14 replies
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Could someone please look at my website and suggest a few ways as to how I can improve my CTR? I'm willing to completely re-design the website, if needs be. Open to all suggestions.

Btw, ignore the fact that the colours aren't consistent, as I'm currently running a split test.

#adsense #layout #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Blue445nm
    A better site background and layout would be nice. Where are your pictures?

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  • Profile picture of the author mikeshinobi
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    • Profile picture of the author mikeshinobi
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      • Profile picture of the author dreamtoreality
        Originally Posted by mikeshinobi View Post

        You should also do what this guy said. Despite his low post count and lack of War Room Member status, he's done a lot of experimenting with various adsense layouts/color schemes and knows what he's talking about. The URL, especially on skyscraper blocks, is the biggest giveaway to the viewer that what they're looking at is an advertisement.

        Or don't do it. He was just trying to help, but I'm sure he doesn't really care how much money you leave on the table.
        Are you saying I should make the url the same colour as the title, or a very light grey so it is isn't too visible?
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        • Profile picture of the author IceToEskimos
          lose the skyscraper adblock on the right and replace it with a second leaderboard in the content after the first or second paragraph.

          Try to think about your adblocks as doorways, and place them at points where your visitors are likely to want to leave.

          Top of the page float left- these ads are typically the first thing your visitor sees, if you have good advertisers you may get clicks on page load

          Early in the content- people won't read more than a paragraph or two if they don't like what you have to say, give them some options to leave your page early in the content so that you can get paid if they bail

          End of content- if they make it all the way through your content, they will be looking to navigate somewhere else, so offer some helpful suggestions in the way of ads.
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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    • Waaaaaaay... too much bold text on the page.
    • The header image is distracting, IMO.
    • Adsense locations look good.
    • Test the Adsense Ad title color as #1122CC, which is Googles SERP bold color.
    • The bright colors of the social buttons on the left are distracting, If the social buttons aren't performing move them down the page, or change the colors to a light shade of gray (color on mouse over).
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6566655].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dreamtoreality
      Originally Posted by yukon View Post

      • Waaaaaaay... too much bold text on the page.
      • The header image is distracting, IMO.
      • Adsense locations look good.
      • Test the Adsense Ad title color as #1122CC, which is Googles SERP bold color.
      • The bright colors of the social buttons on the left are distracting, If the social buttons aren't performing move them down the page, or change the colors to a light shade of gray (color on mouse over).
      Thanks, Yukon. I'll do as you suggested. Would you suggest changing the colour of the H1,H2,H3 tags or the background?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6566726].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by dreamtoreality View Post

        Thanks, Yukon. I'll do as you suggested. Would you suggest changing the colour of the H1,H2,H3 tags or the background?
        I would leave those <h> tag colors the same for right now, they don't look bad IMO.

        If you change the background color, you might try a shade of color just a little bit lighter. Here is your current background color #EBEEE9, you'll just have to play around with the colors, I defiantly would not go any darker.

        Leave the content color (white/#FFF) the same, the white background color will contrast good with the Adsense Ad Title color (#1122CC).
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  • Profile picture of the author jpsween88
    Ive always hired someone on freelancer to help with it. They do a great job at blending the ads into the page/blog

    Please do not use your signature to promote affiliate/MLM programs

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  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    BTW, I should have said this earlier to OP.

    Good to see you testing, a lot of people build sites & expect them to earn money from a single site setup (build it & forget it), doesn't work like that.

    I've had same types of sites (themes) on separate domains & traffic behaves different from one site to the next (similar content on both sites).

    Keep testing & make notes of the results (what worked, what didn't work).
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  • Profile picture of the author sbsbookmark
    always use adsense friendly template. The best way to display ads was putting on left side of the header.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rostonix
    Just don't use popular MFA templates. It's a red flag.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6569174].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author antac
    Nice work so clean and pro. Suitable color combination, background and font color. Basically I think the template is excellent for this type of site neat, clean, and navigatable. Great work. I like it.
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  • Profile picture of the author dreamtoreality
    Thanks for all the tips, guys. I changed things quite a bit, but am unsure if I'm pushing it with my ad placement - in the sidebar and bottom of the post. What do you think? If I add headings saying "Related Posts" and "Ads" should I be okay? Here's the site.
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by dreamtoreality View Post

      Thanks for all the tips, guys. I changed things quite a bit, but am unsure if I'm pushing it with my ad placement - in the sidebar and bottom of the post. What do you think? If I add headings saying "Related Posts" and "Ads" should I be okay? Here's the site.

      Remove either the Adsense block in the footer, or the link list next to the Adsense.

      The link list looks too much like Adsense Ads, with no separator between them.

      The sidebar links might be pushing your luck, IMO.

      The colors on everything else look a lot better.
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  • Profile picture of the author InitialEffort
    Less adsense above the fold. Usually one blog per 500 words is a good rule of thumb.
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