earth they wouldn't like to help you????

      Google wants you make right things on your site, so people can come in constantly, enjoy your site and click on the ads and google will make money....

      So I agree again with Frase.


      Completely not impossible! Panda is about content so yeah, if you had weak content, you have some work to do. So get better content and continue to work your sites back to where they were. people are complaining because they had weak content sites and they don't want to do the work to bring them back. By the way "people complaining" is never a strong argument. People complain about everything!

      I have sites that took a hit and are currently very close to being right back where they were before the hit. It just takes work and time. Anyone who says it is impossible hasn't tried very hard.

      Hell, there hasn't even been enough time passed since panda to claim that recovery is not possible.

      ..."oh well, I gave it a month, didnt work, guess its not possible...ho hum..woe is me..."

      You can't be serious.

      To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true.
      ~ Aristotle

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      • Profile picture of the author TSprocket
        I unfortunately was also hit by the most recent algorithm update. I had many keywords ranked within the top ten that plunged; some to the point where they are no longer ranked.

        I was primarily using an automated link builder, BMR, and UAW to build links. The keywords that I was using for the automated link builder were penalized the most, followed by BMR, and then UAW.

        I immediately cancelled by automated link builder subscription, and have hired a contractor to post blogs on BMR that are more relevant to the selected keyword. Hopefully this will help. I'm also looking to build more manual links to the site.

        I haven't decided at this point if UAW is worth keeping or not. I may try it for a while to see if I can increase the ranking of some of my keywords and ditch it in a month or two if I haven't made any progress.

        Any other software programs that I should consideror just focus on the above?

        Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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  • Profile picture of the author MaverickUK
    Wow, some of the people commenting in this thread must of been smoking crack prior to posting, for that I'm almost certain.
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  • Profile picture of the author jimnastics
    So.... did your site bounce back??
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  • Profile picture of the author zharfan
    wow amazing. i still learn
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  • Profile picture of the author himanuzo
    You need more high quality backlinks!
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