Why do so many people fail? Read this and find out. You might be surprised that is NOT GOOGLES FAULT

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I read a lot of threads on here, and there are tons and tons of people who love to complain about things not working, or that Google must hate them. However, after reading the original post in those threads, and then their responses, I have come to the conclusion ( and yes, this is my own conclusion ) is that most of these people don't have a real plan. They aren't treating this like its an actual business; most are just too desperate to stop and take a look around at what might actually be wrong.

I am not trying to poke fun or demean these people, I too was once frustrated when things weren't working my way. And when it came right down to it, I didn't have a real plan, and I was way too desperate to make money to realize that I was blindly flailing around in the dark.

Here comes the fun part:

There are soooooooooo many plans that work, and work well to make money online that people don't really know where to begin.

They see plan "A" where people are making a killing creating lots and lots of small micro niche websites.
They learn how to do this, and make a couple but then:

They read plan "b" that says that the small sites are out and they need to create larger more authority style websites, and fewer of them.

So they start on their first one, and start building it up, but before it really gets off the ground they see:

Plan "C"...............

This goes on and on until their brain turns to mush and they just start randomly doing things, and when it fails they look around at something to blame. Of course the most common one to blame is Google.

Now, not only do they seem to jump from plan to plan; sometimes even going back to trying out an older plan, but they jump around at different tactics all the time.

What do I mean by tactics? Keyword research, niche selection, website design, etc etc.

There are soooo many different tactics for getting things done, if it works in the plan that you are copying, then use that tactic. To be honest, all the ones that are working for their respected "creators" should work just fine for you. But the point is, pick one and stick with it. Stop floating around from one to the other because you read somewhere that this new tactic is the best.

Through years of trial and error I have tested out many many different ways of doing things, they all work. What I did do was tailor it to work best for me and my needs.

( In the end, I have created my own plan for doing things that works just right for me, and I have seen awesome results for it. Did I reinvent the wheel? No, of course not, what I did was just take variations of the things I liked best from similar plans and put them to good use. )

The main point of this is to stop looking for the new "shinies" online, stick with the plan set in front of you, and REALLY work it, you WILL see results.

So, the next time someone puts down someone else's tactics and plans of action, think twice about abandoning it if you are doing the same thing. Because if its working, then its working, there is nothing wrong with that. You really need to stat tuning out all the naysayers out there; their way isn't the ONLY way to do things.

-- Jeff
#fail #failing online #fault #find #google #googles #not googles fault #people #plans of action #read #surprised
  • good post and something i myself tend to become a victim of. Creating a blog to chart my progress has been helpful as i now action these plans as part of a case study, for the case study to be effective i must carry it out until its complete. Most case studies last 3-6 months so even if its not working right away i still plug away at it for a good few months and learn all i can from the process and tweak and test along the way until it is working.

    Of course some things just simply DO NOT work. Sometimes its best just to stop and move on and not waste anymore time or resources.
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    • Profile picture of the author theverysmartguy
      Originally Posted by high_plains_drifter View Post

      Of course some things just simply DO NOT work. Sometimes its best just to stop and move on and not waste anymore time or resources.
      Oh yea for sure, there are TONS of plans that do not even work, but if you read over them and really look at what it is saying, you will realize that the plan is just plain silly.

      I myself have taken a bunch of plans and put them together into my own thing ( and no I am not selling anything, and people who have read threads or posts that I have made know that ).

      The reason why I made this thread, besides the fact that people seem to complain about their supposed Google failures ( and yes, Google has been known to destroy sites, but honestly its still a small % ), there have been several blogs that I have been reading that talk about their action plans.

      The thing is, they both are using totally different systems. And both are contradictory of each other. Meaning; they both use a different way of doing things that are on opposite ends of the scale in mentality.

      -- Jeff

      "Doing nothing is worse than doing it wrong."

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  • Profile picture of the author dp40oz
    Yep its all about forming a plan and sticking to it. It doesn't really matter which plan it is but you have to push through the growing pains. Not to say Google doesn't destroy some businesses where people did follow through but those who look at it as a business can usually find ways to come out on top.
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  • Profile picture of the author phans
    i am 100% with you
    thanks for the post

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  • Profile picture of the author solado
    I support this thread and OP 110%.

    I made hardly ANY money in my first 3 months doing IM, I chased everything and every WSO people sold it seemed like promising the hidden answer.

    When I got low and blamed everything and people lieing - I thought I would focus on my own way of making money online. Didn't follow hardly any of the information in any WSO I downloaded and stuck at my own way... now, I am starting to see money comming in.

    Make your own rules, just because it works for someone doesn't mean it will for you.

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