Woke up with 80 orders.. And all need to be manually processed.. FML
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Last night I decided to put a YouTube video up on my main account with 12K subscribers.. Straight away I had 5-6 orders but it was 4am and I needed sleep, so I hit the sack.
Woke up with:
18 Google checkout orders
47 Paypal orders
All orders have to be manually processed because I'm sending out the e-mails with the e-book as an attachment..
In total, profits are around £550 while I slept. It took me 50minutes to send out all the e-mails..
Talk about working while sleeping. BEST DAY SO FAR!
Mark Bradley -
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svaningen -
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MikeFriedman -
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Elle Holder -
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JSProjects -
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GobBluthJD -
[ 1 ] Thanks - 1 reply
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