by prem khaira Banned
4 replies
  • SEO
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No...not the TV show!

Here's the situation...

I have not logged into my Google Analytics account(s) for a week almost and i have just realized that one of my sites is getting organic traffic for the keyword "How to Make Money Online". I was happy but not too happy because the number of hits i have received clearly indicates that my site is Most Likely not on PAGE 1 of Google. Sure enough, my site was on Page 3 a while ago and now on Page 4 of Google for the keyword above.

I am no SEO Pro. What would you do if you were me? I would love to see this ranking go higher on Google. I'm willing to invest but is that necessary? All i've been doing is basically adding content once a week for the past 6 months so should i just continue doing this or is it time to get more aggressive and build backlinks etc. Any tips, references etc. will be greatly appreciated.
  • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
    First.. I would shoot myself. I mean come on, not log on to check out how my sites are doing on a daily basis, might as well be dead.

    Less seriously...
    I often find I have pages getting traffic from keywords I didn't expect, check it out. See where the page is in the SERP, check out how easy it might be to increase the rank, also check out the CPC to see if worth the trouble. If all that seems like it is worth the time and effort.. I would get on it
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    • Profile picture of the author prem khaira
      Originally Posted by Nelapsi View Post

      First.. I would shoot myself. I mean come on, not log on to check out how my sites are doing on a daily basis, might as well be dead.

      Lol hehe...
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Nick
    I think you should put together a marketing plan. Obviously your doing something right. You just need a little extra push and you can make it there. Keep adding content and get a bit more aggressive with your backlinking.
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    • Profile picture of the author prem khaira
      Originally Posted by IM Nick View Post

      I think you should put together a marketing plan. Obviously your doing something right. You just need a little extra push and you can make it there. Keep adding content and get a bit more aggressive with your backlinking.
      Definitely...Thanks Nick.
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