Should PCC point to my hompage or a PPC-specific landing page?

2 replies
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I use PPC to get clients (I run a press release company) - I'm not looking to get opt ins or anything.

Right now I am dumping PPC traffic on my homepage.

Is this good or should I consider a PPC-specific landing page?
#hompage #landing #page #pcc #point #ppcspecific
  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi JimMichael,

    You should definitely consider using dedicated landing pages that are optimized for the each of specific ad groups sending traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author Local Trifecta
    The short answer is you should have a landing page for your PPC but thats a bit simplistic. To start you probably want to do a keyword dump into an adgroup to see which terms provide the best traffic (impressions).

    From there you can pull the best terms into their own adgroups and optimize accordingly. This only works really well when your bidding on exact and phrase match terms.

    This doesnt mean to need to create a landing page for each keyword "term" but the benefits of a dedicated landing page would be increased quality scores as well as the opportunity to test for conversions/engagement.

    If you have nothing but time/resources/money you can set up landing pages for every "like" phrase but its a waste in my opinion.
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