SerpFox is awesome (for checking keyword rank).

23 replies
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No I'm not an affiliate, I don't even have a paid membership on their site.

For a while I've been using free tools online, then eventually I started using rank checker from SEO Spyglass (cause all the free tools suck imo, like seoserp that never worked for me not one time did it show accurate results). Lately, rank checker has also been all over the place and turning up lots of blank data. Its been like this for a few weeks, and its just not reliable from what I've seen personally (although I still use their other tools).

For a few weeks, I basically had no way to check my rank accurately unless I used incognito, which was a nightmare.

Then I realized that I registered a SERPFOX account months ago, but never used it. Although I had plugged my keywords in. I come back to see that SERPFOX had been checking the rank of all my keywords for the past 3 months lol. When all that time I was gone! (not sure if its normal to be so excited about that).

And I especially like the way they display everything in a graph.

For a while my keywords were dropping in rank, and I was getting paranoid while seeing this in incognito. But SERPFOX shows that the changes really aren't that dramatic over the lifespan of those keywords. And that is probably one of the most useful things for someone doing SEO.

So seriously, if you're not using SERPFOX to check rankings, USE IT!


ps - SERPFOX, feel free to send the check directly to my inbox please. (jk)
#awesome #checking #keyword #rank #serpfox
  • Profile picture of the author yukon
    If I remember correctly your targeting local keywords, Incognito will return local results better than a rank tracker hosted in Siberia (or wherever). My point is Google has server farms all over the world, your Incognito browser is searching based on your own ISPs geo location. Might want to at least do a manual Incognito SERP check on your best local keywords.
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    • Profile picture of the author heavysm
      I use serpfox and pay for it, because it's worth it. I have used a ton of other search trackers and none of them come close. It's all about the accuracy of the results, rather than flashy GUI's or extra features i may or may not use.

      If i have any doubts i just log into one of my VPS's and look through there. That rarely happens though.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrozlat
    i like serpfox... does a great job
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  • Profile picture of the author netanel23
    I also agree, I use serpfox and like it as well.
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    • Profile picture of the author QWE
      Have you done any comparison against SERPBOOK? I've been using them for tracking 20,000 keywords and they are great. I'll however checkout SerpFOX.
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  • Profile picture of the author QWE
    It looks like SERPFOX pricing is better. It is always good to have a backup plan if one company goes bust. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author multiplecloud
    Looking at serpfox website sound promising and price is very reasonable.

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  • Profile picture of the author GyuMan82
    Originally Posted by QWE View Post

    Have you done any comparison against SERPBOOK? I've been using them for tracking 20,000 keywords and they are great. I'll however checkout SerpFOX.
    I have used SERPBOOK in the past and have found it to be terribly inaccurate. Serpfox in my opinion is way better.

    Serpfox is also the best rank tracker I have found.

    Well worth the money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8956527].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author krswlr
      Let's be honest - we can't talk about laser-accuracy from the tools due to personalized and localized search. I like both SERPBook and SERPFox. The first one is a bit cheaper though.
      Positionly SEO Software. Up to -35% Off For WarriorForum Users. Check out now!
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  • Profile picture of the author zubairg
    Hey Rob, I've read a few of your very detailed posts, you are a great help on here. What do you use for keyword research?
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  • Profile picture of the author Icematikx
    I love SERPFox.. Had an issue a while back. The owner e-mailed me back within 5-minutes... Talk about great customer support..

    Just got back from a #BrightonSEO. I was given room 404 in the hotel I stayed at. Couldn’t find it anywhere!

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  • Profile picture of the author zubairg
    I'm looking to research keywords, to find search volume, find new keywords etc. I use SERPFox for tracking, it's great
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  • Profile picture of the author inudu
    Serpbook is better in my opinion because SerpFox only tracks Google keywords. Plus Serpbook is better for agencies who can send clients a link to view their keyword positions. Overall, Serpbook does more bang for the buck.
    Backlink Insider - My SEO Blog | Monthly SEO Services

    Best Serp Checker - Compare the Best 6 Google, Yahoo! and Bing Rankings Trackers
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9262547].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zubairg
    Still doesn't answer my question! Keyword research! Not keyword tracking. Thanks anyway
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9262567].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
      Originally Posted by zubairg View Post

      Still doesn't answer my question! Keyword research! Not keyword tracking. Thanks anyway
      Here, I'll answer your question.

      There are lots of keyword research bots like long tail pro, and a bunch of other crap tools I can't remember. All these cheaper tools suck and are a waste of time if you ask me.

      One of the best apps I know of is "SEO Cockpit" from Swiss Made Marketing - Keyword Research Tool & SEO Management Software - SECockpit

      A friend of mine let me use his app, and I was immediately hooked. The downside was I was NOT willing to pay $100 / month for it.

      So what I did was I found a developer on another forum. And I had him build me a poor mans version of SEO Cockpit.

      I paid $150 to get most of the features built, then another $100 to get some more features added.

      What the app does is scrape hundreds of thousands of keywords.

      Then it logs into Googles Keyword Planner and gets all the searches on the keywords. Then it finds everything ranking on page 1, and collects all the backlinks, videos included. With videos it will also pull views, likes, tags, headline, descriptions, etc etc.

      Then I can filter out keywords under 3,000 searches a month. And I can filter out all the low competition keywords with high searches.

      It also has a custom built feature specifically for Clickbank and Youtube. This option only searches for videos ranking in the top 5 of Google. Then it gets the searches, backlinks, views, etc etc and can generate me a list of hundreds of low competition video keywords that I can easily outrank in a matter of weeks. When using the Clickbank option it uses a seed list of 84,000 Clickbank related keywords. Those keywords cover nearly every product and niche on Clickbank (I manually put it together on my own and it took f##king forever to do).

      But my point is this. Most keyword apps do a lot of things that people don't need. And they don't do enough of the things people do actually need because everyone has different needs.

      That's why I *HIGHLY RECOMMEND* that you find a developer and have a custom made app developed specifically for your needs.

      I can't possibly explain how valuable a custom made keyword bot is.

      It saves me a TON of time. It works EXACTLY how I need it to. It doesn't do any erroneous garbage that I don't care about. And it was one of the best investments I ever made in my life. I use to waste hundreds of hours doing what this bot can do in 5 minutes. I no longer waste ANY time doing keyword research. I can find untapped niches in minutes and be ready to build a site or rank a video for Clickbank. If gives me a unique competitive advantage that 95% of my competitors don't have.

      Do not underestimate the power of your own mind and what you can accomplish by working with a developer. I use to think it would cost thousands to get an awesome keyword bot developed but that wasn't true. For $250 I got a bot developed that I wouldn't sell for $10,000. That's how much this app is worth to me.

      Good luck.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9262798].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zubairg
        Wow! Fancy sharing your lovely tool?!
        Fair play, you are dedicated in what you do Rob - I've read a few of your posts and you are persistent if nothing else.
        Good Luck in your online endeavours and thanks for the heads up, I'm sure I'll be picking your brain again soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenL
    Serpfox is counting Goog Places in the serp results which is not correct. Other rank tracking services does not do this mistake. That's the only fault I find with Serpfox, otherwise I like it.
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    • Profile picture of the author GGpaul
      Originally Posted by KenL View Post

      Serpfox is counting Goog Places in the serp results which is not correct. Other rank tracking services does not do this mistake. That's the only fault I find with Serpfox, otherwise I like it.
      So is there any other accurate keyword tracking tool?

      I have used a free tool, to a tool that cost us $2,000 a month which is STILL inaccurate.

      RIP Dad Oct 14 1954 - Mar 14 2015.

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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by KenL View Post

      Serpfox is counting Goog Places in the serp results which is not correct. Other rank tracking services does not do this mistake. That's the only fault I find with Serpfox, otherwise I like it.
      Counting all organic listings is correct (ex: G Places, Google News, video, etc...).

      A Google 7-pack alone can easily put an organic search listing below the fold.

      The point of tracking SERPs is to get data that traffic is looking at (for the most part). If you don't count G Places on the SERPs your fudging numbers/data which is useless.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9268642].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KenL
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        Counting all organic listings is correct (ex: G Places, Google News, video, etc...).

        A Google 7-pack alone can easily put an organic search listing below the fold.

        The point of tracking SERPs is to get data that traffic is looking at (for the most part). If you don't count G Places on the SERPs your fudging numbers/data which is useless.
        Business is in third position in GPlaces, plus the first four effing yelp pages, serpfox says serp 7.
        Rank Tracker says 27 because the business website is on page 3 serp 27. And any other serp position service will return the same as Rank Tracker.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9269794].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by KenL View Post

          Business is in third position in GPlaces, plus the first four effing yelp pages, serpfox says serp 7.
          Rank Tracker says 27 because the business website is on page 3 serp 27. And any other serp position service will return the same as Rank Tracker.
          I'm not suggesting any rank tracker, all I'm saying is If your skewing the SERP listings by ignoring what's actually on the search page it's useless data.

          I know most rank trackers are flawed. Even simple things like 4-5 thumbnail images on Google search will help push search listings below the fold.
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  • Profile picture of the author andrewkar
    Rank Checker from SEO Spyglass, I know MANY people use it, and is happy. Me not.

    Yes, Serpfox is doing a great job. One thing I don't like about it, is a bit too long time to wait for rankings update.

    I like to use Insypder Rank Reporter. One time payment, and accurate results (more or less of course). I have tested it on rankings all over the world and it is a good soft.

    P.S I'm not aff. If I was, you wouldn't know anyway But, seriously, soft is cool (in my experience).
    P.P.S You need some private or semi proxies to run it.
    Do what you want to do!
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  • Profile picture of the author huni
    Its not a free tool bro they cost 10 to 200 $ per month.
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