What A Dumbass...Don't Make This Mistake!

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Hey Warriors,

This thread is going out to all those who are doing way too much and spreading themselves too thin trying to manage too many things at once.

I've been so busy the past several months, with kids, business, band, wife, travel etc ...basically life stuff..that I made a complete dumbass move.

The story goes like this. I have several adsense sites that make a good passive monthly income and one particular site brings in around $450 a month...like a good car payment right?

Well, I have the domain registered with godaddy and it's on autorenew and I've had it for several years now and it renews every year and there usually is no issue.

Well, after I was away for a while, I finally got around to logging into my google analytics to check stats....and as I looked at my $450 a month site....well it's showing zero activity. Wtf?

So I punched in the url and the domain goes to this cheesy info site stuffed with a ton of crap on it. I look at it and can't believe what I'm looking at. How did that happen? I thought.

Just like that...poof....a sweet $450 income stream gone. Boy do I feel stupid.

So I called up godaddy and this is what happened. They said the domain tried to renew via my paypal and was rejected..twice. Godaddy then goes on to say that I have several paypal accounts blah blah blah and basically since the domain didn't renew....and then was parked for 45 days...then goes into auction....and then once it's in auction....someone can buy it. I tried to ague with them saying...no I have only 1 paypal account and my domains always renew without any problems. In addition, the email that godaddy has on my account is one that I set up with them initially years ago that I no longer use. So they send out emails to this email telling me that domains are about to expire. Dooh.

Yep. A complete tool of a move on my part....not paying attention thinking that everything was fine because I was juggling too many things at once.

A tough lesson to learn....but I have no one to blame but myself.

So I think this goes to show that we all need to calm it down....and try and not get carried away and make mistakes like I did.

Feel free to throw tomatoes at me...lol
#dumbassdont #make #mistake
  • Profile picture of the author Moridin
    thanks for sharing Tyler

    recently I lost a couple of great domains because I trusted my (ex) partner to renew them for me. He "forgot" and both of them are now parked on someones account.

    And because one of them was my main business website I lost my main email account and everything that went with it.

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    • Profile picture of the author Carl Brown
      I HATE godaddy for more reasons than I will go into here.

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      • Profile picture of the author aygabtu
        Have you tried to buy it back? Don't let them know it was a money site. Maybe you can get it back for one months income.

        One aspect of good SEO is to have your sites registered for years in advance. That way, very little risk of this happening.

        As far as slamming godaddy, they are annoying on how many times they email you on an expiring domain. It isn't lack of trying on their part to let you know that maybe you should double-check your listing with them.

        Check top 300 Google SERP results free. WhatsMySERP.com tracks and graphs changes for multiple domains/keywords/regions. Also includes advanced keyword density tool.

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      • Profile picture of the author DeskCoder
        Originally Posted by Carl Brown View Post

        I HATE godaddy for more reasons than I will go into here.
        You hate GoDaddy because:

        1) They send you expiration notices up to 3 months in advance?
        2) They send you expiration notices at least once a month, so you get AT LEAST 3?
        3) They try to auto-renewal, and if it fails they email you?
        4) They give you 45 days AFTER it expires to try to renew the domain ... all while sending you at least 5 emails telling you the domain is about to be cancelled?

        I hate godaddy too.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaverickUK
    So it didn't renew and was parked for 45 days and you didn't check traffic or Adsense in that time?..
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Carlin
      Ouch. Tough lesson. Unfortunately we will all have those days.

      I lost 22 sites when my host kicked me off for having too much traffic. No warning, no notification... I really wish I took back-ups of those sites, lol!
      It was JustHost, in case you were wondering.
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    • Profile picture of the author tylerjaysen
      Originally Posted by MaverickUK View Post

      So it didn't renew and was parked for 45 days and you didn't check traffic or Adsense in that time?..
      No I was on vacation and assumed all was well. Hence the dumbass title of the thread...being me.
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  • Profile picture of the author martyJames
    yeouch- i can relate to this. When you have many sites its easy to overlook some of the older ones , until its too late- good luck anyway
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  • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
    Originally Posted by tylerjaysen View Post

    A tough lesson to learn....but I have no one to blame but myself.

    So I think this goes to show that we all need to calm it down....and try and not get carried away and make mistakes like I did.

    Feel free to throw tomatoes at me...lol
    No need to throw tomatoes unlike most people you did not come here and start a thread "go daddy just screwed me out of my money earning domain - wah wah wah"

    You made a mistake and you took it on the chin like a true pro

    Sorry to hear it mate and I am sure that's a mistake you won't make again
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  • Profile picture of the author dp40oz
    Ouch! Im surprised though you didn't notice $450 a month not coming in for that 45 days in which it was parked.
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  • Profile picture of the author WiFi
    Sorry to hear that. I've had some domain troubles myself, but none like the amount you are losing.
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  • Profile picture of the author 3000
    Dang that sucks big time!! $450 where I live can get you a pretty sweet condo or studio. Man that is one expensive lesson my friend...
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  • Profile picture of the author t0mmy
    that sucks mate! its hard to organise yourself properly at time when you have a lot of stuff going on, accounts here accounts there hell its easy to get lost
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe J
    As a heads up, for a similar experience, my car insurance company sent me papers along with my new Proof of Insurance card asking me to re-confirm (or something like that) my credit card info (my insurance was paid automatically off my credit card).

    Me, thinking it was just my new Insurance card, didn't open until it was too late and was left to find new insurance.

    So, it's a good idea to check up on things like this, Thanks for the reminder.

    Sorry to hear of your situation,

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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    It is amazing how many people must forget to renew their GoDaddy domains in Seattle:

    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author outwest
    Sorry but this is a common tactic of Godaddy, Maybe not in your case but IMO they have zero right to auction the domain

    Once the domain is not renewed it cannot go up for auction in 45 days
    It does not even officiallly become available for anyone to grab until 90 days.

    dont believe me
    go research this
    I wanted a domain last year , the domain was NOT renewed, it expired in october 3 2010

    The domain went through all kinds of status updates THEN FINALLY, PENDING DELETE is when the last process is, before it becomes available to anyone to grab

    this was exactly 3 months to the minute from the day it was not renewed
    and I grabbed it

    Godaddy is a bunch of extortionists who will steal your domain in a heartbeat

    If you do not renew your domain , Godaddy has no more right to your domain than I do. They must wait and go through the wait until it doesnt get renewed . routine.

    Once it becomes available, after 90 days. ANYONE can grab the domain, if they are fast enough to register it
    and NO THE CURRENT REGISTRAR is not first in line. they are just like you and me

    so basically the whole company is a bunch of borderline scammers if you ask me. they prey on ignorance of webmasters

    go google godaddy scam, godaddy nightmare, read all the stories of what they have done to people
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