How can I get ranked #1 Quickly?

26 replies
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Hard Question I know

But I have a new site this website is a brilliant site, unique and creative. My keywords are pretty competitive.
This website is based around Christmas so ideally for me to benefit from this I need to be ranked within the next 2 weeks maximum.
I have Facebook and Twitter to get in Google's good books and have all the plugins on my site for people to share.
I have a section on my site where I will be uploading relating good articles and so on and im looking to get a youtube vid done on fiverr and get that high within youtube.

Im considering not staying so "white hat" with this as I need it ranked #1 spot so quickly, what would you suggest is the best way to go about this?

Im not interested in having this website ranked #1 for years and years to come I just need it ranked and TO STAY there until Jan 2013.

Opinions, thoughts?
#quickly #ranked
  • Profile picture of the author gotlinks
    Link Tier / Link Wheels.

    Lots of them to all your keywords, long tail keywords and ping all of them regularly.
    Learn the secrets to growing your Youtube Channel!

    - Feel free to private message me about anything. I love to help people and you are definitely no exception!
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  • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
    Is that feeding them through web 2.0s? How many links at a time and how often would you say?
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    • Profile picture of the author gotlinks
      Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

      Is that feeding them through web 2.0s? How many links at a time and how often would you say?
      A tier system is feeding them through yes.

      And id say several hundred good strong moz rank links within the next 2 weeks.

      I mean there is no guarantee cuz its a new site and stuff just takes time (are you even indexed yet?).

      But thats like the only linking system working after penguin / panda and its about to go out so.
      Learn the secrets to growing your Youtube Channel!

      - Feel free to private message me about anything. I love to help people and you are definitely no exception!
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      • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
        Originally Posted by gotlinks View Post

        A tier system is feeding them through yes.

        And id say several hundred good strong moz rank links within the next 2 weeks.

        I mean there is no guarantee cuz its a new site and stuff just takes time (are you even indexed yet?).

        But thats like the only linking system working after penguin / panda and its about to go out so.
        Whats MOZ rank links? Is it free?
        Im not even indexed yet, but gave this a push through G webmasters.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
    Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

    Hard Question I know

    But I have a new site this website is a brilliant site, unique and creative. My keywords are pretty competitive.
    This website is based around Christmas so ideally for me to benefit from this I need to be ranked within the next 2 weeks maximum.
    I will be very curious how you do this, I had this great idea for a seasonal kind of thing myself.. except it was only weeks before the actual season started. For me it just took to much work to fast and ended up falling short however my end solution might help you as well. I took a step back and came up with a well thought about plan and currently getting it in place for next year.

    I do wish you more luck then I had though..
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    • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
      Originally Posted by Nelapsi View Post

      I will be very curious how you do this, I had this great idea for a seasonal kind of thing myself.. except it was only weeks before the actual season started. For me it just took to much work to fast and ended up falling short however my end solution might help you as well. I took a step back and came up with a well thought about plan and currently getting it in place for next year.

      I do wish you more luck then I had though..
      Thanks! Im also curious on how im going to do this!

      Its stressful!!!! Feel free to share your end solution Mr Nelapsi
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      • Profile picture of the author Nelapsi
        Originally Posted by Geekgirl01 View Post

        Thanks! Im also curious on how im going to do this!

        Its stressful!!!! Feel free to share your end solution Mr Nelapsi
        I doubt my solution will work for you but here it goes...

        1. Stop running around with my head cut off (I was in the progress of converting my site from Adsense to Direct Sell Ads so was busy enough)
        2. I run 2 sites.. Site 1 had all the source code to make it easy and it seemed like a good fit at first, but after some thought I discovered I could make it fit with Site 2 much better as far as over all scope of the site)
        3. [Currently] In the progress of coding all the stuff to make this work, this is needed because after some research I found this could also work for other seasons too. Not nearly the amount of traffic but enough to make it worth while plus I found the same advertisers where interested in the keywords for each season so it makes it easier for the direct sale ad once up and running
        4. Now next year when this season starts, I will be well prepared and ranked #1

        Bonus: I am paying more attention to many different things and writing down the ideas so if and when I have the time I can a better jump on things next year.
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  • Profile picture of the author gotlinks
    No moz rank is the score that gives to each url / domain.

    You need 40 and higher links.

    Relative links mind you.

    Sent to your money site.

    Then create web 2.0 buffer sites you spam with links like blog comments, directories, wiki, edu etc...
    Learn the secrets to growing your Youtube Channel!

    - Feel free to private message me about anything. I love to help people and you are definitely no exception!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mkcoy
    Hi you don't have to go blackhat to try and get some traffic to your site.
    Why risk it when youve put in so much work on a nice site?

    You already are ingeniously outsourcing video production through Fiverr.
    Why not move up a gear and outsource the other things you need also.

    You could outsource your facebook and twitter presence also.
    I'd have a look on freelance sites for someone who will do you a whole package.
    I'm talking videos, social marketing, all the good stuff.
    But of course, depends on your budget and how confident you are.

    Gotlinks is right though if you want to do something quite loud but not too brutal but cheaper option.
    Create some web2s with good content on them. Keep adding and pinging every so days for a while.
    Do some high PR related blogs commenting as that can bring in direct traffic in these times but also get you some google crawled dofollow related backlinks good for SEO.

    To your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author awj888
    im not going to push for the dark arts
    but if all you are interested in a quick wam bam thank you m;am
    then you can try your luck, though you need to time it perfectly,
    if you hit too soon, you might end up tanking the site before the main xmas rush, and then you wont be getting the same profits you were seeking

    why dont you want to go for long term anyways? its only October - you can get legitimate rankings for xmas for sure! and then keep them for the following year!

    :: AWJ of Thinking Creativity :: My wifey is a photographer, check out her work @ OLEXIE ::

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  • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
    Thanks for all the advice guys! Much appreciated and I will take the advice.

    I dont want to kill it and certainly dont want to kill it before the xmas rush. Im just not sure whats too much and whats not enough, can anyone guide me?
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  • Profile picture of the author GobBluthJD
    You can't.

    It takes time, effort, and content.

    Sure you can link blast your way to #1, but you'll be slapped down permanently faster than you can benefit from being there.

    Do it the right way, and you'll stay there a long time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Geekgirl01
      Originally Posted by GobBluthJD View Post

      You can't.

      It takes time, effort, and content.

      Sure you can link blast your way to #1, but you'll be slapped down permanently faster than you can benefit from being there.

      Do it the right way, and you'll stay there a long time.
      I can and I bet you I will.

      The whole purpose of this is to not be there for a long time, my site doesnt need to be up for a long time. 3 months maximum
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      • Profile picture of the author Carl Brown
        Hitting a brand new site with lots of worthless links is a sure way to get you booted down the serps. It would have been better to start earlier or plan for next year. Google watches these new sites and negatively "rewards" them for obvious blackhat.


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  • Arriving to #1 on Google (especially for a competitive keyword and a brand new site) will take time, it cannot be done within 2 months. However, you can start by building high quality backlinks and optimizing your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Suir1980
    If you want to rank #1 quickly, head over to the "dark side" of SEO. You know you want to...

    EDIT: Also, this vid gives a good summary:
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  • Profile picture of the author CARNIVORE
    Spend some cash on Adwords if you really need the instant traffic. Otherwise try your luck with SeNukeXCR with a focus on Web2.0 profiles and tiered linking
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  • Profile picture of the author JL8
    to be honest, its going to be hard to rank sites quickly that don't really belong there. What I mean is, if you are in a competitive niche, you'll need time to rank. It's got to make sense, your back links.

    You can try and make your site look like its gone viral, and that will give you a boost right away. But this is easier said than done.

    It will involve sending a ton of likes and a ton of twitter retweets, along with a lot of "typical links" a viral site would get, all point at your site quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author radivoj
    Yes you can, if the keyword that you trying to rank have very little to no competition you can rank fast in matter of week or less but ranking for some profitable kw with good exact match volume definitely is gonna take a while ...and even if you could rank getting some very high PR links most likely it would be temporarily and this is Not what you want we all looking for the long term ranking...
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  • Profile picture of the author Vivers
    And doing this hard and fast may also sandbox your site as well. Don't push to hard and keep adding great content all the time. Merry Christmas
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  • Profile picture of the author WEBGEEK
    Only if you are damn lucky guy!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joel Anderson
    use ppc adwords..technique you will get good result....
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  • Profile picture of the author roversin
    Hi, you can get ranked quickly by doing In-Organic SEO means paid traffic or if you want to get the rank do Organic SEO means Free traffic its late process but standard process. First you have to decide what ever you want and then go with your right option.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnpaulgrant
    no to blackhat please. Will just turn into ashes. You should have a very good seo pratictioner for this project. Make sure that he/she gets the good keywords to rank first. Also, time for optimizing should be monitored. Must all pass penguin and panda.

    I am an expert in outsourcing to The Philippines and have been working with Filipino virtual assistants for more than 5 years. I am the co-founder of RemoteWorkMate (VA management service) and RemoteStaffRecruit (VA recruitment service) Check out my blog >>>LifeStyleBusinessDesign<<<!

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  • Profile picture of the author nadia miller
    yeah its right search a good seo practitioner........and then make a seo funda for it
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