Keyword Density tool?

15 replies
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Does anyone have a good (free) tool to use to check keyword density? Also - do you all reccomend the 2% density as well?
#density #keyword #tool
  • Profile picture of the author Bob Monie
    Hello Bellabee,

    Just a quick tip for you, forget keyword density. Dont worry about it. A slight change in keyword density will not effect your rankings. Google doesnt put asmuch weight towards KWD anymore. So anywhere between 1 - 10% is fine.

    More important to have your keyword in your backlink anchor text, title and h1 tags. 2 or 3 times throughout the content is fine.
    Will be the next authority article directory. Come take a look around. Submit and Publish your own articles.
    200,000+ Articles, 48,000+ Authors, Articles indexed in Google in under 1 minute
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    • Profile picture of the author netbie
      You can try:
      Here you can find by words and phrases.
      Try to keep the keyword density in a 5-7% average.
      Also remember to use keyword on metatags and url address.
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  • Profile picture of the author Money Maker
    I stopped paying attention
    to the keyword density.

    My articles still rank well.
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  • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
    Originally Posted by bellabee View Post

    Does anyone have a good (free) tool to use to check keyword density? Also - do you all reccomend the 2% density as well?
    Keyword density doesn't work as well as it used to. Personally I don't recommend it. Instead focus on semantically related terms. Google seems to be leaning heavily towards LSI (latent-semantic indexing).

    Head over to Quintura and type in your main keyword or phrase. The window on the left will return to you a cloud of related terms that you can then incorporate into your content.

    - Kristine
    Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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    • Profile picture of the author dburk
      Originally Posted by IowaGal View Post

      Keyword density doesn't work as well as it used to. Personally I don't recommend it. Instead focus on semantically related terms. Google seems to be leaning heavily towards LSI (latent-semantic indexing).

      Head over to Quintura and type in your main keyword or phrase. The window on the left will return to you a cloud of related terms that you can then incorporate into your content.

      - Kristine
      Hi Kristine,

      It took me a couple minutes to figure out how that tool works, but I found it very useful and intuitive. Thanks for sharing, it's a great find.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
    Originally Posted by bellabee View Post

    Does anyone have a good (free) tool to use to check keyword density? Also - do you all reccomend the 2% density as well?
    Try this selection of tools
    Webmaster and SEO Tools Directory- Keyword Tools > Density and Analysis
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  • Profile picture of the author askloz
    Stop wasting your time on keyword density, it's all Bull Crap, a myth that ppl who believe in this carry with them all the time.

    Nowadays, it's more about LSI... Latent Semantic Indexing... What words on the page are related and how the sentence is constructed in the terms of being in the correct form of context.

    Don't get me wrong, SE's don't use it to rank a page, but more to find out the professional nature of the document.

    ie, sentence structure, related words, professional words that a lot of us don't use in our articles. I'm taking about what most of us do not possess, a English Lit' Degree / Phd in.

    these type of articles will rank much higher than others, though there isn't any bias as such in those who don't write too well... I'm one of them, I suck at English... as you can probably tell. my forte is in numbers and ripping things apart for analysis to captialize on.

    in a nut shell... just ensure that you are using power words when ever you can, over time, you'll learn these words and add them to your articles as if it's second nature... then don't forget to link up these important words to other articles, not just on your own website, but to others as well to give your readers more of an opinion / information on what they are initially seeking to read up on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Solidsnake
    There's no need to know the keyword density... as long as you have keywords, it would be fine.. LOL
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  • Profile picture of the author janicejan
    I certainly agree with you, and by the way thanks for the information about Latent Semantic Indexing.. its pretty useful for peoples hooked up with keyword density..
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  • Profile picture of the author Top Deal
    I am currently using Keyword Elite. thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan

    Works great and is free. I go for 2.8-3.8 KWD.

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

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  • Profile picture of the author gcrocker
    Be careful about having language that's TOO advanced. I have a bunch of clients who have very technical web sites, and the reading level is so high that I think search engines have trouble understanding what the content focus is.

    Great for technical readers, bad for search engines. Also bad for the technical readers' bosses, so I can usually get clients to simplify the language as part of targeting higher-up folks in their prospects' companies. ;-)

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  • Profile picture of the author ellehc
    Try this tools:
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