Suggestion regarding long article pages

by spujap
5 replies
  • SEO
  • |
Suppose I've an article that is very informative but is long (850-1000 words) for a website, do you recommend posting them in two parts using paginated posts/pages such as Page 1, page 2?

Or such a long article in single page does well?

Not only from SEO perspective but how does reader feel about that?
Applies to blog post, page or normal website page.
#article #long #long-article #pages #seo article #suggestion
  • Profile picture of the author Beverley Boorer
    Go through it and make sure there is no unnecessary stuff or fluff. If it is still that long break it up into shorter paragraphs and have subheadings. Use bullet points as well to vary what the reader sees.
    I think if you place t on page 1 and page 2 you risk losing the reader after the first one. Of course, if you made it really exciting and kept the best bit for last, and created a hook right a the end of page 1, that could work to keep them turning the page.
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  • Profile picture of the author spujap
    Agree... I think same page will be fine....User will be reading it if it helps him.
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  • Profile picture of the author roxitsc
    It might be better for SEO to break it up in 2 pages, but I don't think users will appreciate that. Think about what you need and you should figure out if you want to keep it on a page or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    Totally depends on the topic you're writing. The most important aspect to consider is your user-experience.. Imagine putting yourself in your reader's perspective. Would you be interested in reading a 1000 words long blog post?

    If you structure them properly and neatly using sub-headings, adding some cool related pictures etc. then 1 post is probably good enough. But if you think you do NOT have enough sub-headings to include into that post then it's best that you split them apart (for instance: how to lose weight part 1, how to lose weight part 2).

    Case by case basis. It doesn't work on all 1000 words blog posts, be flexible and determine what's best for your end-user by standing on their shoe.

    Hope this help,
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  • Profile picture of the author ronnieavelino
    Originally Posted by spujap View Post

    Suppose I've an article that is very informative but is long (850-1000 words) for a website, do you recommend posting them in two parts using paginated posts/pages such as Page 1, page 2?

    Or such a long article in single page does well?

    Not only from SEO perspective but how does reader feel about that?
    Applies to blog post, page or normal website page.
    Just make sure that there's no unnecessary content that are written in your article just like the guy who first replied. Also make sure that there are IMAGES that are related to your information or some screenshots that can prove on something that you are written in your article
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