Submitting Articles - Banned by Google?
- SEO |
Since the past update, I've had at least 5 or 6 people asking me to suddenly delete their articles from my article directory for fear of repercussions from Google.
I totally realize this update is misunderstood from LEGITIMATE content.
I even read this at Google itself and bookmarked it:
Another step to reward high-quality sites - Inside Search
However - do you guys have any other info confirming or denying that article submissions are a problem with Google?
I'm talking legitimate, quality articles - not keyword or link stuffed.
My site is NOT banned in Google, we have many #1 rankings from articles, so it really frustrates me when people don't seem to get that legit articles are fine.
I've never allowed nor approved the crap Google was blocking anyway, so that may be why I haven't been affected, but obviously some people think it is hurting their sites.
Comments from the SEO experts? Legitimate industry links/proof I could possibly show other than the above? (Either way?)
Amber Jalink, Founder
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