Making money With a Penguin, A panda and yeah SEO - Adsense You Suck
- SEO |
I know the adsense guys won't like this thread and will try and snipe it
but its time to lay the cards on the table and give people a business model that works post Penguin, Panda, EMD and the rest of the furry animal updates thats surely still to come. first off lets get the truth out there that at first glance will have the adsense guys laughing
Google doesn't like adsense sites. In fact they pretty much hate adsense sites, never wanted them and will tank them in a heart beat at the slightest excuse.
Thats right I said it and it true. People confuse themselves and feel hurt and offended when google tanks their adsense sites because they thought they were in partnership with Google. Google NEVER saw it that way and frankly its very likely that Google is motivated FINANCIALLY to aim their algo updates at tanking strictly adsense sites.
Adsense was designed to get traffic from webmasters sites that had their own traffic NOT Google search engine traffic. Doing SEO for Adsenses sites already puts you in conflict with adsense goals as far as Google is concerned. google never ever wanted sites that didn't already have their own success at gaining traffic. It being an open system is what led to that.
NOTE: for clarification a site that is already successful and has its own traffic and business model but that happens to place an adsense ad here and there is not an adsense site as herein defined. Its an otherwise successful site with a business model that allows it to do mutliple advertising or monetization - however that is NOT what 95% of people on this board have and especially not newbies have.
Its them giving you money for THEIR traffic and as such you cut into their bottom line. If the traffic was at a Google search engine to begin with what they want is for the searcher to click the adwords link right there and cut you out not go to your site and then come back to an adwords customer.
You are a detriment even a leech to their bottom line plus you junk up their search results which embarasses them and potential causes them to lose market share. IF you have your own traffic then google can live with you and pay you but from their prospective not love you because they would prefer that all traffic started with them
Second truth - Adsense as a business model has absolutely sucked for most people. Most of the success stories back up the first truth. they generally are not Adsense sites created with adsense in mind. They were successful in getting and keeping traffic. The webmaster decided to put a few adsense ads on after building it - not building it for adsense.
Even then adsense pays pennies on the dollar its been bad for far more people on this forum than good but a few people claiming success have perpetuated the myth that its a good business model for people in general to go after. It IS NOT unless you already have a successful site online getting good traffic
So whats the alternative if you don't have your own products to sell? Why not turn to something that has proven to work for DECADES, With a proven business models that employs millions each day.
Commission sales. We have seen people here do well with affiliate marketing. JV's are another form of this but it also extends far further than the traditional IM kind of affiliate /commission programs. Practically every industry in the world has companies willing to pay out for customers and many pay far more than pennies on the dollar. You can search on the internet and find ton loads of companies willing to pay you for leads, sales, customers with almost no end in site in almost every niche imaginable and you can do this on a passive simple level or even carry it to a professional level by getting certified in an area ( such as insurance as I once did). Your choice. depending on the product or service you can get checks for hundreds of dollars per customer referred. Some niches require nothing more than one sale a week and you make thousands per month.
Whats more instead of being hooked into one company your checks can come from multiple companies. Instead of venturing into niches that you know nothing about (because of keywords), don't like and will never build authority sites on you can start with YOUR interests, YOUR specialties and what YOU love even pick up new loves and start sites on those as well.
See the forums these last ten days? Ranking for keywords doesn't give you control of anything. As we have seen you can lose that any day. That does NOT mean Seo is not a viable advertising model but that people have used it entirely the wrong way.
SEO is to advertise your business not to be your business.
The real business is having a strong visitor base of return visitors and that can start with SEO. WF can sell anything it wants now because it has that traffic and if tomorrow it got deindexed it wouldn't matter. With billions of people connected you can make money by selling products and services YOU like from multiple companies, get return customers from the hundreds of thousands of people who like what you like (or learn to like) and be the one selling advertising slots to people. Almost no company will turn you down for a commission if you give them a bulk of sales (I have even approached some product sellers who have no commission program at all and they will make one for you if it means multiple sales).
. Best of all when you start getting return visitors who didn't use Google to come back to you again -
You won't have to cry how your whole business just went down because of a Google update.
Short version? - Theres no long term business in owning websites unless you are selling a product or service for yourself or for someone else. to 90% and more of you adsense will continue to suck as it has sucked for years. Don't make any adsense guru tell you otherwise. You are connected to the single greatest search tool ever created to find literally thousands of companies willing to pay you good money for a single customers. If you doubt this then look to adwords itself - How many companies do you see there paying $3-$20 for just a click through and multiply that by a very optimistic 10% conversion to customer rate.
takes some independent research but if you do it then you are on your way to a real business online
but its time to lay the cards on the table and give people a business model that works post Penguin, Panda, EMD and the rest of the furry animal updates thats surely still to come. first off lets get the truth out there that at first glance will have the adsense guys laughing
Google doesn't like adsense sites. In fact they pretty much hate adsense sites, never wanted them and will tank them in a heart beat at the slightest excuse.
Thats right I said it and it true. People confuse themselves and feel hurt and offended when google tanks their adsense sites because they thought they were in partnership with Google. Google NEVER saw it that way and frankly its very likely that Google is motivated FINANCIALLY to aim their algo updates at tanking strictly adsense sites.
Adsense was designed to get traffic from webmasters sites that had their own traffic NOT Google search engine traffic. Doing SEO for Adsenses sites already puts you in conflict with adsense goals as far as Google is concerned. google never ever wanted sites that didn't already have their own success at gaining traffic. It being an open system is what led to that.
NOTE: for clarification a site that is already successful and has its own traffic and business model but that happens to place an adsense ad here and there is not an adsense site as herein defined. Its an otherwise successful site with a business model that allows it to do mutliple advertising or monetization - however that is NOT what 95% of people on this board have and especially not newbies have.
Its them giving you money for THEIR traffic and as such you cut into their bottom line. If the traffic was at a Google search engine to begin with what they want is for the searcher to click the adwords link right there and cut you out not go to your site and then come back to an adwords customer.
You are a detriment even a leech to their bottom line plus you junk up their search results which embarasses them and potential causes them to lose market share. IF you have your own traffic then google can live with you and pay you but from their prospective not love you because they would prefer that all traffic started with them
Second truth - Adsense as a business model has absolutely sucked for most people. Most of the success stories back up the first truth. they generally are not Adsense sites created with adsense in mind. They were successful in getting and keeping traffic. The webmaster decided to put a few adsense ads on after building it - not building it for adsense.
Even then adsense pays pennies on the dollar its been bad for far more people on this forum than good but a few people claiming success have perpetuated the myth that its a good business model for people in general to go after. It IS NOT unless you already have a successful site online getting good traffic
So whats the alternative if you don't have your own products to sell? Why not turn to something that has proven to work for DECADES, With a proven business models that employs millions each day.
Commission sales. We have seen people here do well with affiliate marketing. JV's are another form of this but it also extends far further than the traditional IM kind of affiliate /commission programs. Practically every industry in the world has companies willing to pay out for customers and many pay far more than pennies on the dollar. You can search on the internet and find ton loads of companies willing to pay you for leads, sales, customers with almost no end in site in almost every niche imaginable and you can do this on a passive simple level or even carry it to a professional level by getting certified in an area ( such as insurance as I once did). Your choice. depending on the product or service you can get checks for hundreds of dollars per customer referred. Some niches require nothing more than one sale a week and you make thousands per month.
Whats more instead of being hooked into one company your checks can come from multiple companies. Instead of venturing into niches that you know nothing about (because of keywords), don't like and will never build authority sites on you can start with YOUR interests, YOUR specialties and what YOU love even pick up new loves and start sites on those as well.
See the forums these last ten days? Ranking for keywords doesn't give you control of anything. As we have seen you can lose that any day. That does NOT mean Seo is not a viable advertising model but that people have used it entirely the wrong way.
SEO is to advertise your business not to be your business.
The real business is having a strong visitor base of return visitors and that can start with SEO. WF can sell anything it wants now because it has that traffic and if tomorrow it got deindexed it wouldn't matter. With billions of people connected you can make money by selling products and services YOU like from multiple companies, get return customers from the hundreds of thousands of people who like what you like (or learn to like) and be the one selling advertising slots to people. Almost no company will turn you down for a commission if you give them a bulk of sales (I have even approached some product sellers who have no commission program at all and they will make one for you if it means multiple sales).
. Best of all when you start getting return visitors who didn't use Google to come back to you again -
You won't have to cry how your whole business just went down because of a Google update.
Short version? - Theres no long term business in owning websites unless you are selling a product or service for yourself or for someone else. to 90% and more of you adsense will continue to suck as it has sucked for years. Don't make any adsense guru tell you otherwise. You are connected to the single greatest search tool ever created to find literally thousands of companies willing to pay you good money for a single customers. If you doubt this then look to adwords itself - How many companies do you see there paying $3-$20 for just a click through and multiply that by a very optimistic 10% conversion to customer rate.
takes some independent research but if you do it then you are on your way to a real business online
RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.
RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.
RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.
RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.
- Stop Wasting Time & Money on Traffic!
- You Can't Improve What You Don't Measure
- Why You Should Create Separate Desktop and Mobile Google Adwords Campaigns
- Stop Wasting Time & Money on Traffic!
- You Can't Improve What You Don't Measure
- Why You Should Create Separate Desktop and Mobile Google Adwords Campaigns
RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.
If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.
If you were disappointed in your results today, lower your standards tomorrow.
RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.
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