Please recommend a good book on SEO

25 replies
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Hi, I have realised that I don't know enough about search engine optimisation. Can anyone recommend a good book or a course on that subject.


#book #good #recommend #seo
  • Profile picture of the author bladerunner
    Dont know about books Rob but SEO Chat Forums - Search Engine Optimization is a good forum to hang out in, lots of tips and tricks
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  • Profile picture of the author Nigel Greaves

    You might like to check out this thread by John Rogers to a free guide to SEO written by Big Mike:

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    • Profile picture of the author halfpoint
      Brad Callen has a hard cover book that you can get for free on his site, all you have to do is pay for the shipping.

      I haven't read it but everything else of his is top notch so I would imagine this would be too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robertas
    Personally I think that the best place to learn about SEO is Stompernet. There are plenty of FREE material available from Stompernet and it is really, really, really, really, really valueable.

    "Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50m, but I was just as happy when I had $48m." Arnold Schwarzenegger

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    • Profile picture of the author axileon
      i believe aaron wall used to have a book that cost $97.. now its a monthly membership site thingy......

      there's plenty of blogs that can get you the information that you want... try hitting google.... or u can visit this website PPC Management & SEO - The Wpromoter
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  • Profile picture of the author jeff1960
    SEO book by Arronn Wall. or look for countonuspr in this forum and ask him he is the go to expert when it comes to SEO

    Free Video Series; Potentially Make $100 Per Day Following A Proven, Simple, No Cost, Affiliate, & Article Marketing Step-By-Step System!"

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  • Profile picture of the author famous2313
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    • Profile picture of the author hkay
      Very useful responses .....shall take a look at some of them
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  • Profile picture of the author scorpions84
    Free is ok, but you have to find and compile what are for real. If you really want to learn seo by paying, try to go to seomoz, they have good seo guides.

    Design your IT Network here. Whether it's hosting business, internet marketer with its own server, I'll be able to help you.

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  • Profile picture of the author alan57
    Definitely SEO Lies.

    And it's one dollar.

    Very easy to understand and act on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robertas
    The Best Kept Internet Marketing Secret is Going Natural

    I've found this for you. Andy gives some rock solid advice that can be used straight away. If you're really serious about SEO then you should have a look at the link above ;-)

    "Money doesn't make you happy. I now have $50m, but I was just as happy when I had $48m." Arnold Schwarzenegger

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    • Profile picture of the author RobertSeviour
      Originally Posted by Robertas View Post

      The Best Kept Internet Marketing Secret is Going Natural

      I've found this for you. Andy gives some rock solid advice that can be used straight away. If you're really serious about SEO then you should have a look at the link above ;-)
      Hi Robertas,

      Some while after posting my original message I stumbled on Stompernet and signed up for a course. The production quality is patchy and the intro music apalling, but the SEO tutorials are excellent.

      I just viewed the Stompernet Natural 2.0 tutorial and that is also very useful, so thanks a lot for the recommendation.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Sherman
    Do a search on Google for "make money online" minus the quotations. On the first page, there should be a blog titled "How To Make Money Online For Beginners." It's run by a guy named Grizzly, and he knows his stuff. He would have to considering he ranks on the top of page one for such a competitive term. Learning from someone who walks the talk is always a good idea.

    EDIT: thought I should mention that he's got several posts in his sidebar (scroll way down) that are a good place to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author RobertSeviour
    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions.

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  • Profile picture of the author cassidywilliams
    Just read seomoz and seobook blog posts and you get more data than any ebook on seo
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  • Profile picture of the author Shrinivas

    I strongly recommne these two

    1) Free Search Engine Optimization Course by Brad Callen
    Free Search Engine Optimization Course

    2) Make your links work by Ken Evoy
    The SiteSell Value Exchange (scroll upto 50% to download)

    both are FREE and worth a read.....
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  • Profile picture of the author Glenn72
    Justin Brooke has an SEO ebook WSO he was selling for $1. That would be my pick.

    Also be sure to grab a free copy of this software - Free SEO Software | Traffic Travis by Affilorama which has a feature that rates your website based on certain keywords, gives you a score and lets you know what needs to be fixed. Definitely worth getting to optimise your pages.
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  • Profile picture of the author rparikh
    you can try 's seo course it is step by step teaching by video so u can easily can also learn in youtube freely lots of videos about seo , u will find in the youtube and i think seo is not so much diffuclty.i get my blog page rank in 1 with 20-25 days and i havent much creatd backlinks just i had use some of the techniques .so i think tht help u .

    Internet Marketing Product Reviews And Bonus -

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  • Profile picture of the author maestro2010
    Originally Posted by RobertSeviour View Post

    Hi, I have realised that I don't know enough about search engine optimisation. Can anyone recommend a good book or a course on that subject.


    When i started learning i took help from "A to Z of SEO". You can find e-book without any cost. Also try to join forums, visit relevant blogs and subscribe for SEO newsletters. There are numerous resources of information on SEO over internet.

    Forums will keep you updated always.

    100K | 25K | 5K AWS Startup Credits for Sale - Contact me via Telegram:

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  • Profile picture of the author eshus
    As far as my expereince goes, the best book is Google itself.. Simply register a domain.. select some low competitive keywords and start working on it.. You can get plenty of information on onsite and offsite SEO on google. After some days constantly review your SERP in google..This process will make you think on your strategies and it will work like magic.. Hope this helps you...
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  • Profile picture of the author clubvikram
    i would suggest you to get a Search engine optimization bible by Jerry L Ledford (i hope i spelled it correctly!) well, it is a good ebook to learn the basics of SEO, and it surely makes you jack of all trades as far as SEO is concerned.
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    • Profile picture of the author maestro2010
      Originally Posted by clubvikram View Post

      i would suggest you to get a Search engine optimization bible by Jerry L Ledford (i hope i spelled it correctly!) well, it is a good ebook to learn the basics of SEO, and it surely makes you jack of all trades as far as SEO is concerned.
      Yes, i do have read this book as well but do not know what the author.

      100K | 25K | 5K AWS Startup Credits for Sale - Contact me via Telegram:

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  • Profile picture of the author neeru.seo

    If seriously you wanna to learn SEO then you can download tutorials form the internet...because its really usefull for you and you can fine practical examples in it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rc enthusiast
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