what are Smart and easy ways to spin or re-write article?

38 replies
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hello, warriors
I can write quality article and content.But it takes time, i am finding a easy way to write or re-write article in short time.please suggest me a way with which i can get both quality and quantity.
#article #easy #rewrite #smart #spin #ways
  • Profile picture of the author packerfan
    Spend $50 on dragon naturally speaking and you can crank out an article in literally 5 minutes. If you take the time to train it, you can do it literally no editing.

    My suggestion would be write a great article, then simply rewrite it (using dragon) multiple times.

    If you're going to take the time actually try to make quality spins it takes time.

    Nothing to see here

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  • Profile picture of the author Wes888
    This is what I usually do,

    I would make a list (i.e. top 50 cities to live in America) then submit a top 10 list to one article directory and then substitute the content with different cities to make it at least more than 50% unique then submit it to other article directories.
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  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    Dragon Naturally Speaking is a good suggestion.

    Also check out some of the new features in The Best Spinner that help you rewrite content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucas Becker
    Originally Posted by skyacme View Post

    hello, warriors
    I can write quality article and content.But it takes time, i am finding a easy way to write or re-write article in short time.please suggest me a way with which i can get both quality and quantity.
    You can hire someone to write articles for you. There are some really cheap options and you don't have to spend a whole lot of money to get content written. Good places to hire writers is onlinejobs.ph, iWriter and Fweez.

    As already mentioned, if you speak English well and have clear pronuciation, try Dragon Naturally Speaking. It's a software that records your voice and writes down what you say. Sometimes it makes a mistake, if so, you just say "Scratch that" and the software automatically deletes last put item you said. So that's pretty handy, as well!
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  • Profile picture of the author Awesomo
    you can outsource it. find someone from Odesk to rewrite them, my recommendation is writers from Philippines.
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    • Profile picture of the author skyacme
      Originally Posted by Awesomo View Post

      you can outsource it. find someone from Odesk to rewrite them, my recommendation is writers from Philippines.
      No, actually i want re- write myself.I am asking about any re-writing software which will work for me best.Please recommend.
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    • Profile picture of the author chandi86
      Originally Posted by Awesomo View Post

      you can outsource it. find someone from Odesk to rewrite them, my recommendation is writers from Philippines.
      Or you can use fiverr.com
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  • Profile picture of the author Steffy Rose
    Dear friend,

    Article Spinner is the best software for this thing..
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  • Profile picture of the author Coffeeconsumer
    I use The Best Spinner. In my view it takes a lot of thinking and experience to make it work really well for you though. I spin paragraphs, phrases and words. It's easy to produce poor quality content with a content spinner if you don't take the time over it.

    I spend about 90 minutes spinning 300 words now, and I'm very experienced. Produces good content though.
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    • Profile picture of the author beakbane
      Originally Posted by Coffeeconsumer View Post

      I use The Best Spinner. In my view it takes a lot of thinking and experience to make it work really well for you though. I spin paragraphs, phrases and words. It's easy to produce poor quality content with a content spinner if you don't take the time over it.

      I spend about 90 minutes spinning 300 words now, and I'm very experienced. Produces good content though.
      Bestspinner is one of the best without doubt but you have to take your time to spin it right so it makes sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Albas
    Originally Posted by skyacme View Post

    hello, warriors
    I can write quality article and content.But it takes time, i am finding a easy way to write or re-write article in short time.please suggest me a way with which i can get both quality and quantity.
    You just edit your articles..its simple and easy method for spining
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOPunk
    Yes you can take the help of spinner but it is not supported by Google and moreover sometimes it does not contain original content. Its better to to write your own content that must be unique and relevant to your website. Surely it will increase your PR.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryuchi
    I used spinnerchief before, I think you can look for it somewhere. I still needed to check each of my spinned articles and rewrite a part of two to make sure that they are in correct-grammar.

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  • Profile picture of the author prcys
    Originally Posted by skyacme View Post

    hello, warriors
    I can write quality article and content.But it takes time, i am finding a easy way to write or re-write article in short time.please suggest me a way with which i can get both quality and quantity.
    If you do not want to spend money on any source then you can use the other sources to get the content to rewrite or to spin. As find the information on web on which topic you want to write. And after finding source , you can collect the information from different places and can rewrite it. But be sure for the uniqueness and usefulness of the information for the people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Antivirus
    yes i agree it is too much time consuming task to re write. So i have started using the "TheBestSpinnner", It helps me a lot to rewrite articles in very short period of time. I bought it for just $47 for a year and i accept it is worth on investing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    If you absolutely have to: Simply read several articles on a subject and then write the whole thing in your own words and put your "spin" on it. Synonymizers will destroy your work.

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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Baker
    I think the easy way to spin article and save lot of time is investing a good article spinner.

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  • Profile picture of the author kkchoon
    Another vote for Spinnerchief.

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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    Originally Posted by skyacme View Post

    hello, warriors
    I can write quality article and content.But it takes time, i am finding a easy way to write or re-write article in short time.please suggest me a way with which i can get both quality and quantity.
    Judging by all the grammar mistakes in this post, I do not believe that you can write quality articles.

    Most spinners have the option for you to rewrite sentence by sentence. That seems to be the best way for you to go about rewriting your articles in the fastest time possible.
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    • Profile picture of the author Carl Brown
      Originally Posted by boxoun View Post

      Most spinners have the option for you to rewrite sentence by sentence. That seems to be the best way for you to go about rewriting your articles in the fastest time possible.
      This is what I do. Replacing synonyms makes a mess and the search engines catch most of that stuff. I rewrite each sentence 5 times and run it through the spinner. It's completely readable that way and the word count is varied. Also, I reorganize the paragraphs. I make 50 copies and submit them to my blog network and the article directories.

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    • Profile picture of the author TheFBGuy
      Originally Posted by boxoun View Post

      Judging by all the grammar mistakes in this post, I do not believe that you can write quality articles.

      Most spinners have the option for you to rewrite sentence by sentence. That seems to be the best way for you to go about rewriting your articles in the fastest time possible.
      Agreed. Scrape articles from the web, get The Best Spinner, and re-write the article sentence for sentence, not word for word, you will produce articles faster and which are pretty good. The Best Spinner will also show you how unique your spun article is, which is very useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author SeoMonster1
    Hire two or three peoples. You can hire them at a low rate. Then write unique content by them and let interchange the articles between them to rewrite them. This is the most safe, cost effective and quick way.
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    • Profile picture of the author guy11
      Use thebestarticlespinner for spinning the articles...
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  • Profile picture of the author wb771
    yes i agree it is too much time consuming task to re write. So i have started using the "TheBestSpinnner", It helps me a lot to rewrite articles in very short period of time. I bought it for just $47 for a year and i accept it is worth on investing it.
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  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    The best spinner is good. You can use the feature, "replace my favorites" and build up a vocabulary. then, you should have no problem pumping out those spins.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lifechitect
    If you want to succeed in SEO, your first step should be to remove the word "easy" from your vocabulary. IM and SEO are competitive in nature and your success will depend on how much effort, dedication and hard work you put into it.

    With that said, there are tools like TheBestSpinner, which assist you in creating spun versions of your content, but beware, unless you spend considerable time into spinning your articles, the spins generated by this type of software are of very low quality and not optimized for human reading.

    Best of luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author pipsoup
    I think the best way to rewrite the article yourself. That will make quality content and that will profit you in long run.
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  • Profile picture of the author Clarkjackson
    Originally Posted by skyacme View Post

    hello, warriors
    I can write quality article and content.But it takes time, i am finding a easy way to write or re-write article in short time.please suggest me a way with which i can get both quality and quantity.

    See, Most of article spinner create non sense and meaning less contents, but still they are 100% unique.

    But it will not work for you as point of optimizing sites, You should hire some one who can write quality and error free contents, it will work for you
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  • Profile picture of the author gjis
    improve your typing speed or hire a ghostwriter to rewrite the articles? that's the best option.

    don't trust those article rewriting and spinning software. the out put they produce don't make any sense.
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  • Profile picture of the author freak7
    The Best Spinner works well for me. Of course it's still not perfect.
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  • Profile picture of the author gmjames
    Using software imo is going about it wrong, it's easier yes but using a human who knows how to actually rewrite correctly is much better imo.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Content King
      Wow, with all the crackdowns by the search engines, people are still spinning articles? Why? The easiest way is to rewrite an article is to actually rewrite it. You must write or outsource. The more you write, the easier and faster it'll go for you. Don't spin articles. It just adds to the crap that's already online and the search engines and users don't want it.
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  • Profile picture of the author julianna
    outsource to a real writer, is the best bet
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  • Profile picture of the author spotlightseo
    go and search for any article spinner on google
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  • Profile picture of the author ukcarl
    spinnerchief is a decent free option its how I spin all my content
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  • Profile picture of the author tristatemedia
    i think a cheap article is better than a rewritten article.....it will be original. many of the people making big money from their articles write terrible articles. many of the coaches say, have decent articles but not the best and they still od the job.
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    • Profile picture of the author The Content King
      Originally Posted by tristatemedia View Post

      i think a cheap article is better than a rewritten article.....it will be original. many of the people making big money from their articles write terrible articles. many of the coaches say, have decent articles but not the best and they still od the job.
      The fact is, the search engines are cracking down. They know that users don't want fluff and they don't want rehashed crap. They want originality, flair, personality.

      They want to be educated, informed and hopefully entertained.

      The fact is, if you keep churning out crap, you're going to lose in the end, especially if your competitors are taking the time to craft original articles or outsource to a writer who can do the job correctly.
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  • Profile picture of the author chukcha
    I use The Best Spinner works great.
    Also if you spin an a sentence level seams perform better and index faster
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