Pat Flynn's Technique

36 replies
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I have been reading allot on Pat Flynns site and his techniques.
If someone could help me out that would be great

1. The whole writing Articles, submitting to web 2.0 sites and spamming the life out of the web 2.0 article to protect your niche this an ok thing to do now? Or will G man penalize you for it?

2. Does anyone else follow Pat's techniques with success?

#flynn #pat #technique
  • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
    Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

    I have been reading allot on Pat Flynns site and his techniques.
    If someone could help me out that would be great

    1. The whole writing Articles, submitting to web 2.0 sites and spamming the life out of the web 2.0 article to protect your niche this an ok thing to do now? Or will G man penalize you for it?

    2. Does anyone else follow Pat's techniques with success?

    I used to follow Pat Flynns strategy when I was working for this construction company. We would spend a whole day creating web 2.0 sites.....squidoo, tumblr, article dir etc.

    And then we would use article wizard or some crap to send out spun articles to these sites.

    What did it do? Absolutely jack s*@#. But - maybe others have had a better experience. BUT - why would you wanna spam? Build a strong business =). Either spend big bucks to get the real deal, or get natural backlinks where people are like "HOLY S*@% that's good content, I'm putting that on my site," etc. etc.

    RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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    • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
      Originally Posted by GGpaul View Post

      I used to follow Pat Flynns strategy when I was working for this construction company. We would spend a whole day creating web 2.0 sites.....squidoo, tumblr, article dir etc.

      And then we would use article wizard or some crap to send out spun articles to these sites.

      What did it do? Absolutely jack s*@#. But - maybe others have had a better experience. BUT - why would you wanna spam? Build a strong business =). Either spend big bucks to get the real deal, or get natural backlinks where people are like "HOLY S*@% that's good content, I'm putting that on my site," etc. etc.
      Thanks for the heads up. It was an idea that I have been playing with. I have a real website its very new only launched last week. Im so lost when it comes to bank linking. Im good with on page SEO.
      Its just we dont have budget to pay for any high PR backlinks.
      Ive been getting lots of conflict information on how to get backlinks that im now lost :/
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      • Profile picture of the author moneymoguls
        Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

        Thanks for the heads up. It was an idea that I have been playing with. I have a real website its very new only launched last week. Im so lost when it comes to bank linking. Im good with on page SEO.
        Its just we dont have budget to pay for any high PR backlinks.
        Ive been getting lots of conflict information on how to get backlinks that im now lost :/
        It's good that you are lost when it comes to backlinking. Unnatural backlinking will destroy your website's traffic/ranking. Look at all the people on this forum that lost their rankings because of crappy content and backlinking. Why do you want to fight Google? You will never win in the long run.

        Money Moguls

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        • Profile picture of the author nest28
          Originally Posted by rankinghero View Post

          have u seen his revenue stream?
          He makes around 3K from adsense and 47K from NON-adsense ....
          NON-ADSENSE = nothing to do with SEO
          Originally Posted by bnetwork View Post

          Pat does (sells products/recommends stuff to his loyal - and often "blind" - followers).
          It's funny how when I said the exact same things , I was labeled a hater lol.

          Somewhere watching Power.

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  • Profile picture of the author PerformanceMan
    Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

    I have been reading allot on Pat Flynns site and his techniques.
    If someone could help me out that would be great

    1. The whole writing Articles, submitting to web 2.0 sites and spamming the life out of the web 2.0 article to protect your niche this an ok thing to do now? Or will G man penalize you for it?

    2. Does anyone else follow Pat's techniques with success?

    Too much work. Just get real links with real juice and forget the 'tiered link' strategy.
    Free Special Report on Mindset - Level Up with Positive Thinking
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  • Profile picture of the author Capbell
    Firstly it's not "Pat Flynn's" technique. It's Joseph Archibald's.

    Second, spinning has never worked, it is an unfounded myth spread like widlfire by... you guessed it... the people who make the spinning software.

    If you do not believe me do the following:

    Find two similar niches, similar competition etc. Follow the strategy that Pat Flynn discusses, spin for one and not the other. Tell me if it makes a difference.

    Besides, despite anything anyone ever tells you -> Spun content = Spam (In Google's eyes).

    Google wants to show only one version of something, what good is it for a user if he/she typed in "How to get a job at Google" and the top ten results were the identical article but spun to look original. Which implies that eventually Google will undoubtedly update it's algorithm to penalize spun content that is used to artificially increase the value of the backlinks.

    Forget everything you learn here and simply make a good website about whatever you wish to rank for, write guest posts, use social media/bookmarks, participate in related forums, create press releases, etc. All legit stuff and you will eventually rank.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7080095].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
      Originally Posted by Capbell View Post

      Firstly it's not "Pat Flynn's" technique. It's Joseph Archibald's.

      Second, spinning has never worked, it is an unfounded myth spread like widlfire by... you guessed it... the people who make the spinning software.
      If it has never worked, why does Google find it so necessary to keep coming up with devastating algorithm updates to try to address, in part, this exact thing?
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      • Profile picture of the author dennis09
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        If it has never worked, why does Google find it so necessary to keep coming up with devastating algorithm updates to try to address, in part, this exact thing?

        Because he's either an idiot or a troll. Spinning has always worked and still does. :rolleyes:
        There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs
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      • Profile picture of the author Capbell
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        If it has never worked, why does Google find it so necessary to keep coming up with devastating algorithm updates to try to address, in part, this exact thing?
        What are you talking about?

        Every Google algorithm update has been to address spam. Spinning content is just one entity in a sea of spam out there.

        The reason you and many other people think it works is because it has the same effects as using unspun content. You see results, as at the moment there is no penalty for using spun content. You would see the exact same effects if you used syndicated content.

        In other words, correlation does not imply causation <- Please tattoo those words onto your eyeballs.
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        • Profile picture of the author Complex
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          • Profile picture of the author dburk
            Originally Posted by Complex View Post

            You seem to have the layman's understanding of what that actually means. In science, it is understood more as correlation does not *always* imply causation. It is well understood that sometimes it *does.* That is why when scientists see a strong correlation, they move on with further testing to see if they can find causation.
            Hi Complex,

            I would beg to differ with your characterization of the phrase "correlation does not imply causation". To imply a causation from a correlation is definitely not science, unless you are are referring to Cargo Cult Science, which again, isn't real science, just another form of psuedoscience.

            A correlation implies a correlation, sometimes it may not even be a correlation as much as it is a coincidence. Anyone trying to draw a conclusion based on a correlation is just guessing, which is never science, so let's not confuse the two.

            And to throw in my opinion on spinning, I think nearly all content is spun, either by human brain, or with tools, it's still spun content. You are using the same words that other people have previously used, you are just spinning your own arrangement of words. Sure, some folks use spinning tools and just throw together a bunch of random crap, but I see the same type of thing done by people who do it all manually. It's not the tool that makes it crappy, it's how you use the tool that makes it great, or a piece of crap.
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      • Profile picture of the author SangGuna
        Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

        If it has never worked, why does Google find it so necessary to keep coming up with devastating algorithm updates to try to address, in part, this exact thing?
        Wondering the same..:confused: but also heard from other IMer told about good thing on article marketing..maybe if you use it a better way..u got the good result.
        Work HARD n SMART...^_^
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        • Profile picture of the author seankaye
          Spinning used to work...

          Throwing up tons of links on article sites directly to your home page and pages you wanted to rank used to work...

          Smashing the world with your exact anchor text used to work...

          They don't work any more.

          Pat Flynn is a publisher who makes a large part of his income from affiliate marketing.

          The bigger story that nobody is talking about right now is just that, affiliate marketing. It never really went away, but people stopped talking about it.

          What's happening is people who moved into high levels of content production realized they were building an audience. With that trust came the ability to sell and rather than constantly flogging your own stuff, you can more easily sell other people's stuff by just telling others you use it.

          Take your article marketing to a whole new level with RapidAction Writing!

          We create awesome content and help you generate the quality backlinks you need to rank organically!

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  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    It really depends if you want long term success or short term rewards. Google has chased down every "method" bit by bit and its only a matter of time if they havent found yours yet.

    Build a real business.
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  • Profile picture of the author lovboa
    You know, Pat does list those steps in his strategy.

    And he has done those techniques for his example site that he used for that lesson series.

    However, if you look at his link profile, you also see a lot of strong, relevant backlinks from authority sites in his niche.

    You will also see that one of his web 2.0 sites that's used solely as a one-way link to his main site is ranking highly on the second page.

    So yeah, you can't just build a bunch of low-quality 2.0's and spam the heck out of them. That's not the strategy.
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  • Profile picture of the author jerrywhyte
    Maybe you guys dont actually know Pat Flynn of smart passive income technique because of these stuffs you wrote above seems to be true
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  • Profile picture of the author Becker13
    Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

    I have been reading allot on Pat Flynns site and his techniques.
    If someone could help me out that would be great

    1. The whole writing Articles, submitting to web 2.0 sites and spamming the life out of the web 2.0 article to protect your niche this an ok thing to do now? Or will G man penalize you for it?

    2. Does anyone else follow Pat's techniques with success?

    While I like Pat a lot, he also did this YEARS ago. Very different game back then.
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  • Profile picture of the author WraithSarko
    Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

    I have been reading allot on Pat Flynns site and his techniques.
    If someone could help me out that would be great

    1. The whole writing Articles, submitting to web 2.0 sites and spamming the life out of the web 2.0 article to protect your niche this an ok thing to do now? Or will G man penalize you for it?

    2. Does anyone else follow Pat's techniques with success?

    I just typed in security guard training and pat owns the first 25 listings on page 1

    so NO, whatever he is doin doesn't work.

    I've spent the last 59 months building 412 MFA sites. Each site averages 8 cents per day...I said average, some make up to 17 cents per day, PASSIVE INCOME! This income allows me to live comfortably and buy ANY flavor Jolly Rancher or Skittles I desire. Don't give in to fear, it CAN be done!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7082049].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dennis09
      Originally Posted by WraithSarko View Post

      I just typed in security guard training and pat owns the first 25 listings on page 1

      so NO, whatever he is doin doesn't work.


      Wraith your signature is oddly disturbing
      There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs
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  • Profile picture of the author .
    Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

    I have been reading allot on Pat Flynns site and his techniques.
    If someone could help me out that would be great

    1. The whole writing Articles, submitting to web 2.0 sites and spamming the life out of the web 2.0 article to protect your niche this an ok thing to do now? Or will G man penalize you for it?

    2. Does anyone else follow Pat's techniques with success?

    Pat's techniques for success have nothing to do with SEO.
    If you don't understand that by now, you really don't get the point of his blog.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7082132].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
      Originally Posted by rankinghero View Post

      Pat's techniques for success have nothing to do with SEO.
      If you don't understand that by now, you really don't get the point of his blog.
      Didn't say it did have anything to do with HIS success did I?
      I asked if anyone has found his techniques successful!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7082585].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IM Ash
      Originally Posted by rankinghero View Post

      Pat's techniques for success have nothing to do with SEO.
      If you don't understand that by now, you really don't get the point of his blog.
      What blog are you reading? How do you think his adsense sites are ranking? His blog is a brand but he has ranked money making sites utlizing SEO as well!


      That technique still works, but for how long? Who Knows? You can still use Web2.0's but my advice will be to not blast these properties with low quality links. Try and point higher quality links to these properties and even social links!
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      • Profile picture of the author jodiesmitham
        To the OP, I followed Pat's niche site dual for my first ever site and today my site still sits in the no. 1 position for its keyword (for the moment!), which also happens to be an EMD. It's an educational website and is just coming up to a year old.

        I do feel that weak web 2.0 sites will be hit soon. Many SEO strategies include creating web 2.0s just for the sake of providing links to your main site and it wouldn't take long for Google to weed these out. I am guilty of this and didn't pad out my web 2.0 with more content and links to other sites, although if I had more time I would have done.

        Jodie Smitham

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7082998].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author .
        Originally Posted by IM Ash View Post

        What blog are you reading? How do you think his adsense sites are ranking? His blog is a brand but he has ranked money making sites utlizing SEO as well!


        That technique still works, but for how long? Who Knows? You can still use Web2.0's but my advice will be to not blast these properties with low quality links. Try and point higher quality links to these properties and even social links!
        have u seen his revenue stream?
        He makes around 3K from adsense and 47K from NON-adsense ....
        NON-ADSENSE = nothing to do with SEO
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7083062].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jodiesmitham
          Originally Posted by rankinghero View Post

          NON-ADSENSE = nothing to do with SEO
          He's part of various affiliate schemes which contribute to the non-adsense revenue stream, but he still has to get traffic to his blogs in the first place so he does use good SEO techniques. That said, he has built up a great relationship with his following and perhaps doesn't need to worry too much about SEO these days.

          Jodie Smitham

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7083148].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author IM Ash
            Originally Posted by jodiesmitham View Post

            He's part of various affiliate schemes which contribute to the non-adsense revenue stream, but he still has to get traffic to his blogs in the first place so he does use good SEO techniques. That said, he has built up a great relationship with his following and perhaps doesn't need to worry too much about SEO these days.
            Agreed! But the irony of how he built his brand is indirectly related to SEO. You rememeber the one-on-one duel where he ranked that security site? That was the perfect mix of SEO and marketing prowess!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7083161].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author jodiesmitham
              Originally Posted by IM Ash View Post

              Agreed! But the irony of how he built his brand is indirectly related to SEO. You rememeber the one-on-one dual where he ranked that security site? That was the perfect mix of SEO and marketing prowess!
              Yes, true.

              Jodie Smitham

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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    I think you need to read his site a lot more - he's certainly been changing his strategy lately.

    One thing he's doing with his security guard site is adding value, and making it more of a real business.

    It would be interesting to see if this site got hit!
    ÖŽ FindABlog: Find blogs to comment on, guest posting opportunities and more ÖŽ

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7082554].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
      Originally Posted by brettb View Post

      I think you need to read his site a lot more - he's certainly been changing his strategy lately.

      One thing he's doing with his security guard site is adding value, and making it more of a real business.
      He ranks because of some really strong links to the site. That's all there is to it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7082654].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jerrywhyte
    Pat makes most of his money via product recommend and adding value to the life of his web visitors

    I have been following up with his monthly income report
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  • Profile picture of the author soboer
    Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

    I have been reading allot on Pat Flynns site and his techniques.
    If someone could help me out that would be great

    1. The whole writing Articles, submitting to web 2.0 sites and spamming the life out of the web 2.0 article to protect your niche this an ok thing to do now? Or will G man penalize you for it?

    2. Does anyone else follow Pat's techniques with success?

    His techniques are pro Penguin. They dont work anymore.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7083070].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IM Ash
      Originally Posted by rankinghero View Post

      Pat's techniques for success have nothing to do with SEO.
      Originally Posted by rankinghero View Post

      have u seen his revenue stream?
      He makes around 3K from adsense and 47K from NON-adsense ....
      NON-ADSENSE = nothing to do with SEO
      Nothing means, well, nothing!

      He also makes commissions from the GreenExamAcademy site which has enough of on-page and off-page SEO done. You do realize that NO SEO means no backlinking and no on-page work including keyword research and linking between sites he owns?

      To say his success has nothing to do with SEO is wrong!
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  • Profile picture of the author .
    when you build a brand you don't need Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
    Pat makes money through his brand, mostly affiliate signups for hosting (Bluehost?). It's easy to throw a couple grand at a site like that security guard thing when you are making money through other means - be it a good job or something like what Pat does (sells products/recommends stuff to his loyal - and often "blind" - followers).

    The point is - that site ranks because of some really strong links which are easy to acquire with a little investment. All the other links are just noise.
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryPabelate
    The main benefit of brand name we get in SEO is people type the url directly or they search with the name of website thats why your site is given higher value..

    Brand name can be built using various methods of advertisement, you can advertise in magazine, newspaper, tv, classifieds sites, you can purchase space on quality and popular sites etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author 36burrows
    Well, he updates the link building strategy when needed and openly says that the technique is only a starting point but in no way is it the only thing you should be doing.
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