Amazon Earnings...Curious.

by GGpaul
26 replies
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There's a lot threads, people claim making this and that. Pictures and so forth, maybe Photoshopped maybe not.

I want to take my business to the next level. I've been breaking it down number wise on how to hit exact figures.

But just curious, is it really possible to hit $30,000 a month with Amazon? Roughly around $1,000 a day.

I'm sure "anything is possible."

I just want to mentally prepare myself for what's going to happen. The hours spent, the sacrifices made, the game plan, strategy, etc. Assuming that this is doable.

Of course, I got to hit the other goals first, consistent income, $100 a day, $150 a day, to $200, to $400, and up. That's goals I want to hit as soon as possible which I know are doable. But the $30,000 intrigues me.

Anyways - peace.
#amazon #earningscurious
  • Profile picture of the author DNAWRealm
    Anything's possible with amazon. The best thing is usually that once you've ranked and built a site, you can leave it and it'll do the rest. Update it every month with a new post and you're done.

    Amazon gets really interesting when you've got a massive chain of websites (100+) all earning you great commissions.

    Remember though, once you're earning profit, you can literally pay people to do the work for you. Buy a new domain, buy 10 articles, buy 5 articles for backlinking, buy a social networking boost and leave the domain. You've spent say $50 to build the domain, and will earn that back in a week or whatever.

    It's a really exciting venture tbh!
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Acharya
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    • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
      Originally Posted by Ben Acharya View Post

      If anyone can earn $300,000 from adsense then i think its pretty much possible to earn $30,000/month from amazon. might need a lot of hard work and a network of amazon sites focusing on several niches but i do think its achievable. best of luck though and keep us updated about your progress. i really enjoy reading your thread Seeing results.. waking up at 5 AM........ makes me feel like i should start with Amazon now.
      I DO see the potential of it happening.

      Truth is I probably put in 3-4 hours now a day. A couple of breaks too in-between.

      I can only imagine if I work like nursing hours...12 hours a day. lol. But they only do it 3 days out of the week, UNLESS they go overtime.

      Seriously, there shouldn't be any excuses for me. With the amount of hours I have free, and with a strategy that works, I really got to scale up as soon as possible.

      RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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      • Profile picture of the author FredJones
        I have never done anything so much, although I do make quite a bit from my physical products. I mostly prefer to switch to private affiliates though and use Amazon more to find good products. But having said that, Amazon has a good conversion rate. So if you promote sufficiently high number of sufficiently highly priced products then surely you would earn a lot right from Amazon without switching to private affilates. In theory it could go beyond the magic mark of $1,000 per day, but as I said I don't do anything like that.

        PS: I stumbled on your other thread also now. Seems are you already doing well on Amazon. Great job.
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        • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
          Originally Posted by FredJones View Post

          I have never done anything so much, although I do make quite a bit from my physical products. I mostly prefer to switch to private affiliates though and use Amazon more to find good products. But having said that, Amazon has a good conversion rate. So if you promote sufficiently high number of sufficiently highly priced products then surely you would earn a lot right from Amazon without switching to private affilates. In theory it could go beyond the magic mark of $1,000 per day, but as I said I don't do anything like that.

          PS: I stumbled on your other thread also now. Seems are you already doing well on Amazon. Great job.
          Thanks! It's the beginning process for me too. So I just got to scale up .

          RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Grossman
    To do $30,000 a month with Amazon you'll be moving around $400,000 in product for them. That's almost $5 million a year. That's a huge amount of purchasing intent you're capturing.

    Maybe I'm just being unimaginative, but I don't see that happening short of inventing the next Pinterest or something like that. So you wouldn't really be an Amazon affiliate anymore, you'd have achieved that level of market capture by building some other business.

    I would be skeptical of anyone claiming they're generating $400,000 a month in sales for Amazon just setting up PPC ads, blogs, or anything else of the sort.
    Improvely: Built to track, test and optimize your marketing.

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  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    I figured I'd venture out and gain more income somewhere else. Over time. Amazon would just be like one set of multiple streams of income.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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    • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
      Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

      I figured I'd venture out and gain more income somewhere else. Over time. Amazon would just be like one set of multiple streams of income.
      This broham. Do this.

      Amazon is just like Adsense - unless you get super lucky and hit a massive emerging trend or put in many years of work to build out a #1 resource in a large niche... well, you won't make $1000+ a day (consistently).

      Once you really start to see money coming in, look for other business opportunities. Build a product or service, start an agency and go after corp clients, etc. Try to target other businesses (with a service or product) - there's tons of money to be made. There are endless opportunities out there atm. Far too many to list here.
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  • Profile picture of the author sovereignn

    You knew it was possible before you even posted this thread

    want an example of a website that does this well?

    Digital Photography Review pretty sure they do
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  • Profile picture of the author boxoun
    I was consistently selling an average of 1 product per day with one site at a $25 commish. If you think with those type of numbers... Would be very possible. If I did it once, couldn't I do it again? Yes, but algo changes got in the way so I could never scale. Still brings in random sales nowadays.

    If your goal was to earn 30k/month the better option would be to enter in a few big markets with multiple products to sell and build a list.

    Could it be done? Yes but I think the better option would be to build a list in a handful of big markets.
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  • Profile picture of the author kevlah
    Sure "anything is possible" but it's best to keep your feet on the ground. Rather than just extrapolating the figures ("I'm earning $X from X visitors so I just gotta increase my traffic x50 and I'm rich!") it's better to just crack on, nurture what you've got and see where it gets you.

    Whilst it's possible to make consistent income and work up from "$100 a day, $150 a day, to $200, to $400" you're saying it a bit nonchalantly - even if you're seeing early success (I know you are, of course, I read the other thread ) it will still take some blood, sweat and tears to get to just that point before a consistent $1000 per day is even on the horizon.

    If you're working to a single strategy, and a seemingly quite popular one at the moment, you should bear in mind that it can/will quickly become saturated or, at worst wiped out in a fell swoop by google.

    Not trying to be patronizing or a naysayer, just saying it's better (and more productive) to just keep your head down and work with your results on a day by day basis rather than lining up wishful thinking longterm goals, especially in SEO when you can wake up one morning and find the game has changed
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  • Profile picture of the author DesertSand
    I would be quite happy to make even 1k a month. But I've yet to use this strategy. SOOO optimistic though! Congrats Paul
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    • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
      Originally Posted by DesertSand View Post

      I would be quite happy to make even 1k a month. But I've yet to use this strategy. SOOO optimistic though! Congrats Paul
      It's not about a strategy. Hard work = pays off. That's it. Most people do busy work and then go back to 9-5's (or simply fail). Hard work != busy work.

      Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author nik0
    Sure you can make 30k/month, but most probably not all by yourself. You need to scale things up badly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ernies
    I'm nowhere close, but I think it would be possible to earn that much on Amazon. That being said,m it would be alot easier for clickbank.
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    • Profile picture of the author dfs_dean
      GGpaul - You are proposing a major goal that will take major action and major commitment. It can be a realistic goal and not merely a dream or a wish. But you will have to answer some hard questions as honestly as you can....not to us, but to yourself.

      How badly do you want to earn $1,000/day? What are you willing to sacrifice to get to that income? Will that level of sacrifice be enough?

      Why do you want to earn $1,000/day or $30,000/month? Why that amount? Why not $25,000/month or $20,000/month or $40,000/month? List every reason you can think of, every use you will have for that level of income. Be specific. Write 'em down. That can be your motivation list. (The list may change, but you'll never know it should be changed if you don't review it frequently.)

      When do you think you can reach that level of income? How long will it take? Is that really enough time to do all that you will need to do between now and then? Remember, things are always harder and take longer than initial estimates.

      Why does the income have to be from Do you really have an explicit purpose for that level of income or do you want to have the "feel good" emotion that you made it all via Amazon? Is it simply a way to say you became successful with Amazon? (It's okay to want it "just because" but you've got to understand that motivation to attain something over the long haul that caught your fancy or sounded like a good thing will be difficult to sustain. Tangible uses for the income, a burning desire for specific things, a real purpose, would sustain your motivation a little longer.)

      Are you willing to change what you do and how you do things? If you want to get something you've never gotten before you will need to do things you've never done before, learn things you've never known before. Can you?

      This might not have been what you were expecting when you made your post but these are just a few of the hard questions you'll face. And there are more. Some you can think of in the next few minutes. Others will come later.

      But that's enough from me.

      Good luck.....I'm pulling for you! I really am. Let us know how you celebrated when you reach your goal.

      Find something to enjoy about reality. It's not going to go away.
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  • Profile picture of the author StraightupSEO
    I could see $1,000 a day with 1,000 websites. No problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author cooler1
    Paula and Wanda made that much in a month, but I think it was during the christmas season around December so conversion rates were higher than usual. You can see a video of them opening the check on their website.

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  • Profile picture of the author Stevie C
    Yes I was going to mention Paula & Wanda, I think they get a lot of repeat customers. I think you'd need to start list building in relevant niches. I'd also start promoting clickbank products again to the relevant niches.
    I'm having my best month so far with Amazon, I also just purchased wolfmmii's product review blueprint,theme/software and am busy setting up a site using his method so I'll race you to the $30,000!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author normahl
      Someone got a Link to Paul / Wanda, can't find anything.
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      • Profile picture of the author Guru SEO
        You should set your goal on a yearly basis or quarterly compared year on year, like a real business. When selling on Amazon, you will have good periods depending on what you are selling. Lawn mowers April to july and so forth. Also, november december are big months and could count for 50% of your yearly sales. You already have sites selling amazon products, so what is the conversion rate for all your site ? How many people come in to make x$.

        You can then see how many people to get to reach that 30 000$.

        When you did your keyword research, you had an idea of how many people per keyword. Do you need to create more page or more traffic to existing pages.

        It's not a precise science , but you can calculate what is needed to reach your goal.
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        • Profile picture of the author rinor81
          Hey Paul,

          First of all, good luck to you and everyone on your efforts and your goals.

          Second, don't forget that you have to maintain traffic to those sites all the time and maybe even make it grow with time. I had a network of sites selling Amazon products but after the Google updates as Panda, Penguin and all they were just lost and I lost all revenue.

          So, you have to build sites and maintain SEO, link building, adding content and avoid being hit by Google and that's not always easy, possible but something to really remember.

          Good Luck all!
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    • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
      Originally Posted by Larry Darrell View Post

      I think they get a lot of repeat customers.
      This is why I advocate good content, professional site, and a brandable domain. Why rely 100% on first-time visitors when you can build a readership that returns regularly?
      Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Profile picture of the author K Mec
    Nothing is impossible but some times it is difficult.
    If you calculate, you need huge traffic to achieve such income and to get this income obviously you need to invest something.
    If you do alone may be you will get frustrated and leave it sooner or latter, so take help of any trusted one. Build a team and then attack.
    Surely you will get it.
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  • Profile picture of the author craigslist
    Listen you have a goal! That's great! NOW associate o matic is where you should turn first-these sites get crawled so much more then other amazon sites. Self hosted sites will drive more traffic which equals more sales. I do quite well averaging 100.00 commissions daily here is a little help if you decide to use them for your amazon site
    1) Use Pinterest Daily-Pin your items more and more
    2) write about 1 item daily and start a seperate blog at blogger for this
    3) take the rss feed from that blog and submit it to feedburner
    4) use squidoo-start a lens-now start adding your items just 1 daily-use long keyword phrases
    5) Don't use it as a review site!!!
    6) YES USE Free Classifieds ONCE DAILY!
    This small methodology works better with amazon then any other affiliate site. I wish YOU luck
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    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by craigslist View Post

      Listen you have a goal! That's great! NOW associate o matic is where you should turn first-these sites get crawled so much more then other amazon sites. Self hosted sites will drive more traffic which equals more sales. I do quite well averaging 100.00 commissions daily here is a little help if you decide to use them for your amazon site
      1) Use Pinterest Daily-Pin your items more and more
      2) write about 1 item daily and start a seperate blog at blogger for this
      3) take the rss feed from that blog and submit it to feedburner
      4) use squidoo-start a lens-now start adding your items just 1 daily-use long keyword phrases
      5) Don't use it as a review site!!!
      6) YES USE Free Classifieds ONCE DAILY!
      This small methodology works better with amazon then any other affiliate site. I wish YOU luck
      Sounds interesting associate o matic. Does your self hosted site just consist of the store created by associate o matic or do add original content also?

      How many free classifieds do you use? I've never heard them being used in conjuction with amazon sites before.

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