Woke up with 80 orders.. And all need to be manually processed.. FML

by DNAWRealm Banned
11 replies
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So I've been selling an e-book guide.. Orders were steady, 5-8 daily at £8.99 per. All was good, easy to manage..

Last night I decided to put a YouTube video up on my main account with 12K subscribers.. Straight away I had 5-6 orders but it was 4am and I needed sleep, so I hit the sack.

Woke up with:

18 Google checkout orders
47 Paypal orders

All orders have to be manually processed because I'm sending out the e-mails with the e-book as an attachment..

In total, profits are around £550 while I slept. It took me 50minutes to send out all the e-mails..

Talk about working while sleeping. BEST DAY SO FAR!
#fml #manually #orders #processed #woke
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Bradley
    That's a great result,congratulations.The money's not in the list the money is in the 'taking action'.
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  • Profile picture of the author svaningen
    That's fantastic, definitely not something to feel bad about!
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    • Profile picture of the author DNAWRealm
      Originally Posted by svaningen View Post

      That's fantastic, definitely not something to feel bad about!
      I don't feel bad, was just a nightmare having to siphon through a good 70 orders. Some were cancelled by Google by fraud, some people had initiated paypal disputes because of non-delivery. Was a nightmare!

      Hopefully it'll carry on and I'll get used to it
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    You need to change your sales funnel so that people receive the product automatically after placing the order.
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    • Profile picture of the author Elle Holder
      What Mike said!

      If I buy an ebook I expect to be able to download it as soon as the transaction is complete. If not, I start to get pissed.

      I use eJunkie for my eBook. FYI

      But hey, congrats on the success!!

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  • Profile picture of the author jasontim86
    Use clickbank for easy process. Only cost you $75 to activate the account. But yeah, great work there mate. Proud of ya!
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  • Profile picture of the author JSProjects
    Why not use something like eJunkie, GetDPD, etc? I use DPD and it pretty much automates the entire process and helps keep track of everything.
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    • Profile picture of the author kazute
      You can add a success page within the button creation in paypal just redirect to a download link after payment is processed, probably the easiest way to do things but can lead to sharing of the location of the download
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  • Profile picture of the author contentwriting360
    That's one of the best things we get to experience when we do business online. The same thing happens in our content writing services. Sometimes, after taking my 60-minute break, I got $1,000-worth of an order. IM is simply amazing.
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  • Profile picture of the author GobBluthJD

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    • Profile picture of the author darrenlc
      That's the great thing about this line of work. You can work hard and get nothing. Then youyou may not work much and earn everything. I love it.
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