First ever product launch - PPC is the way?

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So the time is nigh. My info product is ready, champing and cannot wait to hit the market.

But hold do I launch it for maximum effect? I get traffic to my site as I've been doing SEO for ages.

I have a list of 1600.

But I'm tempted by a PPC campaign, split testing and really hammering it home that way instead.

After all, SEO is a bit unreliable at the moment for me (Google updates causing traffic drops, bla bla).

And I can push to my list, but that's not enough.

So I think an ongoing PPC campaign is the way forward.

Now this is the first time I'll have done one of these, so I'd massively appreciate your pro advice on the topic.

I can budget say $25 dollars a day.

The questions I have are:

- does Google PPC accept "male sexual health" (not adult) advertising campaigns?

- is $25 per day a good starting amount?

- do I set up say 4 different squeeze pages and 4 ads to cross test and split?

- Is it even worth doing PPC with google? Is there a better alternative?

Anything you can help with is muchly appreciated. Cheers!
#launch #ppc #product
  • Profile picture of the author JRemington
    Anyone, anyone help at all? There must be someone with just a little bit of PPC advice?
    Much appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author papacuppa
    Hi JR,

    Check out Landing Pages: Create, Publish & A/B Test Without I.T. | Unbounce I've heard great things about them.

    They've also got a page specifically for Adwords which may give you an advantage - Landing Pages for PPC: How to achieve higher conversions and a lower CPC [Infographic] | Unbounce

    1. As far as I know, yes

    2. If you're spending nearly $200 a week that's a good starting point - just enough information to mould and refine your keywords/conversions. But the more you spend initially, the better idea you're going to have of how optimised your offer is. But if you're just shooting in the dark right now, it's a good starting point.

    3. The more lateral you move, the more you need to be spending a day to get a good idea of what's working. It does depend on the search volume you're getting but unless you can spend $20 a day for each ad, just ensure that you're spending the same amount for each ad group.

    4. The only alternative to PPC with Google for your niche is FB imo.
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    • Profile picture of the author JRemington
      Originally Posted by papacuppa View Post

      Hi JR,

      Check out Landing Pages: Create, Publish & A/B Test Without I.T. | Unbounce I've heard great things about them.

      They've also got a page specifically for Adwords which may give you an advantage - Landing Pages for PPC: How to achieve higher conversions and a lower CPC [Infographic] | Unbounce

      1. As far as I know, yes

      2. If you're spending nearly $200 a week that's a good starting point - just enough information to mould and refine your keywords/conversions. But the more you spend initially, the better idea you're going to have of how optimised your offer is. But if you're just shooting in the dark right now, it's a good starting point.

      3. The more lateral you move, the more you need to be spending a day to get a good idea of what's working. It does depend on the search volume you're getting but unless you can spend $20 a day for each ad, just ensure that you're spending the same amount for each ad group.

      4. The only alternative to PPC with Google for your niche is FB imo.
      Great stuff, really appreciate taking the time to reply and share that.

      Big up the Eastbourne massive
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  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi JRemington,

    Q. - does Google PPC accept "male sexual health" (not adult) advertising campaigns?

    A. Yes, under certain circumstances they do. Generally, you must have either a license to practice medicine or a pharmaceutical license.

    Q. - is $25 per day a good starting amount?

    A. Yes, that is adequate as a starting point. The larger your daily budget the quicker you will be able to optimize your campaign.

    Q. - do I set up say 4 different squeeze pages and 4 ads to cross test and split?

    A. At the very least, a few landing page templates should be tested to determine which will convert better. But that is just the start of your testing. Once you have selected the winning layout, you need to split test the key elements that impact conversion rates. (headings, sub headings, images, introductory paragraphs, benefits, Call-to-Action, button style, button color, etc.)

    Keywords should be grouped into tightly focused ad groups, with separate ad groups for each variant in root keywords. Test at least 2 ads at a time for each group and write a new test ad after a clear winner emerges, keeping the winner as the baseline ad.

    Testing of both landing page elements as well as keyword/ad text/landing page combinations should be an ongoing continuous testing program.

    Q. - Is it even worth doing PPC with google? Is there a better alternative?

    A. Google AdWords is your best bet, they have a reach of over 80% of the market and no other network can approach that level of penetration. They also have superior systems for preventing click fraud which is a major problem in smaller networks.

    The best way to test and optimize landing pages is with Adwords, the immediate information garnered can be used to adapt quickly to your current market needs and conditions.

    PPC advertising is also an excellent way to test elements of SEO campaigns before making significant investments in web promotion campaigns.
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    • Profile picture of the author JRemington
      Originally Posted by dburk View Post

      Hi JRemington,

      Q. - does Google PPC accept "male sexual health" (not adult) advertising campaigns?

      A. Yes, under certain circumstances they do. Generally, you must have either a license to practice medicine or a pharmaceutical license.

      Q. - is $25 per day a good starting amount?

      A. Yes, that is adequate as a starting point. The larger your daily budget the quicker you will be able to optimize your campaign.

      Q. - do I set up say 4 different squeeze pages and 4 ads to cross test and split?

      A. At the very least, a few landing page templates should be tested to determine which will convert better. But that is just the start of your testing. Once you have selected the winning layout, you need to split test the key elements that impact conversion rates. (headings, sub headings, images, introductory paragraphs, benefits, Call-to-Action, button style, button color, etc.)

      Keywords should be grouped into tightly focused ad groups, with separate ad groups for each variant in root keywords. Test at least 2 ads at a time for each group and write a new test ad after a clear winner emerges, keeping the winner as the baseline ad.

      Testing of both landing page elements as well as keyword/ad text/landing page combinations should be an ongoing continuous testing program.

      Q. - Is it even worth doing PPC with google? Is there a better alternative?

      A. Google AdWords is your best bet, they have a reach of over 80% of the market and no other network can approach that level of penetration. They also have superior systems for preventing click fraud which is a major problem in smaller networks.

      The best way to test and optimize landing pages is with Adwords, the immediate information garnered can be used to adapt quickly to your current market needs and conditions.

      PPC advertising is also an excellent way to test elements of SEO campaigns before making significant investments in web promotion campaigns.
      Awesome advice, much appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author peterjambrown
    If you haven't made any money yet, I would suggest not using PPC to try and sell your product, as what happens if the page you design doesn't convert and you waste money? Also the cost per clicks on Google PPC re just gone to high for people who are starting out. I would suggest testing the page out on social media and adding some content before trying PPC.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigcat1967
    - is $25 per day a good starting amount?

    I use $30 per day - works for me...

    - do I set up say 4 different squeeze pages and 4 ads to cross test and split?

    You'll need to do a lot of testing - so yes. Choose the one doing better.

    - Is it even worth doing PPC with google? Is there a better alternative?

    I still prefer Organic because I have a lot of info websites. It doesn't make much sense to me to use adwords when i'm not selling anything - I just have adsense on my info websites. So adwords would be a waste a time. However, since your selling - your doing the right thing.

    Anything you can help with is muchly appreciated. Cheers!

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