PageRank for new websites?

by disi
11 replies
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Two weeks ago I have launched new website for my brother. I am familiar with general SEO techniques but I have a question. When a 'new' website gets rank from google? My website was added to '' but I can see that it has still 'n/a' rank. After what period of time google adds any rank to new website? Is it possible that my website is just not yet in google drectory?
#pagerank #websites
  • Profile picture of the author torrent
    Pagerank is updated by Google on an irregular schedule:
    Page Rank Update or Export List History - PageRank - PR

    Matt Cutts, of Google, occasionally reports on Pagerank updates, and has historically provided additional information on what pagerank is.
    Last Toolbar PageRank update of 2008

    In short, there is no way to know when a new website will get a pagerank update, or even when an old website will get an update.

    You state that your website was added to, and then ask whether your site is in the "google directory." I suspect you are questioning whether your site is indexed by Google. A simple "" search on Google should show whether you have pages in the index.

    I recommend utilizing Google's Webmaster Tools to see more about the crawling and indexing rate of your website:
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  • Profile picture of the author disi
    Ok, thanks. So let me ask one more question. Is it fair to say that it is OK to register new domain, just park it somewhere on the server and leave it there until your 'proper'(full) website is ready? I mean a situation when I know I will be launching a new website in 2-3 months...and when it is lunched I would like it to be already in google rankings with page rank. Am I correct?
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    • Profile picture of the author MarQueteer
      Originally Posted by disi View Post

      Ok, thanks. So let me ask one more question. Is it fair to say that it is OK to register new domain, just park it somewhere on the server and leave it there until your 'proper'(full) website is ready? I mean a situation when I know I will be launching a new website in 2-3 months...and when it is lunched I would like it to be already in google rankings with page rank. Am I correct?
      No. Pagerank comes from links with Pagerank, an unlinked page doesn't get PR. Parking it is the worst solution and would hurt more than leaving the domain just registered.

      As for ranking: Pagerank doesn't mean ranking in the SERPs, don't mix it up. A high pagerank doesn't mean your site gets any visitors or makes you any money. On the other hand, a PR0 site can make you thousands a month.

      The best option in my opinion: Build a little splash page (already on your own hosting) on the same topic your site will be on and already link it a bit, then upload your site when ready.
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      • Profile picture of the author disi
        Originally Posted by MarQueteer View Post

        No. Pagerank comes from links with Pagerank, an unlinked page doesn't get PR.
        It would be linked-I know how to make backlinks and I do this often. The reason why I asked about it is that my latest website(launched 2-3 weeks ago) has still "n/a" page rank when I check it. So my logic was - create some page that would "exists" in Google rankings, and then just add proper content when you are ready(agreement with business partners etc). My target is to get on #1 on google search.

        The best option in my opinion: Build a little splash page (already on your own hosting) on the same topic your site will be on and already link it a bit, then upload your site when ready.
        That is exactly what I did mean-sorry if I did not make myself clear enough. Simple "website"-just to be there.
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    • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
      Originally Posted by disi View Post


      Two weeks ago I have launched new website for my brother. I am familiar with general SEO techniques but I have a question. When a 'new' website gets rank from google? My website was added to '' but I can see that it has still 'n/a' rank. After what period of time google adds any rank to new website? Is it possible that my website is just not yet in google drectory?
      First off, great job with the DMOZ directory!

      Second, don't worry about the PageRank of the site now. Trust me, because you've got that DMOZ listing, it will go a long way towards building up some Google trust for your site.

      Since you're site is listed in DMOZ it will get indexed by Google. And like someone said here, you can check and see if it's there by visiting Google and entering in the search box:

      I'm assuming when you mentioned "Google directory" above you mean the Google search engine results.

      The Google directory (Google Directory) actually gets its listings from DMOZ.

      Originally Posted by disi View Post

      Ok, thanks. So let me ask one more question. Is it fair to say that it is OK to register new domain, just park it somewhere on the server and leave it there until your 'proper'(full) website is ready? I mean a situation when I know I will be launching a new website in 2-3 months...and when it is lunched I would like it to be already in google rankings with page rank. Am I correct?
      Ideally you want to at least get that website indexed so I would put up a few pages that won't need to be changed later on such as a "Privacy" page, a "Contact Us" page, etc. Just to get on Google's radar.

      You're not going to get much of a PageRank without adding content on a consistent basis. That said, don't worry too much about PageRank, instead focus on the keywords that you're using, the end goal you want to achieve with the site, etc.

      Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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  • Profile picture of the author wii4u
    Google will update your website pagerank every 3 months. The best way is to get quality Backlinks from high PR Websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author disi
    Thanks a lot! You said "don't worry about the PageRank of the site now.". But can I get my new website onto #1 (with backlinks etc) if it still has "n/a" pagerank at Google? It is there in the google system as I checked it ("site:..."). It just does not have page rank yet and I fear that adding backlinks will not move it higher until it has pagerank.
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    • Profile picture of the author htownseoguy
      Originally Posted by disi View Post

      Thanks a lot! You said "don't worry about the PageRank of the site now.". But can I get my new website onto #1 (with backlinks etc) if it still has "n/a" pagerank at Google? It is there in the google system as I checked it ("site:..."). It just does not have page rank yet and I fear that adding backlinks will not move it higher until it has pagerank.
      The answer is if you niche is not too competitive you may be able to still get it to rank with onpage optimization but I would still build links for good measure. Depending on the competitiveness link building may be requires to rank for some of your keywords. Really the comptetitiveness of the industry is the key here.
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    • Profile picture of the author IowaGal
      Originally Posted by disi View Post

      Thanks a lot! You said "don't worry about the PageRank of the site now.". But can I get my new website onto #1 (with backlinks etc) if it still has "n/a" pagerank at Google? It is there in the google system as I checked it ("site:..."). It just does not have page rank yet and I fear that adding backlinks will not move it higher until it has pagerank.
      Actually, that's a huge misconception a lot of people have. Higher PR does not mean better organic listings.

      The bottom line is, the more one-way links you can get to your site, the more your site will gradually move up in the search engines regardless of it's PR.

      Remember too that just because YOU can't see the PR doesn't mean that your site doesn't have one. Google is constantly updating a sites PR but we, as the general public don't see that until they do an update. So just because yours might not visibly have one now, does not mean that Google hasn't assigned you one yet.

      As htownseoguy said, depending upon the competitiveness of your industry, it is possible to get a top position. It's just a matter of gradually getting those links to your site and updating your content with information that people want to link to.

      - Kristine
      Techy Bigmouth at who loves coffee. Feel free to send me some.
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      • Profile picture of the author disi
        Originally Posted by IowaGal View Post

        Actually, that's a huge misconception a lot of people have. Higher PR does not mean better organic listings.

        The bottom line is, the more one-way links you can get to your site, the more your site will gradually move up in the search engines regardless of it's PR.
        That makes things clear for me. Thank you both!
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  • Profile picture of the author htownseoguy
    Google normally updates PR about once every 3 months. If it's a brand new site expect it to take a few months before you see any changes in PR. Also you will want to get more inbound links than just Dmoz
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