to dig deep with keyword research

2 replies
  • SEO
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hi guys,

thanks for accepting me in this forum. i am fairly new to internet marketing and just learned how to use market samurai. i was working in IT for more than 16 years but is interested to jump into the internet marketing world. i believe the future is bright for this industry.

however, it seems IM is too broad and i want to focus only on keyword research part. My question is, can keyword research consulting provide income? are there internet marketers who do not do their own keyword research or would like to verify/validate their preliminary keyword research? kindly advise to assist me on deciding whether i should continue exploring the art of keyword research.

if you think market research consulting services will have its own share of the IM industry, i would love to ask someone's help on verifying my current knowledge by giving me some kind of a keyword research test (ie. you send me a dummy seed keyword to be researched(in which you already know the research outcome) and i will provide full report to you then let me know if my work is acceptable or not.

glad to hear from you and thanks for your help in advance.

#deep #dig #keyword #research
  • Profile picture of the author JKflipflop
    As of now, I do not know if keyword research by itself is a lucrative means of earning money. However, beyond keyword research, you can always venture into building sites targeted at niches of your choice, use your keyword research knowledge to figure out profitability and feasibility of ranking a particular keyword and eventually move onto learning SEO.

    I pretty much did have to learn SEO once I started building affiliate sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author laurenc
      thanks mate, appreciate your honest response.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6096250].message }}

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