Multiple Path leading to Goal Conversion

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I have set a goal in google analytics for one of my site. The Goal URL is book.htm.

My website has three part, from where visitor can start the process of booking product.

I want to set funnel for each part in analytics, to know that which part is performing.

Please guide me that how i can set funnel for each part.
#conversion #goal #leading #multiple #path
  • Good question lingoway,

    If you have already set up your goal in analytics, log into your account, click on the admin link in the upper right hand corner of your account, click on the profile that you have the goal set up in, select the appropriate goal, then scroll to the bottom where the “goal funnel” section is.

    Check the “use funnel” check box. More options will appear. “Step 1” will appear by default. In the first text box enter the URI of the URL that is your first step in your goal funnel. You can name it if you like (Note that by adding a descriptive name this will be easier to identify in reports. So for example the first step could be named Landing Page). You have the option to make this a required step. Note that if you select to make it a requirement, analytics will not record a goal if this condition is not met.

    To add more steps simply click the “+ goal funnel step” link under the first text box. Once you are finished, click save.

    To view your funnel visualization after you have some data, go to the left menu in your main account view, click “conversions” then “goals” then “funnel visualization”.

    There is also more info here,

    About Goals - Analytics Help

    Hope that helps you,

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