Best Keyword Rank Tracking Tool?

by Mosa
48 replies
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I'm looking for the best rank tracking tool available. I have a ton of sites and I'd like to be able to check the ranks of all my sites at once without having to open up a different project each time. Does anyone have any suggestions?
#keyword #rank #tool #tracking
  • Profile picture of the author Terry Kyle
    Originally Posted by Mosa View Post

    I'm looking for the best rank tracking tool available. I have a ton of sites and I'd like to be able to check the ranks of all my sites at once without having to open up a different project each time. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Rank Tracker - Track Your Search Engine Rankings Easily! - use the Check All function.

    Not perfect but not bad either. The original setup for each domain is the biggest time-consumer.
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  • Profile picture of the author intergen
    I like Market Samurai. I have been using it for years - they just went to a monthly model due to Google changes.
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  • Profile picture of the author imsirigiri
    Check SerpFox. It's a new website providing rank tracking tools. Free for now I suppose or else they may have pricing models.
    Need a Technical Support VA on an Hourly Basis? || Need AdSense Microniche Sites Research and Development? PM me.
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  • Profile picture of the author kebertt
    I have used Rank Tracker for over a year now and never had any complaints
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  • Profile picture of the author GyuMan82
    Try Serpbuddy I highly recommend it.
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  • Profile picture of the author anukants
    now a day a many tools are there just check the pr of diffrent website online. just google for "bulk pr check" and you will find a lots of useful site. is one of the best site i use it.
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  • Profile picture of the author danielthomas
    I think this can help you in finding keyword ranking of your site
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr Lim
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    • Profile picture of the author ChrisMoon
      Used to use MS but now that's died. Am also looking for a keyword ranking toll not on a monthly subscription.


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    • Profile picture of the author denysapu
      Originally Posted by Mr Lim View Post

      I used CuteRank, though I don't think much people using, but it's a simple tools.
      I used it, and I think it's better than other.

      Don't worry be happy!

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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    The rank tracker included within Market Samurai is really good, but recently I started using a Wordpress plugin that tracks my rankings for selected keywords and sends me an email automatically every time a change is made in the SERPs or the site starts ranking for a new keyword.

    It's called Rank Tracker Wordpress Plugin and can be bought here:

    Rank Tracker Plugin - Rank Tracker Plugin

    (no affiliate link)
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  • Profile picture of the author aygabtu
    Originally Posted by Mosa View Post

    I'm looking for the best rank tracking tool available. I have a ton of sites and I'd like to be able to check the ranks of all my sites at once without having to open up a different project each time. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    Are you talking page rank or SERP rank? For SERP rank, have you tried the site in my signature? While we only display 20 keywords at a time, it is easy to switch between each set.

    Check top 300 Google SERP results free. tracks and graphs changes for multiple domains/keywords/regions. Also includes advanced keyword density tool.

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    • Profile picture of the author bolocancristian
      I use Rank Tracker and i am very satisfied of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrianCorcoran
    Microsite Masters, get a free account.

    Hands down the best rank tracker that I have ever used. If your not using it, your not in the SEO game!

    Don't be afraid to ask me any question about YOUR SEO issues right now! SEO is my First, Middle & Last Name.

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    • Profile picture of the author Nicky Papers
      Originally Posted by BrianCorcoran View Post

      Microsite Masters, get a free account.

      Hands down the best rank tracker that I have ever used. If your not using it, your not in the SEO game!
      Agreed! Microsite Masters all the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author shahbazmayo
    Mosa Market Samurai and ,traffic Travis is best tools for keyword rank check...
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  • Profile picture of the author GFI
    Rank Tracker is one of the best tools for checking ranks on Google and other search engines. It shows you full report about keywords history as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author marketwarrior06
    I use market samurai. its the best in this industry. you can also check seoserp dot com.
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
      Originally Posted by marketwarrior06 View Post

      I use market samurai. its the best in this industry.

      You must be talking about some industry other than IM or SEO.

      Market Samurai, especially its rank tracking module, is an overpriced piece of junk.
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  • Profile picture of the author TrafficMystic
    rank tracker seems to be working the best at the moment.. the result in MS the past few months have been way way off..
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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo

    Pick one.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mosa
    Thanks for all the input. I'm checking them out now. I have market samurai and rank tracker (free version). After looking at the suggestions, i'm thinking serpbook might work best for what I need.
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    • Profile picture of the author NileDonald
      I personally recommend you IBP. I am using this tool over a year for my clients. It is my personal experienced that this tool gives us accurate results. You can also do competitor analysis for your clients.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mosa
    Ended up going with serpbook for now. We'll let everyone know how it goes.
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  • Profile picture of the author vinzsama
    SerpFox! They have a free trial of tracking 10 keywords
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  • Profile picture of the author pennyfulindia
    Thanks for sharing great article about best keyword ranking tool with youtube.

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  • Profile picture of the author MrDougJay
    I use Rank Cheker to check all my keywords all at once. It's a firefox plugin.
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  • Profile picture of the author bhushan@rancor
    i used cute rank software for rank checking of particular keyword.
    Interactive Bees Pvt Ltd best known for Quality Web Development Solutions and Online Marketing Services.
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  • Profile picture of the author mohsinmallik
    I came to know about serpfox from here. Good to know about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mosa
    We joined the 200 keyword plan with Serpbook and it seems to work alright. It's a little slow in finding the rank of keywords. Sometimes it take a few hours for it to pull up the rank. What we do like about it though is that It's very well organized and seems pretty well designed to work for niche sites.

    We've also created a free account with SerpFox. This tracking tool seems to work pretty well too and it tracks the rank a lot faster than Serpbook. However, I wasn't that impressed with the layout. It's just not as "pretty" as Serpbook.

    If only we could have the speed of serpfox with the layout of serpbook. Maybe I'll just have to create a rank tracking tool that can do this...
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    • Profile picture of the author Patrick13
      Originally Posted by Mosa View Post

      We joined the 200 keyword plan with Serpbook and it seems to work alright. It's a little slow in finding the rank of keywords. Sometimes it take a few hours for it to pull up the rank. What we do like about it though is that It's very well organized and seems pretty well designed to work for niche sites.

      We've also created a free account with SerpFox. This tracking tool seems to work pretty well too and it tracks the rank a lot faster than Serpbook. However, I wasn't that impressed with the layout. It's just not as "pretty" as Serpbook.

      If only we could have the speed of serpfox with the layout of serpbook. Maybe I'll just have to create a rank tracking tool that can do this...
      Hi Mosa i agree with you about serpbook and serp fox i use both they have there good and bad things.
      I just discovered this rank checker here yesterday on the forum and its working great and its free its worth a look.
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  • Profile picture of the author joshpat2
    mosa you looking for first 5 keywords are free .... its amazing
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  • Profile picture of the author sbsts
    I've found the best way is to search yourself. Unless you want to put in every url/page on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author TeamTCW

    Facebook Traffic Unleashed - How To Get Real RESULTS From Facebook Marketing Click Here

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  • Profile picture of the author FredWhite
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  • Profile picture of the author Mosa
    We're going to switch from serpbook to serpfox. If find that serpbook just has too many glitches... it really upsets me.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
      Originally Posted by Mosa View Post

      We're going to switch from serpbook to serpfox. If find that serpbook just has too many glitches... it really upsets me.
      Have you looked at Microsite Masters? Might be what you need.

      Care to share more details about serpbook? I know it's a decent tracker, but I use serpfox almost exclusively.
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  • Profile picture of the author SerenaGomez
    I have been using Rank Checker but now I use Rank Tracker. It is comparatively better!!
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  • Profile picture of the author kchanda
    I use SEO Spyglass rank tracker, it gives me almost accurate result.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Paella
    Mosa, how's serpfox going for you? I'm considering getting it. Would appreciate your comments.

    Also, wondering why you never tried out microsite masters that seem to have a good reputation here.

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    • Profile picture of the author Mosa
      Originally Posted by bnetwork View Post

      Have you looked at Microsite Masters? Might be what you need.

      Care to share more details about serpbook? I know it's a decent tracker, but I use serpfox almost exclusively.
      Well one thing I use a lot is Roboform. But for whatever reason whenever I sign into serpbook using Roboform, serpbook automatically deletes one of my categories. This really sucked when I spent the time and effort to put a bunch of keywords in already.

      Also sometimes it doesn't save new categories or update categories I've worked on, which really wastes time if you've put the work in and it doesn't save.

      And it also takes a while to update.

      Overall the pretty interface doesn't seem to be making up for the flaws.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mosa
      Originally Posted by Jon Paella View Post

      Mosa, how's serpfox going for you? I'm considering getting it. Would appreciate your comments.

      Also, wondering why you never tried out microsite masters that seem to have a good reputation here.


      I actually have yet to switch to serpfox yet. I was waiting for the subscription for the month to end, which is actually right about now.

      I don't remember why I skipped over microsite masters, but I'll give it another look and decide between that one or serpfox.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Paella
    bnetwork, what do you think of the differences between micrositemasters and serpfox? You said you use serpfox, yet you recommended micrositemasters. Why?
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  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    That's gonna be hard man. You're going to be focused on looking up stats rather than listening to the client, or there'll be a long awkward pause while you fetch data.

    Why not take the call, get their info, and then let them know you'll put together a professional report and have it to them soon, then you'll call them back to go over it? You could send it 30 minutes later and then call them back to discuss it. Hell, we usually don't get reports out till a maximum of 24 hours later, so it's not imperative to make the sale.

    I promise you, anyway, that they don't give a shit about the numbers and percentages and your expected monthly visits, etc. They just want to know how much money they can expect to make.

    Regardless, for Google+ rankings, you ought to check out Places Scout. It'll fetch a lot of info that you could give to the client. Also, for ongoing reporting, you should check out Raven Tools. We just signed up with this yesterday and giving it a run, but it seems to be a great white-label solution for a reporting center that clients can actually log in to and track on their own time.
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  • Profile picture of the author samirah
    Feel free to give OpenSERPExplorer a try - its free and currently in beta testing. Any feedback is greatly appreciated
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  • Profile picture of the author alfraidjones
    According to me, SEObook's rank checker tool is best to track your keywords ranking.
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