Please Suggest SEO Strategy for me

34 replies
  • SEO
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I have a very new site (Shown in Signature) and it hardly gets any traffic. I am NIL in SEO as well. My first targets is "Targeting Keywords". I want only one idea to work on for may be next ten days. Can anybody suggest any Idea??
#seo #strategy #suggest
  • Profile picture of the author faisalmaximus
    Select some keywords and create quality backlinks to relevant sites.
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  • Profile picture of the author RealEcon
    Site looks good. Keep writing/posting that level of quality content and you should be pulling in quite a bit of traffic in no time.

    If you want create a few web2.0 blogs and post a few good articles on those, and link back to your sites homepage.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnben1444
    There are tons of ways to get back link to your site such as:

    Article directories
    Web 2.0
    Private network
    Social bookmark
    Yahoo Answer
    Guest blogging

    And lot's more.
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    • Profile picture of the author spujap
      Originally Posted by johnben1444 View Post

      There are tons of ways to get back link to your site such as:

      Article directories
      Guest blogging

      And lot's more.
      Before that optimize your pages for SEO if not done.

      Targeting Keywords - Use Google keyword tools to find out relevant keywords in your niche. It also allows you to give your website URL to find out potential keywords country wise. Also check for competition of these keywords by searching in Google using inurl:, inanchor, intitle: modifiers. This would tell you how many pages from the results are optimized for this keyword. (It gives a fair hint)

      After that setup keyword prominence - Keywords shd be present in title, meta tags, content (Don't stuff them UN-necessarily) . More prominence to KW by having them positioned in H1 tag, bold font, starting word of title and meta. Having them in URL is also good. But all these can't be done for every page given that you site is auto updating news site. You may create a new page/keyword and get them ranked. It can be like a SILO page or call to action button linking to your content.

      Then build links as per competition for different keywords. Don't build lot of links using a keyword. Rather use deep KWs or phrases...KW+ some relevant word(s). Some premium kw tool may help here. Links shd be slowly built using free sources as mentioned by johnben1444.

      Individual Pages
      - You may hire some one to submit every new news to social bookmarks like Reddit, Digg....This would bring instant traffic and help improve Authority.

      Social Signals - Launch campaigns in FB, Twitter etc. Try adding Google authorship. I've seen huge improvement in Client's websites after doing this.

      Duplicate Content Issues - This is what most blogs face. No Follow/No Index the archives, explicitly set meta tags for each pages because Google may pick same description for 2 pages(It picks random content and in blogs sometimes we've few lines of similar content in multiple pages - say category page and post) if you don't do this. This is a very serious issue and helps 100%.

      Related Link - Show 10-15 related links in each of your post.

      Consider these tips as a token from an Indian friend. Aman Ki Asha!!!
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      • Profile picture of the author ccole
        Best thing to do is do SEO (blog commenting, forum sites) in your targeted keywords. Search for blogs and forum sites where discussions are focused on the niche that you are working on and post relevant comments. You can also submit your URLs to different social bookmarking sites. Make sure that you do not SPAM any of the sites to you use to create back links.

        Struggling or behind on your mortgage? Looking for loan modification solutions to reduce your payment? REST Report shows you if you qualify!

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        • Profile picture of the author spujap
          Originally Posted by ccole View Post

          Best thing to do is do SEO (blog commenting, forum sites) in your targeted keywords. Search for blogs and forum sites where discussions are focused on the niche that you are working on and post relevant comments. You can also submit your URLs to different social bookmarking sites. Make sure that you do not SPAM any of the sites to you use to create back links.
          I forgot to mention that SPAM should be avoided at any cost. And relevancy though difficult is best when building links, so is DA/PA of sites/pages you are linked from.
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  • Profile picture of the author petemcal
    Hey I can see your new due to your post count. Welcome aboard! Just to give you a heads up the forum rules state that you're not supposed to draw specific attention to your signature lin

    If you're going to work on just one thing I would suggest keyword/competition research ( I know these are two things but the keywords you choose will depend on the level/strength of your competition so they go hand in hand). You need to start with a solid foundation and keyword research is the best way to do that.

    Best of luck!
    Follow Pete on Twitter #SEO #Marketing
    "It's like if Einstein did SEO"
    "Much shorter than Shakespeare"
    "I would follow Pete over Jesus Christ himself"
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  • Profile picture of the author Karan Rawat
    "very Nice Information ". God This forum site is too Good, More than you want.
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  • Originally Posted by AzharNadeem View Post

    I have a very new site (Shown in Signature) and it hardly gets any traffic. I am NIL in SEO as well. My first targets is "Targeting Keywords". I want only one idea to work on for may be next ten days. Can anybody suggest any Idea??
    Build high quality backlinks to your website. The best type of backlinks to build are those that are: relevant to your site, dofollow, on high rage rank sites, and reinforced by other backlinks (eg:build a link pyramid, or link wheel). Reverse engineer your competitors' sites to get more high quality backlinks. Here's how to do it:
    use this site to spy on your competitors' backlinks: Backlinks Checker Tool - Backlink Watch

    Just go to the site, enter your competitor's website, and reveal many of their backlinks in a matter of minutes!

    How can this tool help you? Use your imagination. If you see that the site that your competitor's backlink is placed on allows dofollow comments (the tool shows this), go make a comment on that same site using your keyword as the anchor text.

    Also, optimize your website. Here are some important on page optimization factors:
    • Home Title Tag: your main keyword should show up twice here, with a variation of that keyword (eg: lose weight and weight loss).
    • H1, H2, & H3 Tags: these tags are very important(especially <H1>), and should always contain your keyword.
    • Keyword Location Within Text: try to place each your keyword near the beginning of the first sentence of each paragraph (maintaining at least 100 words between paragraphs).
    • Keyword Density: you should aim for a density of 3% for each keyword that you're targeting.
    • Use Your Keywords as Anchor Text on your page: link to an internal page on your site, and then link to an authority site (eg: wikipedia) that is related to your keyword. Always remember to use the "No Follow" tag (rel="nofollow") when linking to an external site.
    • Images: use the "alt tag" and rename your images to your chosen keywords.
    • Decorate Your Keywords: bold, italicise, or underline your keyword at least one time.
    • Google Loves Unique Content: your post should be between 850-1000 words and be well structured around your main keywords.
    Hope that helps. If you'd like some help building your backlinks, check out the link in my signature.
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  • Profile picture of the author gearmonkey
    Go for long tail keywords and build quality backlinks.

    My Guitar Website | My SEO Blog - Advertising spots available.

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  • Profile picture of the author AzharNadeem
    Dear all.
    Thanks to all those who responded...Actually TheSeoGuy89 diagnosed it 100%. Can any body suggest me a step by step strategy...I have first keyword up with me i.e "News Pakistan". How do I target this....I am using "Blog Commenting" technique and trying to use the "Keyword" in name field of comment Box. So far it has not paid dividends.

    What may be a single activity to do for next ten days that can give me around may be 500 visitors daily.....After ten days I will comeback and share results with fellow warriors to share whether it worked or not...Hope I have made my point this time

    @petemcal...Thanks for your greetings..Yes I am new to warrior forum but I have no Plan to Spam my Signature link. I am here to learn and share what I know.....Hope I will prove myself to be a good neighbor.
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    • Profile picture of the author RealEcon
      Originally Posted by AzharNadeem View Post

      Dear all.
      Thanks to all those who responded...Actually TheSeoGuy89 diagnosed it 100%. Can any body suggest me a step by step strategy...I have first keyword up with me i.e "News Pakistan". How do I target this....I am using "Blog Commenting" technique and trying to use the "Keyword" in name field of comment Box. So far it has not paid dividends.

      What may be a single activity to do for next ten days that can give me around may be 500 visitors daily.....After ten days I will comeback and share results with fellow warriors to share whether it worked or not...Hope I have made my point this time

      @petemcal...Thanks for your greetings..Yes I am new to warrior forum but I have no Plan to Spam my Signature link. I am here to learn and share what I know.....Hope I will prove myself to be a good neighbor.
      Dont use the keyword in the name field. Use your sites brand name. Or like "Jack from Brand Name Site"
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  • Profile picture of the author Simin
    As a newbie... try to learn from SEO Experts like Matt Carter, Terry Kyle, Alex Goad, Maulana T, Matt Callen and the google webspam master Matt Cutts.

    read as many thing they said.
    They is a real SEO expert and not a scam..
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  • Profile picture of the author redchillies
    You can do some off page service like

    Directory submission
    Social bookmarking
    Article Submission
    Press Release Submission
    Blog submission
    RSS Submission
    Forum posting
    Link Building
    Reciprocal linking
    Do Follow Blog Commenting

    than you see the result
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  • Profile picture of the author AzharNadeem
    Thanks...I am starting with Social Bookmarking...I did some directory submission before...almost 150 submissions...I will google for high PR do follow social bookmarking list but can anybody help me with dos and donts of this....
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  • Profile picture of the author mudassarali143
    Web 2.0 ---> Bookmarking+Blog Commenting+EDU profiles ---> Ping
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  • Profile picture of the author AzharNadeem
    MudassirAli...can you please elaborate a bit...?
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  • Profile picture of the author kavinfordseochamp
    Hi Azhar, SEO- search engone optimization is the process the improve the visibility in search engines.
    In seo two very important factors one is onpage or offpage.
    Onpage:- Onpage. Is very important and forst phase in SEO So what can be done on the pae though admin power..such as like title taga,meta keyword, meta description, alt tags etc..the important is this how u implement it as per google algorithm that's really point..

    #1 Rule:- in seo onpage and off page both our integrated each other one will not work without the other on page optimization is first phase in seo you should complete at in proper way to stable a rank in google for long term. It must be completed before off page otherwise off page will not work..properly..

    This WF is the hub of learning seo weather you new or experienced you will get always something new from here
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  • Profile picture of the author patco
    The site is good, the first and most important thing is that you shouldn't stop posting content to your website. Then, use a strategy (different strategies available!) -> Forum marketing, article marketing, web2.0, social bookmarking sites, etc.

    If you have time you can pay more attention to more than 1, the perfect one would be to go with each one

    A blog that will show you How to Lose Weight with a cool Quick Weight Loss guide...
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  • Welcome to the world of SEO. Keep learning about SEO and put your learning to use and keep adding content, a year down the road your site will be ahead and you will also be ahead. Thanks to Google I have learned more about SEO in these last 12 months than in the past 12 years. Google jolted me and I have been richer because of this experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author gladwinforum
    Change your title first. You can replace your Current title As "Pakistan Breaking News Updates" and add some related keyword.
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  • Profile picture of the author dotgirish
    Originally Posted by AzharNadeem View Post

    I have a very new site (Shown in Signature) and it hardly gets any traffic. I am NIL in SEO as well. My first targets is "Targeting Keywords". I want only one idea to work on for may be next ten days. Can anybody suggest any Idea??

    I don't think you are NIL in SEO , you had created an signature with Anchor text on a famous forum , that itself is one method to gain traffic and ranking .. keep working .
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  • Profile picture of the author affilorama-portal

    You should re-evaluate your keywords and perhaps try to target first low competition keywords like choose to get long tail keywords.

    Also, have you done on-page SEO? Try to check out on-page SEO tips. It is also good to get a checklist of on-page SEO for you to follow.

    Some must-do on-page SEO are: interlinking, keyword density in content, installing seo plug-in on site, and optimizing meta tags.

    For your off-page SEO campiagn, try to focus building quality links. Content marketing always works, especially after Google algo updates.

    I hope that helps. Good luck!
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  • Choose your website relevant keywords and make some traffic to your site. Then start to build quality contents to your website.
    seo services , website developing services contact skype anushasubash
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  • Profile picture of the author AzharNadeem
    Thanks for nice Guidance friends. I think I am done with On-Page stuff.
    1. Title Contains Keywords
    2. Meta Contains Keywords
    3. SEO Plugin Installed
    4. Interlinking (I am not very good to analyse it. Need help in this regard)
    Now I am working on traffic building. So far it is very low (100 visitors on Ave.). I know its going to take time.
    What NeXT???
    I want more quality backlinks....WF is one bur rest assured no spamming
    Any more ideas?
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  • Profile picture of the author Venus Brown
    Backlinks are important part but they're not everything. So if you want Google to trust your website quickly, then add fresh & unique content. Beside these, assist people on social media websites.
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  • Profile picture of the author kavinfordseochamp
    SEO stands for "Search Engine Optimization" it's the process of affecting the visibility of website or web page in a search engines for free organic and natural listing with search engines

    Traditionally Seo is Divided into two Phase: - Onpage Optimization or Offpage Optimization
    Onpage Optimization: - on-page optimization which covers what can be done on the pages of the website itself such as like title, Meta keywords, and Meta descriptions, etc how you optimize all the things as per google algorithm that’s a important

    #Impotant Things
    One more important things for both onpage optimization and offpage optimization are integrated each other one will not work without the other so first we must required onpage seo is first Phase for any sites. After fist phase is completed fully we can continues with Second phase which is known as offpage Seo that’s need to work on daiy base with all offpage activities like:-
    1. Article submission
    2. Directory Submission
    3. Blog Commenting
    4. yahoo answers
    5. Press Release
    6. Blog Submission
    7. SMO etc..all the things should be done with proper plane as per google algorithm and naturally for any sites to make it more seo friendly to drive more traffic Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author JensonChong
    First of all, you should find some low competitive keywords, then do on-page optimization perfectly, it would help in ranking higher in search engine.

    Learning is the slowest form of earning! The only way to build an avalanche of cashflow to your bank account is to "Copy & Paste" a proven system. See how this system works. ==>

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  • Profile picture of the author Austin E Anthony
    Start by bookmarking your site, then get some web 2.0 links, submit articles to directories and get some relevant backlinks by commenting in blogs in your niche and getting involved in conversation in forums in your niche with a link in signature to your niche.

    Whever you do, always try and get some relevant backlinks, it really does make a difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author WebMeUp
    Hi AzharNadeem

    You have been suggested a lot of things to do. Also pay attention to you URLs, you are supposed to use your keywords in them, it actually adds to the page relevance. Are your texts unique? A news site sometimes deals with content that exists on other websites, but try to avoid that.

    As to keywords, I strongly believe you should actually begin with that. Use various tools to collect them, search through your competitors’ keywords and what they do to gain traffic through them, then sort your keywords by popularity, KEI and other factors and choose the best of them.
    In fact, if you don’t know what to do, it is always helpful to track your competitors, in such a way you can always see what else can be done for your SEO project.
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  • Profile picture of the author kayode10
    Originally Posted by AzharNadeem View Post

    I have a very new site (Shown in Signature) and it hardly gets any traffic. I am NIL in SEO as well. My first targets is "Targeting Keywords". I want only one idea to work on for may be next ten days. Can anybody suggest any Idea??
    1. try to find profitable an less competitive niche with the uses of Micro Niche Finder
    2. Set up a website on the selected niche (hope you know how to go about this, if not there are some service out there, get it don there)
    3. Make sure you do ON page SEO
    4. Also, you will need to do off page SEO as well, via blog commenting, guest posting, social bookmarking, press release, link building etc
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  • Profile picture of the author danilion55
    Azhar first your site is quite new. I will suggest you to follow the trends cover pakistan political news pakistani sport news recent events i am sure you will get traffic I was also running a news site and use to get good traffic
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