Penguin Update Question

6 replies
  • SEO
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Hi fellow warriors,

Is there anybody can give some suggestion about my question, thanks for the help..

What impact from the Google Penguin Update have you seen with keyword-specific anchor text links?


#penguin #question #update
  • Profile picture of the author mariyajames

    As far as I considered through Penguine update Google is more concern about keyword spamming so:

    The site which has so many links with same keyword has been penalized or hit by Google.

    The website lost their rankings and traffic too.

    As it is tough for websites to recover from Penguin hit.
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    • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
      Originally Posted by mariyajames;

      As it is tough for websites to recover from Penguin hit.
      You can recover from any hit, it just takes a bit of time
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  • Profile picture of the author adam337
    You should make variation in anchor text according to penguin.

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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Have you read this case study. Penguin Analysis: SEO Isn't Dead, But You Need to Act Smarter | Microsite Masters

    I've seen sites post Penguin ranked in #1 position in Google even though they have no anchor text links at all targetting that keyword. It seems anchor text over optimization is a key factor although it might be combined with on page factors also, so if you are above a certain keyword density and have xx number of links in relation to other anchor text keywords.

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  • Profile picture of the author seorules
    Thanks guys for the suggestions....I will take that...

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  • Profile picture of the author C Rebecca
    See, if your anchor texts are natural they won’t impact negatively on your website. On the other hand if they are placed excessively, or landing pages are irrelevant, they may hurt you.

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