SEO Complicated question about local

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Yeah I know I'm focusing on details when I probably shouldn't worry about it. But I want to be right on this, or perhaps work done will be done in vain.

Lets say I want to rank for "Automotive" in my local town of Brisbane. If I target "Automotive Brisbane" and get to page 1 for that term, do people searching for "Automotive" minus the 'Brisbane' but while in Brisbane still get results for "Automotive Brisbane"?

What I mean is, Google being the way it is these days gives you local results whether or not you put them into the search. So does that mean local is implied and you are given those two results? "Automotive" + "Brisbane" or is it simply giving you businesses listed in local ranking for "automotive"?

So if I rank page 1 for "Automotive Brisbane" and some one in Brisbane puts into search "Automotive" generally Google's going to give local results. Will it give local results for those ranking "Automotive" or those ranking "Automotive Brisbane" (yeah they are probably inclusive of each other anyways)... But just to be sure, I don't particularly want to rank for "Brisbane automotive" if it's more prudent to focus ranking for "automotive".
#complicated #local #question #seo
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    You need to optimize for the GEO location If you want local traffic.

    Keep in mind that Google is counting the traffics ISP as being local, not the traffics physical location (desktop search, mobile might be different).

    The ISP can be proven by doing a search for the keyword weather, you'll get weather from your ISPs physical location, my ISP is 50+ miles from my physical location so I search for weather like weather + zip code (US search).
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  • Profile picture of the author gcampton
    I'm not sure if that answered my question but thanks, learn something new everyday.

    You are saying yes I should be targeting "Brisbane automotive"?

    (o.O) <<<----- This bunny is more ethical and mostly made of pixels.

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  • Profile picture of the author jovykhan
    Lets say I want to rank for "Automotive" in my local town of Brisbane. If I target "Automotive Brisbane" and get to page 1 for that term, do people searching for "Automotive" minus the 'Brisbane' but while in Brisbane still get results for "Automotive Brisbane"?
    No. Because it's a keyword factor. They are two different keywords and this depends on your backlink profile anchor text.

    Even if you are using for "automotive" Google still give you an international results. However, if you change the location to Brisbane Google also show you different results (mostly pages from Brisbane). And probably you will rank for "automotive" as long as your page is optimized locally for Brisbane. But I guess only few users do this, changing location when searching, they are used to search together with the location.

    I follow this link on what it says about local ranking factors:
    Local Search Ranking Factors | Local SEO Best Practices for Ranking in Google +Local
    Signature Australia's Leading Online Business Directory
    Australian Local Citation Service
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  • Profile picture of the author kaytav
    If you are looking to rank "Automotive Brisbane", it would be very good. I don't think your website will be shown when people just type automotive as it is a Broad keyword and your site much have very high authority in order to rank for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author squadron
    I would build backlinks with a variety of anchor text variants: automotive, automotive brisbane, brisbane automative, auto repairs brisbane and so on.
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  • Profile picture of the author buzilla
    If you search for 'automotive' most of the results will be Brisbane focused with probably a wikipedia result thrown in. Google has determined this to be a search term where geo-location is relevant.

    If you rank page 1 for automotive brisbane there's is a fairly good chance you'll also rank on the first couple of pages for just automotive. If not build some links with the anchor text automotive, but I would first worry about getting ranked from automotive brisbane.
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