First ever product launch - PPC is the way?
- SEO |
So the time is nigh. My info product is ready, champing and cannot wait to hit the market.
But hold on...how do I launch it for maximum effect? I get traffic to my site as I've been doing SEO for ages.
I have a list of 1600.
But I'm tempted by a PPC campaign, split testing and really hammering it home that way instead.
After all, SEO is a bit unreliable at the moment for me (Google updates causing traffic drops, bla bla).
And I can push to my list, but that's not enough.
So I think an ongoing PPC campaign is the way forward.
Now this is the first time I'll have done one of these, so I'd massively appreciate your pro advice on the topic.
I can budget say $25 dollars a day.
The questions I have are:
- does Google PPC accept "male sexual health" (not adult) advertising campaigns?
- is $25 per day a good starting amount?
- do I set up say 4 different squeeze pages and 4 ads to cross test and split?
- Is it even worth doing PPC with google? Is there a better alternative?
Anything you can help with is muchly appreciated. Cheers!
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* Don Burk Advertising & Marketing - www.donburk.com
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